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Introduction to Finnish Society and CultureLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AMKO005


5 op


In this study unit student gains knowledge of Finland and characteristics of the Finnish way of life.
The student gets to analyze and compare his/her own society to Finnish society and culture. As a final task student prepares a presentation and short thesis about a topic of his or her interest related to Finnish society, e.g. health care system.

Competences: Learning to learn Competence, Internationality and multiculturalism Competence


Characteristics of Finnish society
The Finnish culture and way of life

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1
• Student has gained poor knowledge of Finland
• Student recognizes few very basic characteristics of Finnish way of life
• Student is able to compare his own society and culture to Finnish society and culture very briefly

Grade 2
• Student has gained fair knowledge of Finland
• Student recognizes some basic characteristics of Finnish way of life
• Student is able to compare his own society and culture to Finnish society and culture briefly

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3
• Student has gained good knowledge of Finland
• Student recognizes some of the main characteristics of Finnish way of life
• Student is able to analyze and compare his own society and culture to Finnish society and culture to some extent

Grade 4
• Student has gained very good knowledge of Finland
• Student recognizes the main characteristics of Finnish way of life
• Student is able to analyze and compare his own society and culture to Finnish society and culture to some extent

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5
• Student has gained excellent knowledge of Finland
• Student recognizes the main characteristics of Finnish way of life
• Student is able to analyze and compare his own society and culture to Finnish society and culture

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Grade 0
• Student did not participate on the study unit or did reach the study unit objectives