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Business Design Project (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: YAMK090-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


01.10.2021 - 31.10.2021


01.09.2021 - 31.05.2022


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


5 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus


  • Englanti


15 - 20


  • Digitaalisen liiketoiminnan johtaminen


  • Teresa Chen
  • Tanja Suomalainen


Teresa Chen


  • T31DY21S
    Master Programme in Digital Business Management, syksy 2021


Opintojakso toteutetaan englanniksi.

Aika ja paikka

First online contact sessions: 8-10 December 2021 (10:00-18:00)*
The final contact sessions either online or in Belfast: 4-8 April 2022 (10:00-18:00)*
* Time could be updated later on

In between the two contact sessions students work independently online in teams.


Ries E.(2017) The Startup Way. Portfolio Penquin.
Bessant, J. and Tidd, J. (2015). Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Wiley
Lewrick, M., Link P. and Leifer L. (2018) The Design Thinking Playbook


Students from Lapland UAS, Kajaani UAS, Ulster University and Kempten UAS design new business models in mixed teams of students from the three countries.
The idea(s) could be related to starting a new business or an existing business willing to develop or go international.
The first part, a work-shop will take place on 8 to 10 December 2021 online (Zoom) together with German and Northern Ireland students.
In the second part the students' teams will continue the ideation and deliberation online to further concretise their business models.
The third part, a workshop/conference, will take place online on 4 to 8 April 2022 during which the teams will pitch their business models to a jury, which will assess them.
If the Covid-19 pandemic eases, the conference will be organized in Belfast. Lapland UAS will sponsor part of the travel expenses.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

1 - 2 Student shows readiness to plan and develop business models for a start-up or and existing enterprise in a team.
Student takes actively part in the transnational and interdisciplinary team-work.
3 - 4 Student shows good readiness to plan business models for a start-up or an existing enterprise, and is able to design a plan for its development.
Student takes actively part in the transnational team-work and shows creativity.
5 Student shows excellent readiness to plan a business model for a start-up or an existing enterprise, and is able to design a plan for its development. .
Student takes actively part in the transnational team-work and shows innovative leadership skills


Opintojakso on tarkoitettu Digital Business Management-koulutuksen opiskelijoille.