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Lapland UAS Master School, autumn 2023:

Code: LAMS23S

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Business Administration
Master of Hospitality Management
Master of Engineering
Master of Natural Resources
Bachelor of Natural Resources
Master of Sports Studies

90 ects

1.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023



This curriculum concerns the following degree programmes starting in autumn 2023: Master of Service Management in Digital Era, Master of Development of Social Services in the Digital age, Master of Well-being Analytics, Master of Digital Business Management, Master of Managing Sustainability and Systems Change, Master of Risk Management and Sustainable Business, Leadership and Development of Health Care Services and Master of Knowledge-based Management.

The master’s degree programmes organised by Lapland University of Applied Sciences (UAS degree programmes) are either multidisciplinary and wide-ranging or deepen knowledge of a particular field, and they are closely connected with the special skills needed in expert work and with research, development and innovation (RDI) activities that reform working life.

Generating new knowledge and sharing and utilising competence in the development of working life, a strong future orientation and the desire and ability to innovate are key elements in multidisciplinary degree programmes. Planning and implementing development projects at the interfaces between different fields as well as in networks produces new innovations and multidisciplinary competence.

In-depth UAS master’s degree studies critically accumulate knowledge related to the student’s field and give them the skills to pass on competence to their own organisation and beyond. The studies emphasise expertise in producing new knowledge in the field and applying it to practice as well as competence in evaluating the effects of the resulting development contribution. The choices of in-depth special areas of expertise are based on carefully thought out profiling and a strong RDI connection.

UAS Master’s degree studies are organised in an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable manner through constant interaction with stakeholders and partners, in the same way as in the higher education community of Lapland as a whole.


The degree programmes consist of 1) core competence, 2) research and development competence and 3) profiling competence study modules.

Degree programme specific core competence studies are completed for 20-30 credits, depending on the degree programme. Research and development competence includes a thesis of 30 credits. The student can choose the study modules of profiling competence from the joint multidisciplinary range of Lapland UAS Master School studies. This gives the student the opportunity to build an individual study plan (eISP) that meets their competence needs and best supports their career path. The range of studies available includes both Finnish and English profiling studies in the following areas: digitalisation competence, well-being competence, management competence, business and entrepreneurship competence, social services and health sector management competence, technology competence, knowledge management competence, future design competence, research and development competence and reforming working life competence. The student can also choose Master’s degree studies (EQF7) offered at other higher education institutions for profiling competence or online UAS Master’s degree studies of the national Campusonline.



Extensive use is made of an online learning environment in all the degree programmes. Some of the degree programmes are organised entirely on the virtual campus (online studies), while some may have a few face-to-face teaching days on the campus (multimodal studies). Project learning is used in the studying and the tasks of the study modules are linked with the development needs arising from working life. Some of the study modules make use of national and international projects going on at the Lapland University of Applied Sciences.

The studies are supervised by the principal lecturers in charge of the study modules, the teachers of the various study modules and the study counsellor. During the studies, the student reflects on the accumulation of their competence and receives peer support and evaluations from the student group. The curriculum serves as a starting point for an individual study plan (eISP), for the preparation of which the student receives guidance from the study counsellor.


The criteria set in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) are used as a basis for determining the demands of study. One study year equals 1,600 hours of full-time studying. This corresponds to a total of 60 credits during the study year. The amount of work for one credit is approximately 27 hours. The amount of work corresponding to one credit is evaluated in relation to the competence requirements. The studies are planned so that they proceed evenly over the course of 40 weeks from one academic year to another.

The key element in the degree is the thesis, a professional development task. It is based on the analysis, planning and implementation of a research development idea related to working life. The thesis is prepared in close cooperation with working life and it can also be multidisciplinary. It involves a process lasting throughout the studies, during which the student networks and develops their expertise together with working life experts and other students. The thesis allows reforming working life and pursuing regional development work by producing new information as well as developing solution models and practices or services for the needs of working life and personal competence.


