Understanding the Sports Industry (5 cr)
Code: R300CE79-3001
General information
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
27.10.2025 - 14.12.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Economics R
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- International Sport Business Management
- Heidi Minkkinen
- Ville Kilpiä
- Benjamin Taylor
Responsible person
Benjamin Taylor
Student groups
R31DS25SInternational Sport Business Management (full time day studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2025
Having completed this study unit,
• You recognize the basics of the sport industry.
• You can identify the sports industry management methods.
• You recognize importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry.
• You are able to illustrate the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partnership development.
Comptences: Learning to learn Competence, Ethics Competence, Operating in a workplace Competence
Theme 1. Understand the growth of the Sports Industry.
Theme 2. An introduction to a selection of management methodologies in the sports industry.
Theme 3. Dismantle the elements that make up sport management and analyse good practice exchange and lessons learned.
Theme 4. Investigate case studies of sport management practices over a variety of events and sporting organisations.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Level 1
Sports Industry:
You can describe the bacics of sport industry.
You can name sports industry management methods.
You can name importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry.
You are able to illustrate the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partnership development.
Level 2
Sports Industry:
You know the basics of sport industry.
You know the sports industry management methods.
You know and are able to describe importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry.
You can interpret the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partnership development.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Level 3
Sports Industry:
You understand the basics of sport industry.
You understand the sports industry management methods.
You understand and are able to describe by using examples importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry.
You compare the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partnership development.
Level 4
Sports Industry:
You have a command of the basics of sport industry.
You have a command of the sports industry management methods.
You have a command of importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry.
You evaluate the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partner-ship development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Level 5
Sports Industry:
You have a command of the basics of sport in-dustry as a whole.
You have a command of the sports industry man-agement methods as a whole.
You have a command of importance of partnership development and the benefits to the sports industry as a whole.
You can critically evaluate the sports industry and the real life case studies regarding management and partnership development.