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Professional Interaction and Ethics in Nursing (5 cr)

Code: K702DL210OJ-19005

General information


14.03.2022 - 31.07.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 5

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


Competence goals

You can encounter and interact professionally with clients and patients of different ages and backgrounds, as well as their loved ones.
You know the importance of resource-oriented interaction in nursing.
You know how to work in accordance with the work community and teamworking skills.
You can work professionally and ethically in various interaction situations, including in online operating environments.
You know how to act in accordance with the values, ethical principles and guidelines of nursing.
You can identify ethical problems in nursing and discuss how to solve them.



-Professional encounter and interaction
- The customer as an expert of their own life, a resource-oriented approach
- Professional role in communication, professional confidentiality
- Finnish language and communication; communication skills in work communities and digital services
- Ethical values, principles and professional ethical guidelines in nursing
- Ethical problems and their handling in nursing
- Responsibility and accountability in nursing

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the starting points of professional, nursing-based and resource-driven interaction.
You act responsibly in accordance with professional ethics.
You know the nursing values on which facing the client/patient respectfully and professional interaction are based.
You identify different ethical issues in nursing and propose solutions for them.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You explain the significance of professional, nursing-based and resource-driven interaction considering individuals of different ages and characteristics.
You act responsibly and with justification in accordance with professional ethics.
You connect the nursing values on which facing the client/patient respectfully and professional interaction are based to practice.
You identify different ethical issues in nursing and propose justified solutions for them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess different meanings of professional, nursing-based and resource-driven interaction with clients of different ages and characteristics and people close to them.
You act responsibly, with justification, and by analysing different options in accordance with professional ethics.
With justification, you can connect the nursing values on which facing the client/patient respectfully and professional interaction are based to practice.
You examine and consider different ethical issues in nursing and propose justified solutions for them.