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Evidence-based Nursing and Special Issues in Nursing (15 cr)

Code: K702DL28OJ-3010

General information


28.03.2025 - 31.07.2025


28.04.2025 - 04.12.2025


15 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages

  • English
  • Finnish


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Susanna Leskinen
  • Henri Perälä
  • Kirsi Heikkinen
  • Hanne Luosujärvi

Responsible person

Kirsi Heikkinen

Student groups

  • K72D22S
    Nursing (day time learning) Kemi autumn 2022


You are able to apply and deepen your knowledge in your chosen clinical nursing specialization.
You are able to make clinical nursing decisions based on evidence and critical thinking.
You demonstrate the nurse's professional responsibility in nursing work and its development. You know how to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of nursing work in patient care and in your own activities.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate guidance for different target groups, justifying and taking into account distances.
You can utilize teleworking tools and online interaction skills in guidance.
You are able to evaluate and develop your own skills and well-being at work.
You know and recognize nursing career development opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally.



Evidence-based nursing and health care 5 ects

Governing legislation (including special laws) and professional ethics guidelines for nurses

Evidence-based healthcare model

Quality management in nursing, quality and effectiveness indicators and monitoring

Development of professional expertise

Medical-surgical nursing 10 ects

Location and time

7th semester
28.4.2025 info of the course and first assignment is given.
In week 32 Wed 6.8.2025 1st campus day and Quality Management Seminars.



Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera. 2011. Medical-Surgical Nursing. Elsevier.

Hughes, Ronda G. 2008. Patient Safety and Quality, An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US);

Harrison & Daly.2011. Acute medical emergencies. Churchill Livingstone. BRITISH NATIONAL FORMULARY (BNF) Pharmaceutical Press

Saano & Taam-Ukkonen. 2013. Lääkehoidon käsikirja. SanomaPro.

Benner, Patricia. 2001. From Novice to Expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice, California

Carlson, K. Advanced Critical Care Nursing. 2009

Sole, M. L. & Klein, D. G Moseley, M. J. Introduction to critical care nursing. 2009

Abrams, A.C., Pennington S.S., Lammon, C.B. 2009. Clinical Drug Therapy, Rationales for Nursing Practice, Wolters Kluwer Health/

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, China. Adams, M.P., Holland, Jr, L.N., Bostwick, P. M. 2009. Pharmacology for Nurses. A Pathophysiologic Approach, Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA.

Skhole materials + Moodle materials

E-books via Nelli portal: McGloin, S. & McLeod, A. Advanced practice in critical care : a case study approach. 2010.

Bademan, E. G. A daybook for critical care nurses. 2010 Scientific journals: Critical care nurse, Journal of Patient Safety & Infection Control, Evidence-based Healthcare,

also journal articles in Moodle environment Databases: Duodecim Lääketietokanta ja Sfinx Pharao (Terveysportti) sekä 75+ ( also in English)

Teaching methods

Lectures, case studies, simulation, exercises, independent work and group work.
Finnish language is integrated into the teaching

Employer connections

10 weeks practical training after theory, K702DL37-3010 Guided Practice in Evidnce-based Nursing 15 ects
Weeks 40 - 49 (29.9. - 7.12.2025)

Exam schedules

Nurse's Core Competence (180 Ects) National Exam;
Mon 28.4.2025 at 8.30 - 11.30
1st RE - Exam on Wed 7.5.2025 at 8.30 - 11.30
2nd RE-Exam on Thu 15.5.2025 at 8.30 - 11.30
3rd RE-Exam on Mon 18.8.2025 at 8.30 - 11.30
4th RE-Exam on Mon 25.8.2025 at 8.30 - 11.30

Exam of Intensive Care 22.9.2025
Exam of Special Issues 22.9.2025
Re-exams be informed later.

Content scheduling


Evidence-based nursing and health care 5 ects

Governing legislation (including special laws) and professional ethics guidelines for nurses

Evidence-based healthcare model

Quality management in nursing, quality and effectiveness indicators and monitoring

Development of professional expertise

Medical-surgical nursing 10 ects

Further information


You are able to apply and deepen your knowledge in your chosen clinical nursing specialization.
You are able to make clinical nursing decisions based on evidence and critical thinking.
You demonstrate the nurse's professional responsibility in nursing work and its development. You know how to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of nursing work in patient care and in your own activities.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate guidance for different target groups, justifying and taking into account distances.
You can utilize teleworking tools and online interaction skills in guidance.
You are able to evaluate and develop your own skills and well-being at work.
You know and recognize nursing career development opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You operate in various changing health care environments in accordance with good collaboration skills.

You use guidance and teaching as work methods in nursing.

You appropriate and purposefully use existing teaching and guidance materials.

You describe your responsibility for quality in your own activities, and prevent and identify quality discrepancies in all phases of the care process.

You identify a nurse’s career development opportunities on an international, national and regional level.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You operate in various changing health care environments, developing your collaboration skills.

You use guidance and teaching as justified work methods in nursing in various contexts.

You use existing teaching and guidance materials and justify their use, along with producing new materials.

You indicate your responsibility for nursing quality in your own activities, and prevent and identify quality discrepancies in all phases of the care process.

You apply the career development opportunities of a nurse on an international, national and regional level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You operate in various changing health care environments, developing and assessing your collaboration skills.

You use and assess guidance and teaching as work methods in nursing in suitable contexts.

You use existing teaching and guidance materials, assess it in a critical manner and develop new materials.

You justify your responsibility for nursing quality in your own activities in a critical manner, and anticipate and interpret quality discrepancies in all phases of the care process.

You assess the career development opportunities of a nurse on an international, national and regional level.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation: 0-5
Final exam (skhole materials, intensive care nursing, expertise, special issues) gives the basics to the grade.
Nurse's core competences (180 Ects) national exam is done spring -25
Quality Management and Case Studies and seminars are effecting the grade.

compulsory: The final test in medical calculation is included in Nurse's core competences (180 Ects) national exam. - It's going to be done spring -25
- 80 % lectures
- 100 % clinical practices, groupwork, simulation, workshops
Independent work
Final Exam