Digital Platforms (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: YAMK168-3003
Toteutuksen perustiedot
10.03.2025 - 07.04.2025
17.11.2025 - 31.12.2025
5 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
5 op
4 op
Ylempi AMK-koulutus
- Englanti
15 - 60
- Anthony Okuogume
Anthony Okuogume
YAMKPROFYAMK, profiloivat opinnot
The student is able to analyze, evaluate, manage and develop the opportunities offered by digital work environments and especially the platform economy in organizational development. The student knows the network effects related to digital work environments. The student knows the different forms of digital work environments and the development of the platform economy architecture.
Main competences on the course: operating in a workplace
- Concepts and dimensions of platform economy
- Networking in the platform economy, opportunities, and challenges
- Different forms of platform economy development, nationally and internationally
Aika ja paikka
Wed 26.11.2025 at 17.30-20.30
FRI 5.12.2025 at 17.30-20.30
Tue 9.12.2025 at 17.30-20.30
Thurs 11.12.2025 at 17.30-20.30
- Online contacts sessions
- Independent information search
- Active participation and learning alone and in groups
- Electronic databases and learning environments (Moodle)
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
1-2: Student
- identifies the opportunities offered by digital work environments and especially platform economy for organizational development.
- identifies network impacts related to digital work environments.
- identifies the different forms of digital work environments and the development of the platform economy architecture.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
3-4: Student
- is able to identify and utilize the opportunities offered by digital work environments and especially platform economy in organizational development.
- is able to independently and in cooperation with others identify and utilize the network effects related to digital work environments.
- is able to identify and utilize various forms of digital work environments and platform economy in a variety of ways.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
5: Student
- is able to independently and creatively analyze, develop and manage the utilization of the opportunities offered by digital work environments and especially the platform economy in the development of the organization.
- is able to analyze, develop and manage the network effects related to digital work environments independently, creatively, and in cooperation with others.
- is able to independently, creatively and comprehensively analyze, develop and manage different forms of digital work environments and the platform economy.