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AR/VR development (5 cr)

Code: T42T191OJ-3003

General information


18.03.2024 - 09.10.2024


10.10.2024 - 24.11.2024


5 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Information Technology

Teaching languages

  • English


1 - 45

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Business Information Technology


  • Yrjö Koskenniemi

Responsible person

Yrjö Koskenniemi

Student groups

  • TA42T23K
    Bachelor of Business Administration, Information Processing, Tornio, Spring 2023


You understand the terms AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) and you are able to utilize the potential implementation in different environments. You understand what is needed to create and develop AR/VR -applications and you are able to define requirements for AR/VR applications/projects.


- AR/VR concept and uses
- AR/VR applications and tools
- AR/VR requirement definitions

Location and time

10.11.10. seminar locally in Minerva and 11.-24.11.2023 lessons and exercises. All the lessons will be recorded.


All the learning material is listed in schools learning environment

Teaching methods

During the lessons we go through different tools to create AR/VR -experience. Students learn by doing exercises.

Completion alternatives

Student can show AR/VR-development skills in different way agreed by teacher

Further information

You should have "Basics of Game Development" -course done before attending this course

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You know the terms and know which tools are needed to create AR/VR experience.

2 You can use the tools to create AR/VR experiences by looking at instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 You can utilize AR/VR tools to create and plan AR/VR experiences but still need some guidance.

4 You are able to create and plan AR/VR experiences very much on your own according to requirements.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You can make requirement plans and decisions to create AR/VR experiences and you are able to use different tools to create most of the parts needed in experience development.