According to the strategy of the Lapland University Consortium (LUC), national and international competence networks promote the achievement of strategic goals. Cooperation is pursued in the studies with international higher education institutions in such a way that there are some common parts with other higher education institutions in the implementation of specific study modules, in which case some of the teaching takes place in English. If possible, you can also prepare your thesis for an international project. In addition, you can develop your internationalisation by choosing English-language studies from the range of Master’s degree studies offered by Lapland University of Applied Sciences or Campusonline or by participating in overseas student exchange.

The objective of learning is the development of professional competence through student-centred and activating learning and guidance methods. Professional competence is also deepened with learning and development projects that strengthen problem-solving and decision-making skills. All ways of organising learning set out from the needs of working life and the implementation of studies based on them. The evaluation is competence-based.

Evaluation at different stages of the studies forms a consistent whole that supports the achievement of the targeted competence. Evaluation is often performed by three parties: the student, working life representative/instructor, teacher). The official objectives of the studies serve as guideposts that guide and motivate learning. Both the learning process and competence, i.e. output, are taken into account in the evaluation. Key tools in the evaluation of the learning process in each study module are self-evaluation, peer evaluation and the feedback given by the teacher. The evaluation of students’ learning and competence is based on the competence requirements and evaluation criteria of the study module indicated in the curriculum, which can be used to identify the learning outcomes. The competence requirements of the study module are derived from the competences of the degree programme.

Study attainments are evaluated on a scale of Excellent (5), Good (3–4), Satisfactory (1–2), Fail (0) or Pass (H) – Fail (0).


When studying for a degree, students may, as determined by the university of applied sciences, have studies that they have completed in another Finnish or foreign higher education institution or other educational institution accredited towards the degree and substitute studies included in the degree requirements with other studies of the same type. Students may, as determined by the university of applied sciences, also accredit and substitute studies included in the degree requirements with knowledge and skills attested in some other manner (932/2014, Section 37). The procedure is called accreditation.

Further information


The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common European model for describing competence. It facilitates comparison between the national education and qualification systems of different countries. The framework has eight reference levels.

The Finnish qualifications and competence framework (NQF) is based on the European Parliament’s proposal to establish a European qualifications framework (EQF) to promote lifelong learning. It is also consistent with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) qualifications framework. The framework describes the degrees, syllabuses and other broad study modules belonging to the education system, which are placed on eight levels based on the competence they require. The national qualifications and competence framework is provided for in Act (93/2017) and in Government Decree (20/2017).

Level 7 contains Master’s degrees and UAS Master’s degrees as well as specialisation studies of universities and universities of applied sciences intended for people having completed a Master’s degree or a UAS Master’s degree.



According to Section 5 of Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences
(18 December 2014/1129), the objective of programmes leading to a Master’s degree in a university of applied sciences is for the graduate to have:
1) extensive and in-depth knowledge and the theoretical knowledge and skills needed to develop the world of work in demanding expert and management tasks;
2) an in-depth understanding of the profession itself, its position in the world of work and its
significance in society, and the knowledge and skills to follow and differentiate developments in research knowledge and professional practice in the field;
3) the skills and knowledge for lifelong learning and for continuously developing the graduate’s own professional skills;
4) good communicative and language proficiency for duties in the graduate’s own field, and for international operations and collaboration.

The curriculum of Lapland UAS Master’s degrees takes into account the strategic choices of the Lapland University Consortium (LUC), which are global arctic responsibility, sustainable travel, future services and distance management. Strategic choices are taken into account in an appropriate way in both core competence and profiling competence study modules. This can take place either as content or method choices and is reflected in the learning objectives of the study module. Each degree programme contributes to the realisation of one or more strategic choices.

The following general working life competences are included in all UAS Master’s degrees: 1) learning to learn, 2) how to act in working life, 3) ethics, 4) sustainable development, 5) proactive development and 6) internationalisation and multiculturalism.

