Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Urheilubrändin kehittäminenLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: R301DL121


5 op


After this study unit

- You know the basics of brand management and professional branding strategies

- You can name the idea and purpose of a sports brand: identity, values and mission

- You can create effective storytelling and messaging

- You can use tools necessary to reach goals set for a personal or/and professional brand

Competences: Learning to learn Competence, Marketing Competence, Interaction and communication skills


Theme 1: Brand management

Theme 2: Storytelling using digital tools

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
Identification and goal setting:
You can name the strengths of sport brand in general terms and set easy goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments to market a sport brand.
You can create effective storytelling and messaging.

Level 2
Identification and goal setting:
You can name strengths of sport brand in general terms and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments to build a professional network and market a sport brand.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
Identification and goal setting:
You can name strengths and fortes of sport brand and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented manner to market a sport brand.

Level 4
Identification and goal setting:
You can describe strengths and fortes of sport brand with rationale and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented and systematic manner to market a sport brand.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
Identification and goal setting:
You can describe strengths and fortes of sport brand with rationale and set innovative goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented, systematic and innovative manner to market a sport brand.


01.03.2025 - 22.09.2025


29.09.2025 - 07.11.2025


5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, liiketalous R

  • Englanti

0 - 30

  • Robert Patterson

Robert Patterson

  • R31DS23S
    International Sport Business Management (full time day studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2023


After this study unit

- You know the basics of brand management and professional branding strategies

- You can name the idea and purpose of a sports brand: identity, values and mission

- You can create effective storytelling and messaging

- You can use tools necessary to reach goals set for a personal or/and professional brand

Competences: Learning to learn Competence, Marketing Competence, Interaction and communication skills


Theme 1: Brand management

Theme 2: Storytelling using digital tools



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
Identification and goal setting:
You can name the strengths of sport brand in general terms and set easy goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments to market a sport brand.
You can create effective storytelling and messaging.

Level 2
Identification and goal setting:
You can name strengths of sport brand in general terms and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments to build a professional network and market a sport brand.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
Identification and goal setting:
You can name strengths and fortes of sport brand and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented manner to market a sport brand.

Level 4
Identification and goal setting:
You can describe strengths and fortes of sport brand with rationale and set goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented and systematic manner to market a sport brand.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
Identification and goal setting:
You can describe strengths and fortes of sport brand with rationale and set innovative goals for utilizing them.
Effective storytelling using digital tools:
You can use digital tools and communication environments in a goal-oriented, systematic and innovative manner to market a sport brand.