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International Society as World Order: International RelationsLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: SOPT0002V24


5 op


After completion of the course the student is able to
- demonstrate an understanding of the nature of International Relations as a scientific discipline
- identify key theoretical differences within the discipline of International Relations
- explain the utilities of International Relations for the interpretation of the root causes and consequences of contemporary political problems and phenomena.


This course introduces students to the most topical issues in contemporary international relations. These issues include but are not limited to: Russia’s war in Ukraine; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the growing conflict between the US and China; NATO’s expansion in the Arctic; global development; human security; the future of liberal internationalism; resilience; humanitarian intervention; poverty; global inequality; climate change: migration and refugee crises; environmental disasters; gender and sexual oppression.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Fail (0): Performance is highly deficient or erroneous. The work is based on serious misunderstandings.

Sufficient (1): Performance is lacking in scope, superficial, or corresponds poorly to the assignment. The author merely lists things out of context or addresses them one-sidedly. The work may contain errors or obscurities.

Satisfactory (2): Poor in significant respects, but involving signs of comprehension and thought.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good (3): Good work. Performance corresponds to the assignment, manifesting comprehension and a skill to analyse and justify. The author has addressed the issue comprehensively. The work may contain some deficiencies.

Very good (4): Very good effort. Above the average, demonstrating potential for excellence.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent (5): Performance delineates an extensive whole and the author can apply knowledge in a multifaceted way or place it in various contexts. The work manifests independence and insight, and it is a flawless entity that involves justified thinking or critical contemplation. The work is well written and implemented.


13.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta

  • Englanti

1 - 500

  • Politiikkatieteiden ja sosiologian tutkinto-ohjelma
  • Julian Reid

Julian Reid

    SOC/YTK - Courses offered in English
  • SOPTperus
    Politiikkatieteet ja sosiologia perusopinnot
    Online YTK


After completion of the course the student is able to
- demonstrate an understanding of the nature of International Relations as a scientific discipline
- identify key theoretical differences within the discipline of International Relations
- explain the utilities of International Relations for the interpretation of the root causes and consequences of contemporary political problems and phenomena.


This course introduces students to the most topical issues in contemporary international relations. These issues include but are not limited to: Russia’s war in Ukraine; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the growing conflict between the US and China; NATO’s expansion in the Arctic; global development; human security; the future of liberal internationalism; resilience; humanitarian intervention; poverty; global inequality; climate change: migration and refugee crises; environmental disasters; gender and sexual oppression.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Students from the Faculty of Law can take the course as a 2 cr course.
For 2 cr the students write a shorter lecture diary, rather than an essay.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun läsnäoleva tutkinto-opiskelija voi ilmoittautua maksutta Lapin yliopiston tarjoamiin LUC-opintoihin, mikäli opinnot voi liittää omaan tutkintoon. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu Lapin yliopiston Hakijan työpöydällä: Valitse vasemmasta valikosta ensin ”Opintotarjonta” ja sen jälkeen sen alta ”LUC opinnot YO”, jolloin näet koko tarjonnan. Valitse kyseinen opintojakso ja ilmoittaudu.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Fail (0): Performance is highly deficient or erroneous. The work is based on serious misunderstandings.

Sufficient (1): Performance is lacking in scope, superficial, or corresponds poorly to the assignment. The author merely lists things out of context or addresses them one-sidedly. The work may contain errors or obscurities.

Satisfactory (2): Poor in significant respects, but involving signs of comprehension and thought.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good (3): Good work. Performance corresponds to the assignment, manifesting comprehension and a skill to analyse and justify. The author has addressed the issue comprehensively. The work may contain some deficiencies.

Very good (4): Very good effort. Above the average, demonstrating potential for excellence.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent (5): Performance delineates an extensive whole and the author can apply knowledge in a multifaceted way or place it in various contexts. The work manifests independence and insight, and it is a flawless entity that involves justified thinking or critical contemplation. The work is well written and implemented.