1) Learning to learn: A graduating UAS Master’s degree student promotes their own and the community’s continuous learning and competence development, utilising knowledge of different fields and the possibilities of digitalisation.
2) How to act in working life: A graduating UAS Master’s degree student knows how to develop and lead their work community and reform working life.
3) Ethics: A graduating UAS Master’s degree student evaluates and promotes the implementation of the ethical principles and values of the professional field in the work community, taking into account the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
4) Sustainable development A graduating UAS Master’s degree student develops and leads sustainable and responsible practices in their work and supports sustainability change in their work community and society.
5) Proactive development A graduating UAS Master’s degree student knows how to lead the development of new, forward-looking solutions and produces new knowledge using various research and development methods.
6) Internationalisation and multiculturalism: A graduating UAS Master’s degree student knows how to develop and lead multicultural and international operating environments and networks.

The competences emphasised in each study module are recorded in the study module description. In addition, there are 1–4 specific competences in each degree programme that cover its core competence.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 2024-2025 Autumn
1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024

(Choose ects: 30)

25 - 30
Leadership and Development of Health Care Services

(Choose all)

YAMK190 Development of Customeroriented Health Services 5 5 5 5
YAMK191 Human Resource Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK202 Participatory Strategic Management 5 5 5 5
YAMK203 Health and Economy 5 5 5 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 40)

5 - 40
Free-choice Electives

(Choose ects: 40)

5 - 40
Research and Development Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK141 Writing as an Expert 5

(Choose all)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

YAMK063 Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
YAMK064 Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
YAMK065 Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10 10 10 10
Total 90 40 15 20 20 15 20 10 10 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Creation of Sustainable Future
Digital Platform Economy
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Digital citizenship and regional orientation in the social services
Digitization of social sector
Effectiveness of social sector development work in the digital society
Project-based development of the social sector
Needs analysis in the development of the social sector in digital age
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Data Formation in Digital Services
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and Horizons of the Digital Economy
The Global Digital Economy
Business Research and Development Methods
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Creation of Sustainable Future
Practising Transformative Development
Transformative and Impactful Leadership
Foresight and Scenarios in Responsible Business
Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development
Risk Management in Different Organizations
Risk Management and Responsibility in Strategic Planning
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Welfare Law in the Social and Health Sector
Exercise and Nutrition
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Inclusion Management
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Business Design Project
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Change management in the social services in digital age
Management of Evidence Based Activity
Competence of Evidence Based Activity
Management of Welfare Services
Strategic Development of Social and Health Services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
Academic Writing
Writing as an Expert
English for Academic Purposes and Working Life
R & D Management
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Networking in International Environment
Psychological Safety in Organizations
Not grouped

Competences (2022), YAMK


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.

Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Digitization of social sector
Data Formation in Digital Services
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Research and Development Methods
Business Research and Development Methods
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Transformative and Impactful Leadership
Foresight and Scenarios in Responsible Business
Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development
Risk Management and Responsibility in Strategic Planning
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Health and Economy
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods
Welfare Law in the Social and Health Sector
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments
Writing as an Expert
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Psychological Safety in Organizations
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.

Creation of Sustainable Future
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital citizenship and regional orientation in the social services
Digitization of social sector
Effectiveness of social sector development work in the digital society
Project-based development of the social sector
Needs analysis in the development of the social sector in digital age
Data Formation in Digital Services
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Ecosystems
Leading Business Model Innovation
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and Horizons of the Digital Economy
The Global Digital Economy
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Creation of Sustainable Future
Foresight and Scenarios in Responsible Business
Risk Management in Different Organizations
Risk Management and Responsibility in Strategic Planning
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development of Customeroriented Health Services
Participatory Strategic Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Transformation Strategies
Exercise and Nutrition
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Change management in the social services in digital age
Management of Evidence Based Activity
Management of Welfare Services
Strategic Development of Social and Health Services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
R & D Management
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Networking in International Environment
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.

Creation of Sustainable Future
Digital citizenship and regional orientation in the social services
Leading Business Model Innovation
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Creation of Sustainable Future
Practising Transformative Development
Transformative and Impactful Leadership
Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Proactive Leadership
Inclusion Management
Business Design Project
Reputation and Networking Service Economy
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Creation of Sustainable Future
Design Thinking and Creativity
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Networking in International Environment
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.

