Investing (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: R300BN123-3001
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.10.2024 - 14.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
5 op
Tradenomikoulutus, liiketalous R
- Englanti
0 - 40
- Liiketalouden koulutus, Rovaniemi
- Minna Kangasvieri
- Adrian Braun
Minna Kangasvieri
R31L23SBTradenomikoulutus, liiketalous, päiväopinnot, Rovaniemi, syksy 2023
The student knows the basic principles and key regulations of financial markets.
Student knows the connection between risk and return.
She/he is able to calculate the actual rate of return for the investment.
She/he is familiar with theories related to investing as well as the key financial ratios used in investing.
Student knows the most common investment options and understands the importance of investment horizon.
She/he knows the principles and strategies of responsible and sustainable investing, related regulations and is familiar with responsible and sustainable investment options. Student knows principles and terms of project planning and is able to plan and implement an investment project.
She/he is able to report and evaluate the results.
Kompetenssit: liiketoiminta ja taloudenhallinta, juridiikka, kansainvälisyys ja monikulttuurisuus
Financial markets and regulations
Investment options and horizon
Investment theories
Sustainable investing / Responsible Investing
Investment calculations and ratios
Investment project
Project tools and methods
Aika ja paikka
Aloitus viikolla 3
- Knüpfer, S. & Puttonen, V. 2014. Moderni rahoitus. 4. uud. p. Helsinki: WSOYpro. Myös muut painokset tai E-kirja käyvät - Muu opettajan ilmoittama materiaali Moodlessa
Opetusta ja itsenäistä työskentelyä. Oppimisprosessi sisältää ryhmätyöskentelyä, tiedonhankintaa ja itsenäisiä oppimistehtäviä.
Sisällön jaksotus
Financial markets and regulations
Investment options and horizon
Investment theories
Sustainable investing / Responsible Investing
Investment calculations and ratios
Investment project
Project tools and methods
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Taso 1
Basics of investing:
The student can name the basic principles and key regulations of financial markets. Student can identify the connection between risk and return.
She/he is able to calculate the actual rate of return for the investment.
She/he is familiar with theories related to investing as well as the key financial ratios used in investing.
Student can name the most common investment options and understands the importance of investment horizon.
She/he knows the principles and strategies of responsible and sustainable investing, related regulations and is familiar with responsible and sustainable investment options.
The student is able to make a plan, set goals and implement an investing project by applying and utilizing basic project management tools.
She/he is able to report and evaluate the results.
Taso 2
Basics of investing:
The student can explain the basic principles and key regulations of financial markets. Student understands the connection between risk and return.
She/he is able to calculate the actual rate of return for the investment and use the information to make investing decisions.
She/he knows the theories related to investing as well as the key financial ratios used in investing.
She/he understands the principles and strategies of responsible and sustainable investing, related regulations and is familiar with responsible and sustainable investment options.
The student is able to make a plan, set goals and implement an investing project by applying and utilizing suitable project management tools.
She/he is able to report and analyze the results.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Taso 3
Basics of investing:
The student understands the basic principles and key regulations of financial markets. Student understands the connection between risk and return and can utilize the information to make investing decisions.
She/he is able to calculate the actual rate of return for the investment and use the information to make justified investing decisions.
She/he understands the theories related to investing as well as the key financial ratios used in investing.
She/he understands the principles and strategies of responsible and sustainable investing, related regulations and can make recommendations for responsible and sustainable investment options.
The student is able to make a functional plan, set goals and implement an investing project by applying and utilizing justified project management tools.
She/he is able to report, analyze the results and give development ideas.
Taso 4
Basics of investing:
The student understands the principles and key regulations of financial markets.
The student understands the connection between risk and return and can analyze the information to make investing decision.
She/he understands and can utilize theories related to investing as well as the financial ratios used in investing.
She/he understands and can utilize the principles and strategies of sustainable investing, related regulations and can make recommendations for responsible and sustainable investment options.
The student is able to analyze the implemented investment project by applying and utilizing project management tools in creating satisfying solutions for the given project. She/he is able to report, critically analyze the results and give development ideas.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Taso 5
Basics of investing:
The student has a command of the principles and key regulations of financial markets. Student understands the connection between risk and return and can analyze the information to make justified investing decision.
She/he is able to utilize theories related to investing and financial ratios to make suitable recommendations about investing.
She/he can utilize the principles and strategies of sustainable investing, related regulations to make justified recommendations for responsible and sustainable investment options.
The student has a command of project management tools and applying them in an investment project. She/he is able to report and make conclusions and give suggestions regarding the investment project.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Tuotosarviointi koostuu seuraavista osasuorituksista:
• Sijoitusprofiili, tuntitehtävät, portfolio (hylätty / 1-5) 60%
• Ryhmätehtävä (hylätty / 1-5) 40%
Kaikki vaaditut osat tulee suorittaa hyväksytysti.
Huom! Tekoälyn käyttö ei ole sallittua oppimistavoitteen saavuttaiseksi.
Plagiointi ja lähteiden käyttö:
Opintojakson tehtävissä voidaan käyttää plagioinnintarkistusjärjestelmää esim. Turnitin. Tehtävässä on noudatettava Lapin AMK:n mallipohjia ja kirjoitusohjeita. Lähdeviitteet on merkittävä tekstiin ohjeistuksen mukaan.
Ohjeiden vastainen toiminta voi johtaa suorituksen hylkäämiseen sekä mahdollisiin muihin tutkintosäännön mukaisiin seuraamuksiin.