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Clinical Competence in Medical and Surgical Nursing (10 cr)

Code: K702DL24OJ-18008

General information


18.03.2024 - 22.09.2024


23.09.2024 - 08.11.2024


10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Anne-Marita Syväjärvi
  • Hanna Ruonala
  • Hanne Luosujärvi
  • Johanna Frant
  • Henri Perälä
  • Jenni Kiiskilä
  • Susanna Leskinen
  • Sinikka Johansson

Responsible person

Susanna Leskinen

Student groups

  • K72D23S
    Nursing (day time learning) Kemi autumn 2023


Competence goals

You are able to plan and implement nursing work for patients with internal diseases and cancers, as well as for patients in need of surgical treatment at all stages of the life cycle.
You will be able to identify and prevent risk factors that cause national health problems that impair health and the ability to function and work.
You can assess the need for care of a patient in need of treatment, start treatment that maintains the vital signs and functions of a patient, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and nursing care.
You know how to support by guiding and teaching a patient in need of care and his/her loved ones.
You know how to apply the Finnish national nutrition recommendations in the prevention and treatment of national diseases.
You know how to take radiation safety into account when treating a patient.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in the treatment and patient management and guidance in internal and surgical diseases, and cancers.



Nursing care of an internal medicine patient
- Major Internal Diseases
- Nursing interventions in the care of an internal medicine patient
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Blood transfusion treatment

Nursing care of a surgical patient
- Common diseases requiring surgical treatment
- Surgical patient nursing interventions
- Pre-, intra- and postoperative nursing

Nursing care of a cancer patient
- Common cancers
- Cancer patient nursing interventions including palliative nursing care

- Diet in accordance with the Finnish national nutritional recommendations, promoting health and prevention of national diseases in Finland
- Assessment of a nutritional status and its significance for the treatment of the patient's disease
- Nutritional treatment and special diets as part of a patient's overall care

Location and time

23.9.2024-8.11.2024 Campus and online-studies


Linton A.D. 2016. Introduction to Medical-surgical nursing. (eBook)

Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. MOSBY, Elsevier, China. Abrams, A.C., Pennington S.S., Lammon, C.B. 2009.

Clinical Drug Therapy, Rationales for Nursing Practice, Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, China. Adams, M.P., Holland, Jr, L.N., Bostwick, P. M. 2011 and 2014.

Pharmacology for Nurses. A Pathophysiologic Approach, Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA.

Additional material:

The materials you have about Nursing Process. E.g. Berman, Audery ; Snyder, Shirlee J., 2012 Kozier & Erb's Evidence based nursing materials and articles, material in the Moodle environment. EBMG, Evidence Based Medical Guidelines in Terveysportti. Materials produced by students. Mater Material of Internal Medicine and Surgical & Perioperative Nursing in Skhole

Teaching methods

Independent studies and preassignments
Specialist lectures
Exams (Medication Therapy, Medical Nursing & Internal Medicine)
Surgical and perioperative seminar
Surgical and perioperative skills Case-simulations

Employer connections

Practical training info held during the course

Exam schedules

21.10.2024 at 8.15-9.45 Medication therapy Exam, at campus ( take your own laptops and chargers)

22.10.2024 at 8.15-9.45 Medical Nursing and Internal Medicine Exam at campus (take your own laptops and chargers)

1.11.2024 from 8.30-14.00 Surgical and Perioperative Groupwork-seminar in ZOOM

6-7.11.2024 Nursing skills Case-simulations, the time for a group simulation is reserved beforehand in Moodle-environment

Content scheduling

Themes and essential content:

Care of a medical patient
- Most important internal diseases
- Activities in the nursing of medical patients
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Transfusion treatment
-Medication therapy
-Anatomy and physiology

Nursing of surgical patients
- Most important illnesses that require surgical treatment
- Activities in the nursing of surgical patients
- Pre-, intra- and post-operative nursing
-Pain Management
-Surgical and perioperative Nursing Skills

Nursing of cancer patients
- Most important cancer diseases
- Activities in the nursing of cancer patients
-Palliative care

- Diet compliant with nutritional recommendations in health promotion and the prevention of nationally common illnesses
- Assessing a patient’s nutritional state and its significance with regard to the patient’s care
- Nutritional care and special diets related to primary illnesses as part of the patient’s overall care

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You describe nursing for patients with internal medicine and cancer disorders and for patients who require surgical care in all phases of the lifecycle.
You describe risk factors in public health issues that are significant for patient health.
You describe the need for patient care and care to maintain basic bodily functions.
You face the patient and people close to them.
You identify Finnish nutrition recommendations in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
You identify the significance of radiation safety in patient care.
You identify different digital applications and solutions in the treatment of internal medicine, surgical and cancer disorders, and in patient guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Under guidance, you plan and provide nursing for patients with internal medicine and cancer disorders and for patients who require surgical care in all phases of the lifecycle.
You apply information on risk factors that cause public health issues and reduce health and the ability to function and work.
You assess the urgency of patient care and initiate treatment to maintain basic bodily functions, considering the patient and people close to them.
You use Finnish nutrition recommendations in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
You assess the significance of radiation safety in patient care.
You assess the use of different digital applications and solutions in the treatment of internal medicine, surgical and cancer disorders and in patient guidance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Based on your assessments, you plan and provide nursing for patients with different internal medicine and cancer disorders and for patients who require surgical care in all phases of the lifecycle based on studied information and evidence.
You assess and prevent risk factors that cause public health issues and reduce health and the ability to function and work.
You assess and plan the need for care for patients requiring urgent care, initiate treatment to maintain basic bodily functions, and critically assess the impact of care in cooperation with the patient and people close to them.
You use Finnish nutrition recommendations and assess their impact on the prevention and treatment of chronic disorders.
You assess and plan radiation safety in patient care.
You assess and plan the use of different digital applications and solutions in the treatment of internal medicine, surgical and cancer disorders and in patient guidance.

Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance requirements:
Lectures/Teachings 80%
Workshops and simulations 100%.
Exams 100%: Medication therapy, Medical nursing and Internal Medicine Exam, Numeric grading T1- K5.
Surgical and Perioperative seminar 100%: Groupwork presentation, Numeric grading T1- K5
Surgical and perioperative nursing 100%: Nursing skills Case-simulation: Approved/Failed.
Independent assignments : Approved/To be completed.
Anatomy and physiology assignment: numeric grading 0-5.

Numeric grading is given after passing/approved all the objectives of the course.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Fail: The student has not achieved a satisfactory level

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You describe the nursing of medical patients, cancer patients and surgical patients.
You describe the risk factors related to national health problems that are significant to the patient’s health.
You describe the patient’s care needs and the treatment to maintain basic vital functions. You engage and interact with the patient and those close to him/her.
You identify nutritional recommendations in the prevention and treatment of nationally common illnesses

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

You plan and implement the nursing of medical patients, cancer patients and surgical patients under guidance.
You apply information on risk factors that cause national health problems and deteriorate health and functional capacity.
You assess the urgency of patient’s care and initiate treatment to maintain basic vital functions, with due consideration to the patient and those close to him/her.
You apply nutritional recommendations in the prevention and treatment of nationally common illnesses.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You plan, implement and assess the nursing of medical patients, cancer patients and surgical patients under guidance based on research information and evidence.
You assess and prevent risk factors that cause public health issues and deteriorate health and functional capacity.
You assess and plan the care need of a patient who requires urgent care, initiate treatment to maintain basic vital functions and critically assess the efficacy of the treatment with the patient and those close to him/her.
You utilize and assess the effect of Finnish nutritional recommendations in the prevention and treatment of nationally common illnesses.