Data in Business DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: R504D109
5 op
Student recognizes and analyzes opportunities of using data in business, services, and management. Student can develop and analyze the use of data and data-driven innovations responsibly. Student identifies and evaluates the needed resources, customer value, and impacts of using data and data-driven solutions. Student uses customer-centered design methods and approaches in ideation and development of sustainable data-driven solutions. Student recognizes and applies Business Intelligence (BI) tools to support business processes. Student understands the principles and approaches in fair data economy.
- Identifying and using international scientific and other reliable information sources and evaluation of practical business related examples for supporting data-driven business development and processes.
- Value creation with data, and impacts of its use.
- Service design for innovating, developing and assessing data-driven solutions
- Business Intelligence (BI) tools and their role in business development
- Fair data economy - principles, tools, and implementation issues.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Student knows the types of information sources available and understands how to use them in data-driven business and development. Student understands the types of value that data can create for business. Student understands issues related to the responsible and fair use of data in business. Student knows customer- and user-centered methods to be used in the development and evaluation of data-driven solutions.
Demonstration of skills, knowledge, and course activity on an insufficient level leads to failing the course.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Student searches and utilizes various types of information sources in data-driven business and development, and can use the findings in business and solution development. Student contributes to creation of a value proposition for a data project or solution and recognizes the resources, partners and what type of impacts data use can have. Student takes into account the principles of the responsible and fair use of data in business. Student applies BI tools in business development. Student chooses and applies relevant customer- and user-centered design methods in the development and assessment of data-driven solutions.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student uses innovatively various types of information sources on value-based data-driven business and service models and in business processes. Student identifies, evaluates, and develops the value of using data in business development. Student develops the use of data by taking into account the principles of responsible and fair use of data. Student evaluates the value of BI tools in business development and can plan their use in business processes. Student leads the use of customer- and user-centered design methods to develop innovative data-driven solutions, and reliably communicates the results.