Creation of Sustainable Future
Digitization of social sector
Data Formation in Digital Services
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Ecosystems
Leading Business Model Innovation
The Global Digital Economy
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Creation of Sustainable Future
Transformative and Impactful Leadership
Foresight and Scenarios in Responsible Business
Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development
Risk Management and Responsibility in Strategic Planning
Human Resource Management
Health and Economy
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Digital Transformation Strategies
Exercise and Nutrition
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Proactive Leadership
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Financial and Performance Management
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Strategic Development of Social and Health Services
Robotics and Automatic Systems
Transformative Technologies for Future
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
Creation of Sustainable Future
R & D Management
Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Changing Northern Operating Environment
Psychological Safety in Organizations
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.

Development Methodologies of Working Life
Communicative Leadership
Digital citizenship and regional orientation in the social services
Data Formation in Digital Services
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Ecosystems
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and Horizons of the Digital Economy
Business Research and Development Methods
Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation
Practising Transformative Development
Transformative and Impactful Leadership
Risk Management in Different Organizations
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Exercise and Nutrition
Skill Acquisition in Sports
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Knowledge Management
Communicative Leadership
Business Design Project
Financial and Performance Management
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Competence of Evidence Based Activity
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments
Writing as an Expert
English for Academic Purposes and Working Life
Project Management
Development Methodologies of Working Life
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life.

Digital Platform Economy
Leading in Digitalized Service Business
Communicative Leadership
Effectiveness of social sector development work in the digital society
Project-based development of the social sector
Needs analysis in the development of the social sector in digital age
Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector
Business Research and Development Methods
Leading Knowledge and Networks
Planning and Horizons of the Digital Economy
The Global Digital Economy
Business Research and Development Methods
Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development
Human Resource Management
Participatory Strategic Management
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Digital Platform Economy
Digital Brand Management
Digital Customer Experience Management
Digital Platforms
Digital Transformation Strategies
Welfare Law in the Social and Health Sector
Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life
Remote Work and Virtual Leadership
Inclusion Management
Knowledge Management
Responsibly Sustainable Leadership
Communicative Leadership
Business Design Project
Strategic Financial Management
Financial and Performance Management
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Change management in the social services in digital age
Management of Evidence Based Activity
Competence of Evidence Based Activity
Management of Welfare Services
Strategic Development of Social and Health Services
Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors
Transformative Technologies for Future
Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool
The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management
Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments
Design Thinking and Creativity
Service Design and Service Innovations
English for Academic Purposes and Working Life
Project Management
Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services
Networking in International Environment
Psychological Safety in Organizations
Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis
Not grouped
Customer-orientated Welfare Technology
Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development
Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector
Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Academic Writing

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose ects: 30)

25 - 30
Master of Service Management in Digital Era

(Choose all)

YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
YAMK144 Digital Platform Economy 5
YAMK189 Leading in Digitalized Service Business 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
YAMK138 Communicative Leadership 5
Master of Development of Social Services in the Digital Age

(Choose all)

YAMK195 Digital citizenship and regional orientation in the social services 5
YAMK197 Digitization of social sector 5
YAMK198 Effectiveness of social sector development work in the digital society 5
YAMK196 Project-based development of the social sector 5
YAMK199 Needs analysis in the development of the social sector in digital age 10
Master of Well-being Analytics

(Choose all)

YAMK102 Customer-orientated Welfare Technology 5
YAMK106 Data in Customer-Oriented Welfare Service Development 5
YAMK105 Data Formation in Digital Services 5
YAMK104 Digital Activities in the Welfare Sector 5
YAMK107 Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments in Welfare Sector 5
YAMK103 Knowledge-Based Management in the Welfare Sector 5
Master of Digital Business Management

(Choose all)

YAMK185 Business Ecosystems 5
YAMK186 Business Research and Development Methods 5
YAMK187 Leading Business Model Innovation 5
YAMK188 Leading Knowledge and Networks 5
YAMK201 Planning and Horizons of the Digital Economy 5
YAMK200 The Global Digital Economy 5
Master of Managing Sustainability and Systems Change

