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Elämysmuotoilun projektiLaajuus (10 op)

Tunnus: R800CG05


10 op


  • englanti


  • Tarja Tammia


The student learns to apply principles of experience design and high-end hospitality in a project. He/she learns to create a strategic project plan for a project and to implement a hospitality experience design project in practice (for example a Gala event) aiming for high-end customer experience. He/she learns to analyse the results and success of the project.

The student understands the importance of high-end hospitality practices as well as multisensory and meaningful tourism experiences (environments, artifacts, operational models and people) and knows how to develop them considering global and local elements. He/she is familiar with the operating environment and is able to use it in a sustainable and responsible manner for the co-creation of meaningful and multisensory experiences. The student is able to apply multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral thinking according to the principles of responsible experience design.


Experience Design:
• Planning and creating meaningful and multisensory experiences in a responsible manner
• High-end hospitality practices
• Service Design and Experience Design theories (for example Total Experience Management) and tools
• Scripting meaningful experiences and the basics of storytelling

Project Management:
• Creating an effective strategic project plan for a hospitality experience design project
• Implementation of the project
• Evaluating the results of the project
• Teamwork in a multicultural team

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory (2)
The student understands the principles of experience design at a satisfactory level. He/she is able to create a strategic project plan for a project and to implement a hospitality experience design project in practice. He/she is able to analyse the results and the success of the project somehow. The assignments are completed but not always performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Poor (1)
The student has only some understanding of the principles of experience design. He/she is able to follow a project plan and to implement a hospitality experience design project with guidance. He/she is able to analyse the results and the success of the project only somehow. The assignments are completed but not always performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to the instructions or does not attend the learning situations enough or at all. He/she does not pass the assignments, tests and/or the exam as required.

These are the general assessment criteria. Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Very good (4)
The student understands very well the principles of experience design and hospitality skills. He/she is able to create a very good strategic project plan for a project and to implement a hospitality experience design project very well in practice. He/she is able to analyse the results and the success of the project very well. The student is well familiar with the operating environment and can use it in a sustainable and responsible manner for the co-creation of meaningful and multisensory experiences. The student is very good at applying multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral thinking according to the principles of responsible experience design. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Good (3)
The student understands well the principles of experience design and hospitality skills. He/she is able to create a good strategic project plan for a project and to implement a hospitality experience design project well in practice. He/she is able to analyse the results and the success of the project well. The student is well familiar with the operating environment and can use it in a sustainable and responsible manner for the co-creation of meaningful and multisensory experiences. The student is good at applying multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral thinking according to the principles of responsible experience design. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent (5)
The student understands the principles of experience design and hospitality skills at an excellent level. He/she is able to create an excellent strategic project plan for a project and to implement a hospitality experience design project very well in practice. He/she is able to analyse the results and the success of the project very well. The student is well familiar with the operating environment and can use it in a sustainable and responsible manner for the co-creation of meaningful and multisensory experiences. The student is very good at applying multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral thinking according to the principles of responsible experience design. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.