Matkailukohteiden elämysmuotoilun kehittäminenLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: R801DL34OJ
5 op
- englanti
Responsible Destination Management
International Destination Experience Project (project)
The student has a holistic view of the competitive destination management and its complexity due to globalisation. He/she can distinguish, analyse and evaluate success factors and challenges related to managing destinations and destination experiences according to the principles of the responsible tourism business.
Tieto puuttuu
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments, tests and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has very basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got very little understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way. He/she has a lot of difficulties in applying them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got vague understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management. He/she has difficulties to apply them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student has rather good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands mostly how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed mostly according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student has good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student has profound and excellent knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. She/he is able to apply them fully in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
18.03.2024 - 29.11.2024
04.09.2024 - 18.11.2024
5 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
5 op
- Englanti
0 - 40
- Tourism
- Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
R81D21STourism, Rovaniemi autumn 2021
Responsible Destination Management
International Destination Experience Project (project)
The student has a holistic view of the competitive destination management and its complexity due to globalisation. He/she can distinguish, analyse and evaluate success factors and challenges related to managing destinations and destination experiences according to the principles of the responsible tourism business.
Tieto puuttuu
Aika ja paikka
This is fully online study unit, and it can be studied anywhere. However, there is an introduction to each section and tutoring available each week during the study period.
The required learning material is introduced separately in each section. However, the student may utilise for example the additional materials:
WTO (2007). A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management.
Wang, Y., Pizam, A. & Breiter, D. (2011). Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications. CAB International
This study unit on Developing Destination Experience is divided into 5 sections, each covering a combination of topics related to destination management. All (5) sections are fully online.
All of the learning materials in each section are either pre-recorded lectures, and/or academic journal articles and/or other learning materials that include case studies from the tourism sector.
The student can continue on in the study unit by finishing the five sections in the predetermined order.
Assignments incl. quick quizzes and other small-scale assignments are integrated into the versatile learning materials in each section.
There are no separate eExams at the end of the study unit. However, the student is required to complete a self-evaluation of one´s own learning process after completing the five sections included in the study unit
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Recorded lectures from visiting lecturers from the tourism industry
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Assignments incl. quick quizzes and other small-scale assignments and the analytical final paper are integrated into the versatile learning materials in each section of the study unit.
The student can continue on in the study unit by finishing the five sections in the predetermined order within the given study period.
There are no separate eExams at the end of the study unit
The learning material includes also international visiting lecturers whose lectures have been pre-recorded
Sisällön jaksotus
The study unit is divided into five sections each covering a combination of topics related to developing destination experiences.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments, tests and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has very basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got very little understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way. He/she has a lot of difficulties in applying them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got vague understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management. He/she has difficulties to apply them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student has rather good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands mostly how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed mostly according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student has good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student has profound and excellent knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. She/he is able to apply them fully in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The student´s learning process in the study unit consists of recorded lectures and related quick quizzes and a written essay in each five sections and lastly a self-evaluation of one´s own learning process.
The student studies the contents of the five sections individually in the predetermined order within the given study period.
Quick quizzes in each five sections are assessed by using a scale of Pass or Fail. The small-scale essays in sections 1 to 4 are commented by two peer students and assessed by the teacher by using a scale of (0) 1 to 5, and each of them contributes 10% to the overall grade of the study unit. The last section 5 consists of a longer analytical essay, which is assessed only by the teacher by using a scale of (0) 1 to 5 and which contributes 60 % to the overall grade of the study unit.
After completing studying the contents of the five sections, the student is required to write a self-evaluation of one´s own learning process. This final assignment is assessed by using a scale of Pass or Fail.
The responsible use of AI and references is taken into account in assessing the small-scale essays as well as the final paper. The weighting factor of the responsible use of AI and references varies 20 - 33% of the grade. Turnitin plagiarism programme is used in all written assignments.
Hylätty (0)
Fail (0):
Student has failed to perform quick quizzes and other small-scale assignments in each section and has not performed the in-class group work nor the self-evaluation in the end of the study unit according to instructions
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Satisfactory (1-2):
Student has a satisfactory command of developing destination management related knowledge (DMO, strategic and quality planning, branding, marketing, digitalisation, experience design, PPP and competitiveness). Student has performed all the required learning activities, but shows very little analytical, reflective and critical approach in them
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good (3-4):
Student has a good command of developing destination management related knowledge (DMO, strategic and quality planning, branding, marketing, digitalisation, experience design, PPP and competitiveness). Student has performed all the required learning activities, and shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of them.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5):
Student has an excellent command of developing destination management related core knowledge (DMO, strategic and quality planning, branding, marketing, digitalisation, experience design, PPP and competitiveness). Student has performed all the required learning activities, and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in all of them.
13.03.2023 - 10.09.2023
11.09.2023 - 24.11.2023
5 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
4 op
20 % Lähiopetus, 80 % Etäopetus
- Suomi
0 - 40
- Tourism
- Elisa Maljamäki
- Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
- Restonomikoulutus, matkailu AMK
Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
R81D20STourism (day time learning) Rovaniemi autumn 2020
Responsible Destination Management
International Destination Experience Project (project)
The student has a holistic view of the competitive destination management and its complexity due to globalisation. He/she can distinguish, analyse and evaluate success factors and challenges related to managing destinations and destination experiences according to the principles of the responsible tourism business.
Tieto puuttuu
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments, tests and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has very basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got very little understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way. He/she has a lot of difficulties in applying them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has basic knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student has got vague understanding on how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management. He/she has difficulties to apply them in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons only occasionally and he/she does not have enough analytical, reflective and critical approach in his/her activities. Not all the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student has rather good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands mostly how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed mostly according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student has good knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations and destination experiences in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. He/she is able to apply them mostly in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons quite actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in most his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student has profound and excellent knowledge of concepts, success factors and challenges of the competitive destination management. The student understands how to take into consideration the core issues of managing destinations in a sustainable way e.g. strategies and foresight, multi-stakeholder collaboration, integrated quality management, branding and marketing, product development, safety and risk management when co-creating competitive and memorable destination experiences. She/he is able to apply them fully in practical learning assignments. The student participates in the contact lessons actively and shows analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.