(Choose all)

YAMK186 Business Research and Development Methods 5
YAMK194 Circular Economy for Sustainability Transformation 5
YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
YAMK193 Practising Transformative Development 5
YAMK192 Transformative and Impactful Leadership 5
Master of Risk Management and Sustainable Business

(Choose all)

YAMK215 Foresight and Scenarios in Responsible Business 5
YAMK216 Twin Transition and its Opportunities for Business Development 5
YAMK206 Risk Management in Different Organizations 5
YAMK214 Risk Management and Responsibility in Strategic Planning 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Leadership and Development of Health Care Services

(Choose all)

YAMK190 Development of Customeroriented Health Services 5
YAMK191 Human Resource Management 5
YAMK202 Participatory Strategic Management 5
YAMK203 Health and Economy 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Master of Knowledge-based Management

(Choose all)

YAMK147 Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management 5
YAMK166 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5
YAMK204 Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5

(Choose ects: 40)

5 - 40
Free-choice Electives

(Choose ects: 40)

5 - 40
Digitalisation Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK144 Digital Platform Economy 5
YAMK124 Digital Product Development and Modern Manufactoring Methods 5
YAMK157 Digital Brand Management 5
YAMK158 Digital Customer Experience Management 5
YAMK168 Digital Platforms 5
YAMK171 Digital Transformation Strategies 5
Welfare Skills

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
YAMK211 Welfare Law in the Social and Health Sector 5
YAMK110 Exercise and Nutrition 5
YAMK134 Skill Acquisition in Sports 5
YAMK112 Promoting Well-being at Work in a Changing Working life 5
Management Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK148 Proactive Leadership 5
YAMK131 Remote Work and Virtual Leadership 5
YAMK155 Inclusion Management 5
YAMK170 Knowledge Management 5
YAMK151 Responsibly Sustainable Leadership 5
YAMK138 Communicative Leadership 5
Business Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK184 Business Design Project 5
YAMK146 Strategic Financial Management 5
YAMK156 Financial and Performance Management 5
YAMK145 Reputation and Networking Service Economy 5
YAMK220 Utilization of Information in Business and Decision Making 5
YAMK205 Sustainable Entrepreneurship 5
Social and Health Management Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK213 Change management in the social services in digital age 5
YAMK140 Management of Evidence Based Activity 5
YAMK139 Competence of Evidence Based Activity 5
YAMK163 Management of Welfare Services 5
YAMK212 Strategic Development of Social and Health Services 5
YAMK161 Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics in Healthcare and Wellfare Sectors 5
Technology Skills

(Choose 10)

0 - 10
YAMK125 Robotics and Automatic Systems 5
YAMK164 Transformative Technologies for Future 5
Knowledge-Based Management Skills

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
YAMK132 Data-Analytics and Open Data as a Development Tool 5
YAMK147 Ethics and Responsibility in Knowledge Management 5
YAMK166 The Basics of Knowledge-Based Management 5
YAMK167 Intelligent Data Analytics and Intelligent Environments 5
Future Design Skills

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
YAMK154 Creation of Sustainable Future 5
YAMK159 Design Thinking and Creativity 5
YAMK162 Service Design and Service Innovations 5
Research and Development Skills

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
YAMK207 Academic Writing 5
YAMK141 Writing as an Expert 5
YAMK115 English for Academic Purposes and Working Life 5
YAMK143 R & D Management 5
YAMK160 Project Management 5
YAMK219 Development Methodologies of Working Life 5
Renewable Working Life Skills

(Choose 25)

0 - 25
YAMK142 Autonomy and Renewal in Teamwork 5
YAMK111 Branding for Competitiveness in Public and Private Services 5
YAMK152 Changing Northern Operating Environment 5
YAMK133 Networking in International Environment 5
YAMK218 Psychological Safety in Organizations 5

(Choose all)

Master's Thesis

(Choose all)

YAMK063 Planning Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK064 Execution Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10
YAMK065 Finalising Phase of the Master´s Thesis 10