German: Project and Networking Skills (2 cr)
Code: TSAK0206V24-3001
General information
04.12.2024 - 05.02.2025
05.02.2025 - 26.03.2025
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Language Centre
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
5 - 25
- Peter Sippel
Responsible person
Peter Sippel
The student is able to communicate orally and in writing in international projects (eg contacting, arranging a meeting, presenting a project).
The student achieves at least B1 level of written and oral skills according to the six-level scale of proficiency levels of the European Reference Framework.
The course is divided into two parts: oral skills and written skills. During the course, each participant plans a fictive project related to its own interest or study field. This project serves as a frame of reference for the own writing assignments and oral presentations. Oral exercises are done in pairs and in small groups. The written part consists of reading and analyzing business letters and the writing own ones. The texts produced in the course replace the final exam.
Teacher's own materials.
Further information
If you miss the first class session and have not discussed your absence with the teacher, your place can be given to the first person on the waiting list.
Remember to cancel your registration if you will not be taking the course.
Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun läsnäoleva tutkinto-opiskelija voi ilmoittautua maksutta Lapin yliopiston tarjoamiin LUC-opintoihin, mikäli opinnot voi liittää omaan tutkintoon. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu Lapin yliopiston Hakijan työpöydällä: Valitse vasemmasta valikosta ensin ”Opintotarjonta” ja sen jälkeen sen alta ”LUC opinnot YO”, jolloin näet koko tarjonnan. Valitse kyseinen opintojakso ja ilmoittaudu.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: Active participation (attendance 80%), writing assignments.
High school or equivalent studies.
If you are unsure about the adequacy of your language level, you can raise your level by completing the optional German language courses German 1-4 or contact the teacher, who will assess the student's language level if necessary. The grammar repetition course also offers the opportunity to activate outdated language skills.
Further information
The course is usually taken after a reading comprehension course. You can deviate from this if you consider active language skills to be sufficient. Basic courses German 1-4 offer the opportunity to build adequate language skills in one academic year. Language skills can also be activated with the grammar repetition course.