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Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing (5 cr)

Code: MATR224-3007

General information


17.03.2025 - 19.10.2025


27.10.2025 - 05.12.2025


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

RD proportion (cr)

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 80

Degree programmes

  • Toursim
  • Degree Programme in Tourism


  • Kristian Sievers
  • Jenny Kilpeläinen

Responsible person

Jenny Kilpeläinen

Student groups

  • RA81M24K
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Rovaniemi, spring 2024


After completion of the course the student is able to
- apply the principles and tools of the customer experience management and digital marketing in practical development work
- plan, implement and evaluate the project in co-creation with the multicultural team and working life

The aim of the course is also to develop student's project and business communication skills.


- Implementing and applying the principles, concepts and tools of the customer experience management
- Implementung and applying the principles, concepts and tools of digital marketing
- Multicultural project work, project communication and business communication

Location and time

This study unit is executed online using Zoom.
Weeks 44-51
During week 46 there is an intensive day online.

Teaching methods

The study unit is done as a project. All the lessons are based on project coaching.
Material and literature are in English but coaching is done in Finnish.

Exam schedules

No exam

Further information

Notice that you should have studied digital marketing or have practical experience from worklife before joining the study unit.

Evaluation scale
