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Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing (blended studies), Autumn 2025: RA72H25S

Code: A72H25S

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn
1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2028 3. / 2028 1. / 2028

(Choose all)

Professional Communication and Education Competence in Nursing

(Choose all)

AMKO043 Start of University Studies 5 5 5 5
A72H0001 Evidence-based Competence in Nursing 5 5 5 5
A72H0002 Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing 5 5 5 5
A72H0003 Safety in Nursing 5 5 5 5
A72H0004 Patient Education and Health Promotion 5 5 5 5
Competence in the Service Structures of Health and Social Services

(Choose all)

AMKO047 Social and Health Care Service System 5 5 5 5
A72H0006 Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care 5 5 5 5
A72H0007 Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments 8 8 8 8
International Competence

(Choose all)

A72H0009 English for Nursing and Health Care 5 5 5 5
A72H0010 Swedish for Nursing and Health Care 5 5 5 5
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
Clinical Skills and Decision Making in Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0011 Anatomy and Physiology 5 5 5 5
A72H0012 Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology 5 5 5 5
A72H0013 Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments 10 10 10 10
Clinical Competence in Internal Medicine and Surgical Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0014 Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing 7 7 7 7
A72H0015 Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing 6 6 6 6
A72H0016 Guided Practice in Medical Nursing 8 8 8 8
A72H0017 Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing 8 8 8 8
AMKO049 Radiation safety 1
Competence in Health Promotion and Functional Capacity

(Choose all)

A72H0018 Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7 7 7 7
A72H0019 Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly 7 7 7 7
A72H0020 Guided Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 8 8 8 8
A72H0021 Guided Practice in Gerontological Nursing 8 8 8 8
Competence in Family and Outpatient Services

(Choose all)

A72H0022 Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families 7 7 7 7
A72H0023 Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services 7 7 7 7
A72H0024 Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services 8 8 8 8
Competence in R&D&I and thesis

(Choose all)

AMKO046 Research, development and innovation skills 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
Free Choice Electives

(Choose ects: 5)

5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 30)

AMKO018 Assessment of Nurse's Core Competences (180 ECTS) 0
Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0026 Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing 5
A72H0027 Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0028 Nursing in a Surgical Ward 5
A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Perioperative Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0026 Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing 5
A72H0030 Intraoperative Nursing 5
A72H0031 Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care 18
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine I

(Choose all)

A72H0032 Medical Care Nursing 5
A72H0033 Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine II

(Choose one)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0034 Palliative Nursing 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Intensive Care Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Intensive Care Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0035 Intensive Care II 5
A72H0036 Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care 18
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0037 Emergency and Outpatient Nursing 5
A72H0038 Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0039 Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0040 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents I

(Choose all)

A72H0041 Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0042 Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents 18
Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents II

(Choose one)

A72H0039 Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0043 The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0044 Nursing Care of the Elderly 5
A72H0045 Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0034 Palliative Nursing 5
A72H0046 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I 5
A72H0032 Medical Care Nursing 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0046 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I 5
A72H0047 Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0040 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II 5
A72H0043 The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Total 210 62 54 58 0 30 32 27 27 35 23 0 30 32 0 27 24.5 2.5 35 23 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Certificate structure

Professional studies
Research, development and innovation skills
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Nursing in a Surgical Ward
Intensive Care I
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Intraoperative Nursing
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Medical Care Nursing
Intensive Care I
Palliative Nursing
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Intensive Care I
Intensive Care II
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Intensive Care I
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nursing Care of the Elderly
Palliative Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Medical Care Nursing
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Professional Training
Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments
Guided Practice in Medical Nursing
Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing
Guided Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Guided Practice in Gerontological Nursing
Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Bachelor's Thesis
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Basic studies
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing
Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing
Safety in Nursing
Patient Education and Health Promotion
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care
English for Nursing and Health Care
Swedish for Nursing and Health Care
Anatomy and Physiology
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services
Free-choice electives

No attached course units

Not grouped
Start of University Studies
Social and Health Care Service System
Swedish Written Language
Swedish Oral Skills
Radiation safety
Assessment of Nurse's Core Competences (180 ECTS)

Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing,Competences (20243-)

Ammatillisuus ja eettisyys
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing
Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Nursing in a Surgical Ward
Intensive Care I
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Intraoperative Nursing
Medical Care Nursing
Intensive Care I
Palliative Nursing
Intensive Care I
Intensive Care II
Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Intensive Care I
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Nursing Care of the Elderly
Palliative Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Medical Care Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Safety in Nursing
Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families

The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
• Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
• Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
• Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
• Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
• Is able to influence society based on ethical values

Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
• Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
• Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
• Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
• Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field

Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Guided Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Informaatioteknologia ja kirjaaminen
Patient Education and Health Promotion
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Johtaminen ja työntekijyysosaaminen
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care
Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
• Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
• Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
• Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing
English for Nursing and Health Care
Swedish for Nursing and Health Care
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
• Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
• Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care
Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Guided Practice in Medical Nursing
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Telenursing and Digital Service Competence
Kliininen hoitotyö
Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments
Anatomy and Physiology
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Guided Practice in Medical Nursing
Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing
Guided Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Guided Practice in Gerontological Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Kommunikointi ja moniammatillisuus
English for Nursing and Health Care
Swedish for Nursing and Health Care
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Laadun varmistus
Social and Health Care Service System
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Nursing in a Surgical Ward
Intensive Care I
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Intraoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Intensive Care I
Palliative Nursing
Intensive Care I
Intensive Care II
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Intensive Care I
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Nursing Care of the Elderly
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Palliative Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Medical Care Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Näyttöön perustuva toiminta, tutkimustiedon hyödyntäminen ja päätöksenteko
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing
Anatomy and Physiology
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services
Research, development and innovation skills
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Nursing in a Surgical Ward
Intensive Care I
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Intraoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Intensive Care I
Palliative Nursing
Intensive Care I
Intensive Care II
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Intensive Care I
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Nursing Care of the Elderly
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Palliative Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Medical Care Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Ohjaus- ja opetusosaaminen sekä omahoidon tukeminen
Patient Education and Health Promotion
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families
Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Nursing in a Surgical Ward
Intensive Care I
Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing
Intraoperative Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Intensive Care I
Palliative Nursing
Intensive Care I
Intensive Care II
Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Intensive Care I
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Nursing Care of the Elderly
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Palliative Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Medical Care Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II
The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
• Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
• Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field.
• Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Start of University Studies
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments
Research, development and innovation skills
Potilas- ja asiakasturvallisuus
Safety in Nursing
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujärjestelmä
Social and Health Care Service System
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Terveyden edistäminen
Patient Education and Health Promotion
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing
Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Nature-based Nursing Interventions
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
• Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
• Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
• Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
• Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing wor ing life situations.
• Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Safety in Nursing
Social and Health Care Service System
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing
Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing
Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly
Guided Practice in Gerontological Nursing
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services
Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care
Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing
Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents
Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing
Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing
Yrittäjyys ja kehittäminen
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care
Research, development and innovation skills
Not grouped
Swedish Written Language
Swedish Oral Skills
Radiation safety
Assessment of Nurse's Core Competences (180 ECTS)

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Professional Communication and Education Competence in Nursing

(Choose all)

AMKO043 Start of University Studies 5
A72H0001 Evidence-based Competence in Nursing 5
A72H0002 Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing 5
A72H0003 Safety in Nursing 5
A72H0004 Patient Education and Health Promotion 5
Competence in the Service Structures of Health and Social Services

(Choose all)

AMKO047 Social and Health Care Service System 5
A72H0006 Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care 5
A72H0007 Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments 8
International Competence

(Choose all)

A72H0009 English for Nursing and Health Care 5
A72H0010 Swedish for Nursing and Health Care 5
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
Clinical Skills and Decision Making in Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0011 Anatomy and Physiology 5
A72H0012 Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology 5
A72H0013 Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments 10
Clinical Competence in Internal Medicine and Surgical Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0014 Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing 7
A72H0015 Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing 6
A72H0016 Guided Practice in Medical Nursing 8
A72H0017 Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing 8
AMKO049 Radiation safety 1
Competence in Health Promotion and Functional Capacity

(Choose all)

A72H0018 Health Promotion in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7
A72H0019 Promoting Functional Capacity in the Elderly 7
A72H0020 Guided Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 8
A72H0021 Guided Practice in Gerontological Nursing 8
Competence in Family and Outpatient Services

(Choose all)

A72H0022 Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families 7
A72H0023 Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services 7
A72H0024 Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services 8
Competence in R&D&I and thesis

(Choose all)

AMKO046 Research, development and innovation skills 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
Free Choice Electives

(Choose ects: 5)


(Choose ects: 30)

AMKO018 Assessment of Nurse's Core Competences (180 ECTS) 0
Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0026 Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing 5
A72H0027 Guided Advanced Practice in Surgical Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Surgical Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0028 Nursing in a Surgical Ward 5
A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Perioperative Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0026 Preoperative and Postoperative Nursing 5
A72H0030 Intraoperative Nursing 5
A72H0031 Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care 18
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine I

(Choose all)

A72H0032 Medical Care Nursing 5
A72H0033 Guided Advanced Practice in Medical Care Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine II

(Choose one)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0034 Palliative Nursing 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Intensive Care Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Intensive Care Nursing

(Choose all)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0035 Intensive Care II 5
A72H0036 Guided Advanced Practice in Intensive Care 18
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0037 Emergency and Outpatient Nursing 5
A72H0038 Guided Advanced Practice in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Emergency and Outpatient Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0029 Intensive Care I 5
A72H0039 Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0040 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents I

(Choose all)

A72H0041 Long-Term Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0042 Guided Advanced Specialized Practice with Children and Adolescents 18
Advanced Studies in Nursing of Children and Adolescents II

(Choose one)

A72H0039 Acute Nursing of Children and Adolescents 5
A72H0043 The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0044 Nursing Care of the Elderly 5
A72H0045 Guided Advanced Practice in Geriatric Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Gerontological Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0034 Palliative Nursing 5
A72H0046 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I 5
A72H0032 Medical Care Nursing 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2
Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose 30)

Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I

(Choose all)

A72H0046 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing I 5
A72H0047 Guided Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing 18
Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II

(Choose one)

A72H0040 Mental health, Addiction and Substance Abuse Nursing II 5
A72H0043 The Care System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Addiction and Dependence 5
Optional Advanced Studies in Nursing

(Choose one)

A72H0050 Telenursing and Digital Service Competence 2
A72H0051 Nature-based Nursing Interventions 2