Customer Experience Management in Tourism (10 cr)
Code: MATR223-3007
General information
17.03.2025 - 05.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 24.10.2025
10 op
Virtual proportion (cr)
10 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 80
Degree programmes
- Toursim
- Degree Programme in Tourism
- Jenny Kilpeläinen
- Outi Kähkönen
Responsible person
Outi Kähkönen
Student groups
RA81M24KBachelor of Hospitality Management, Rovaniemi, spring 2024
The student familiarizes him-/herself with the concept of customer experience management. He/she is familiar with the service-dominant logic marketing approach based on co-creation of customer value. He/she knows the main principles of integrated marketing communication. The student recognizes the significance of profitable and effective marketing and sales in the international tourism business within glocal networks. He/she applies the latest market trends and contemporary consumer behavior patterns in marketing and selling tourism services. The student recognizes the significance of digital operating environment. In addition, he/she familiarizes him-/herself with the internet-based marketing, sales and distribution. He/she applies some ICT-solutions in practice.
After completion of the course the student is able to
- recognise the basic concepts and theories of customer experience management
- describe the digital operating environment of marketing, distribution and sales in tourism
- analyze, plan and adapt contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations for different target groups
- utilize marketing, distribution and sales ICT tools in practice
- create content marketing, communicate and interact with customers online and offline
- recognise the latest technological trends of marketing, distribution and sales
- analyze and utilize tourism data, latest trends and consumer patterns for tourism business development
- apply the principles of responsible tourism business.
- The service-dominant logic marketing approach
- Customer experience management as part of successful tourism business concept (customer path, customer experience and relationship management CRM)
- Significance and potential of the digital operating environment and ICT tools (search engine optimization, advertising, marketing, social media most common applications, technologies to analyze consumer behavior) in tourism business
- Digital marketing, sales and distribution processes as part of tourism business operations and brand (content marketing, storytelling)
Teaching methods
Weekly lessons published on Moodle including recorded lectures, interactive exercises and workshops. The student studies the lessons independently. There are weekly meetings with the teachers for questions.
Workshops including hands-on practice with digital tools: blogging and SEO, social media, surveys, email marketing and AI, CRM
Reaction paper assignment
Further information
A degree student attending the University of Lapland can register free of charge for LUC studies offered by the Lapland University of Applied Sciences, if the studies can be linked to their own degree. Enrollment takes place through:
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Fail (0): The student is not able to recognize the basic concepts of customer experience management. He/she is not able to recognize nor use contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations for different target groups. He/she is not able to create content marketing. The student is not able to describe the basic concepts of networking. He/she is not able to recognize the possibilities of digital operating environment. In addition, he/she is not able to utilize marketing and sales channels nor use ICT tools.
Poor (1): The student is able to recognize some concepts of customer experience management. He/she is able to use contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations for different target groups. He/she is able to create some basics of content marketing. The student is able to describe some concepts of networking. He/she is able to recognize some basics of digital operating environment. In addition, he/she is able to utilize marketing and sales channels by using some ICT tools.
Satisfactory (2): The student is able to describe some concepts of customer experience management. He/she is able to plan and use contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations for different target groups. He/she is able to create some basics of content marketing. The student is able to describe the basic concepts of networking. He/she is able to recognize the basics of digital operating environment. In addition, he/she is able to utilize marketing and sales channels by using some ICT tools.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good (3): The student is able to describe the concepts of customer experience management. He/she is able to plan and adapt contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations for different target groups. He/she is able to create content marketing. The student is able to describe the concepts of networking. He/she is able to analyze the digital operating environment. In addition, he/she is able to utilize marketing and sales channels by using ICT tools.
Very good (4): The student is able to describe the concepts of customer experience management. He/she is able to plan and adapt contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations very well for different target groups. He/she is able to create and design content marketing. The student is able to analyze and describe the concepts of networking. He/she is able to analyze and describe the digital operating environment. In addition, he/she is able to utilize multidimensional marketing and sales channels by using different ICT tools.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): The student is able to analyze the concepts of customer experience management. He/she is able to plan and adapt contemporary tourism marketing and selling operations excellently for different target groups. He/she is able to create and design content marketing creatively. The student is able to analyze and redesign the concepts of networking. He/she is able to analyze and develop digital operations in digital environment. In addition, he/she is able to create and innovate marketing and sales in various channels by using different ICT tools creatively.
Assessment methods and criteria
6 theory lessons * 5 points = 30 points
6 workshops (including the related theory lessons) * 5 points = 30 points
You need to complete at least 4 workshops.
1 reaction paper assignment = 10 points
Final exam on Moodle (multiple-choice) = 30 points.
Your final grade is
0 if you get 0-50- points
1 if you get 50-60- points
2 if you get 60-70- points
3 if you get 70-80- points
4 if you get 80-90- points
5 if you get 90-100 points.
Further information
The study unit is integrated with study unit Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing 5 ects.
The course is organised by the Lapland University of Applied Sciences, but can also be selected by tourism studies students at the University of Lapland as cross-institutional studies. Student credit transfers and legal matters are determined in accordance with the regulations of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences. Registration instructions for cross-study can be found in the additional information on the implementation of each academic year.