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Business Research and Development MethodsLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: YAMK186


5 op


  • englanti


  • Marika Kunnari


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master studies as well as in the Master thesis process. Students get practical knowledge and skills on selecting and defining the business development problem in the case company.

Main competences on the course: operating in a workplace, learning to learn, ethics


10.03.2025 - 06.04.2025


21.09.2025 - 30.11.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


4 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

0 - 80

  • Sanna-Mari Renfors
  • Tanja Suomalainen

Tanja Suomalainen

  • T31DY25S
    Master of Digital Business Management, autumn 2025


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master studies as well as in the Master thesis process. Students get practical knowledge and skills on selecting and defining the business development problem in the case company.

Main competences on the course: operating in a workplace, learning to learn, ethics

Aika ja paikka

Week 39 Wed 24.9.2025 17:30- 20:30
Week 41 Wed 8.10.2025 17:30 -20:30
Week 44 Wed 29.10.2025 17:30 -20:30
Week 46 Wed 12.11.2025 17:30 -20:30


Yin. R.K. 2016. Qualitative research from start to finish. 2nd ed. New York. The Guilford Press.

Beverland M. and Lindgreen A. 2021. What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971-2006. Industrial Marketing Management, 39, pp. 56-63.

Additional literature consists of relevant scientific publications and books recommend by the teacher or suggested by the students in their assignments.


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master's studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master's studies as well as in the Master thesis process.

The student knows how to evaluate and produce information about working life development methods, taking into account the perspectives of different fields. The student knows how to analyze different methods of development work and their suitability for the development of working life. They know how to justify the choices of their development methods in various working life research and development contexts, also using peer-reviewed journal articles. The student knows how to take initiative in creating a multidisciplinary development network and plan different working life development projects that take into account the goals of their degree programme. The student knows how to apply the conceptual knowledge and skills of his field in solving development problems in working life.




01.10.2024 - 31.10.2024


01.01.2025 - 09.03.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

0 - 70

  • Sanna-Mari Renfors
  • Tanja Suomalainen

Tanja Suomalainen

  • R31YD24S
    Master of Managing Sustainability and Systems Change, autumn 2024
  • T31DY24S
    Master of Digital Business Management, autumn 2024


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master studies as well as in the Master thesis process. Students get practical knowledge and skills on selecting and defining the business development problem in the case company.

Main competences on the course: operating in a workplace, learning to learn, ethics

Aika ja paikka

Wed 8.1.2025 17:30 - 20:30

Wed 29.1.2025 17:30 - 20:30

Wed 19.2.2025 17:30 - 20:30

Wed 26.2.2025 17:30 - 20:30


Yin. R.K. 2016. Qualitative research from start to finish. 2nd ed. New York. The Guilford Press.

Beverland M. and Lindgreen A. 2021. What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971-2006. Industrial Marketing Management, 39, pp. 56-63.

Additional literature consists of relevant scientific publications and books recommend by the teacher or suggested by the students in their assignments.


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master's studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master's studies as well as in the Master thesis process.

The student knows how to evaluate and produce information about working life development methods, taking into account the perspectives of different fields. The student knows how to analyze different methods of development work and their suitability for the development of working life. They know how to justify the choices of their development methods in various working life research and development contexts, also using peer-reviewed journal articles. The student knows how to take initiative in creating a multidisciplinary development network and plan different working life development projects that take into account the goals of their degree programme. The student knows how to apply the conceptual knowledge and skills of his field in solving development problems in working life.




02.10.2023 - 31.10.2023


09.01.2024 - 24.04.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

4 op


3 op


20 % Lähiopetus, 80 % Etäopetus


Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

0 - 70

  • Marika Tuomela-Pyykkönen
  • Tanja Suomalainen
  • T31DY23S
    Master of Digital Business Management, autumn 2023
  • R31YD23S
    Master of Managing Sustainability and Systems Change, autumn 2023


This course is an essential part in the overall learning process during Master studies. The main objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts and methods of business research and development activities. These include the most practical terms and ideas applied in Master studies as well as in the Master thesis process. Students get practical knowledge and skills on selecting and defining the business development problem in the case company.

Main competences on the course: operating in a workplace, learning to learn, ethics


Yin. R.K. 2016. Qualitative research from start to finish. 2nd ed. New York. The Guilford Press.

Beverland M. and Lindgreen A. 2021. What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971-2006. Industrial Marketing Management, 39, pp. 56-63.

Additional literature consists of relevant scientific publications and books recommend by the teacher or suggested by the students in their assignments.

