Leading Business Model Innovation (5 cr)
Code: YAMK187-3004
General information
10.03.2025 - 07.04.2025
07.11.2025 - 31.12.2025
5 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master's Degree Programmes
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 45
- Anthony Okuogume
Responsible person
Anthony Okuogume
Student groups
YAMKPROFYAMK, profiloivat opinnot
The learning objectives of the course are to develop the student’s knowledge and competence to apply business model innovation as a value creation and value innovation strategy. E.g., generation of new products and services, new profit channels and the creation of new markets in a globally competitive business environment. To develop the student’s competence to analyze a business model to recognize its various components and development options. To carry out demanding specialist tasks independently in such areas as, the assessment of the performance of a firm’s business model innovation using identified performance metrics and leading business model innovation processes of a firm.
Main competences on the course: proactive development, sustainable development, internationality and multiculturalism
- Competitive Business Environment
- Business Model Innovation
- Leadership in Business Model Innovation
Location and time
17.11. (17.30-20.30)
24.11. (17.30-20.30)
1.12. (17.30-20.30)
8.12. (17.30-20.30)
Teaching methods
Pedagogical arrangements and learning approach.
Although lectures, discussions and exercises will be used the learning approach of the course will be founded on problem and experiential based learning where knowledge and skills developments is achieved through application in a real-world settings. Therefore, the learning process will be students driven. The problem solving and innovation skills would be encouraged and nurtured as a core part of the learning process and outcome. The course is designed to be very participative and students would be able to develop theoretical and practical insights on business model innovation and its application as a core part of the strategic management of the business.
The ‘flipped learning’ method will be applied.
Flipped learning creates opportunities for student’s active engagement. As “a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter”.
Flipped learning centres on the idea that students learn more effectively by using class time for small group activities and individual attention. The teacher then assigns students lecture materials and presentations to be used at home or outside of the classroom and thereby, prioritizing active learning.
Learning groups: Learning groups will be established from day one and will be used to support group’s learning and for working on the course project that will be assigned to each group.
Development Task: Each groups, as an essential part of fulfilling the course requirement will carry out a development project. The task will give groups the opportunity to carryout business model analysis on their firm or on a chosen case firm of the group’s choice. Through the development task, groups would be able to provide innovative insights on how the firm can enhance the performance of its business model innovation to achieve higher profit margins and sustainability and suitable business model innovation leadership model. In addition, the task will offer groups the opportunity to apply concepts and tools presented in the lecture sessions.
Exam schedules
Further information are available on the moodle course environment
International connections
Further information are availaible on the moodle course environment
Content scheduling
Further information are available on the moodle course environment
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
1-2: The student
- understands mostly correctly the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them. However, there is a room for development in the content of the assignments. Business challenges and recommendations are rather general and are not elaborated in details.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
3-4: The student
- understands very well the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them into the working life.
- understands well the role of business model innovation in the growth, profitability and competitiveness of the firm.
- is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5: The student
- understands deeply the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them into the working life.
- understands well and is able to analyze critically different factors in the design and implementation of customer experience strategy in the case company.
- is able to propose ideas for the conversion of the current business.
Assessment methods and criteria
Reaction paper: presentation of a groups thought and analysis (20pts)
BMIL based Business development task (70pts)
Individual assignment (peer and self assessment) 10pts
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Participation in next year's course (A Fail can only be administered when the total assignment shows the criteria of Fail. The consequence of a FAIL is that the assignment must be re-submitted again after considerable repairs and improvements. Note: With written essays, you have only one opportunity to re-submit a failed essay.
Additional information is available on the moodle course environment
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Grades 1-2: The student understands mostly correctly the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them. However, there is a room for development in the content of the assignments. Business challenges and recommendations are rather general and are not elaborated in details.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grades 3-4: The student understands very well the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them into the working life. The student also understands well the role of business model innovation in the growth, profitability and competitiveness of the firm. Additionally, the student is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Grade 5: The student understands deeply the subject matter concepts and is able to apply them into the working life. The student also understands well and is able to analyze critically different factors in the design and leading business model innovation strategies in the case company. In addition, the student is able to propose ideas for the innovation of the current business.