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Transformative Technologies for FutureLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: YAMK164


5 op


  • englanti


  • Marika Kunnari


The aim of this course is to increase knowledge about digital transformation trends, and future game-changing technologies that enable innovative solutions for digitalization of organizations, and digital business solutions and processes. Student learns about novel technologies and is able to assess their application possibilities in innovation and digital transformation. Student recognizes the value that novel technologies can create, and can innovate value-creating solutions. Student is able to identify and analyze the ethical and sustainability issues related to the use of the technologies. Student learns to assess the technologies and their impacts, and evaluate their potential.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, sustainable development, ethics, learning to learn


- Digital transformation and digitalisation
- Novel technologies for future development
- Opportunities and assessment of technology and digitalisation in development and management
- Value creation and impacts of digitalisation and technology-based solutions
- Ethics and sustainability in the adoption and application of future technologies
- Technologies to be addressed are chosen based on students' interests and future technology trends, including e.g., robotics, IoT, automation, AI and big data analytics, block chain, cloud, mobile, AR/MR/VR, wearable technologies, crowdsourcing etc and their application in student’s field of work

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands the key concepts related to digital transformation and novel technologies for future development.
- is able to search information and report and disseminate the findings.
- understands the importance of considering the value, impacts, ethical and sustainability issues related to use of novel technologies in student’s field of work and can disseminate existing knowledge on the topics.
Knowledge of technologies and their potential and application is general.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands very well subject matter.
- is able to analyze and apply relevant current information, including recent scientific publications.
- can apply the concepts and information, and can disseminate and analyze the findings, and applications of novel technologies and digitalisation.
- can analyze the role of technologies in digital transformation and assess technologies and enabled solutions.
- can analyze value creation and compare the impacts, as well as ethical and sustainability issues of technology-based solutions.
- is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities, disseminated the results, and actively contributed to communal learning.
- can evaluate the subject matter concepts and technologies.
- can synthesize and apply most recent scientific and other information in development activities.
- is able to analyse critically different factors in the planning and implementation of transformative technologies for future, including student’s own field or organization.
- is able to create development recommendations with proper argumentation in different situations.


10.03.2025 - 07.04.2025


16.09.2025 - 21.11.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


4 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 45

  • Ari Pikkarainen
  • YAMK 4 AMK

Ari Pikkarainen

    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


The aim of this course is to increase knowledge about digital transformation trends, and future game-changing technologies that enable innovative solutions for digitalization of organizations, and digital business solutions and processes. Student learns about novel technologies and is able to assess their application possibilities in innovation and digital transformation. Student recognizes the value that novel technologies can create, and can innovate value-creating solutions. Student is able to identify and analyze the ethical and sustainability issues related to the use of the technologies. Student learns to assess the technologies and their impacts, and evaluate their potential.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, sustainable development, ethics, learning to learn


- Digital transformation and digitalisation
- Novel technologies for future development
- Opportunities and assessment of technology and digitalisation in development and management
- Value creation and impacts of digitalisation and technology-based solutions
- Ethics and sustainability in the adoption and application of future technologies
- Technologies to be addressed are chosen based on students' interests and future technology trends, including e.g., robotics, IoT, automation, AI and big data analytics, block chain, cloud, mobile, AR/MR/VR, wearable technologies, crowdsourcing etc and their application in student’s field of work

Aika ja paikka

Online contacts in ZOOM (mandatory):

16.9.2025 at 17-20.15 Start
21.10.2025 at 17-20.15 Mid-point check
18.11.2025 at 17-20.15 Final presentations


Course material will be distributed in Moodle when the course starts.


Inquiry-based learning
Individual and/or group assignments

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

There is no exam from the course.
If the student does not select a topic and group within the given deadline in Moodle, the student will be rejected and removed from the course.
If student does not perform the course activities in due time, no late assignments/returning are NOT accepted after the deadlines.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

If the student does not select a topic and group within the given deadline in Moodle, the student will be rejected and removed from the course.
If student does not perform the course activities in due time, no late assignments/returning are NOT accepted after the deadlines.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands the key concepts related to digital transformation and novel technologies for future development.
- is able to search information and report and disseminate the findings.
- understands the importance of considering the value, impacts, ethical and sustainability issues related to use of novel technologies in student’s field of work and can disseminate existing knowledge on the topics.
Knowledge of technologies and their potential and application is general.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands very well subject matter.
- is able to analyze and apply relevant current information, including recent scientific publications.
- can apply the concepts and information, and can disseminate and analyze the findings, and applications of novel technologies and digitalisation.
- can analyze the role of technologies in digital transformation and assess technologies and enabled solutions.
- can analyze value creation and compare the impacts, as well as ethical and sustainability issues of technology-based solutions.
- is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities, disseminated the results, and actively contributed to communal learning.
- can evaluate the subject matter concepts and technologies.
- can synthesize and apply most recent scientific and other information in development activities.
- is able to analyse critically different factors in the planning and implementation of transformative technologies for future, including student’s own field or organization.
- is able to create development recommendations with proper argumentation in different situations.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The detailed evaluation criteria is presented in the Study Unit information (grading from 1-5).

The evaluation is based on following criteria:
- Moodle activity 20% (reading materials, and reading and commenting blog
- Blog text with analysis 50%
- Presentation 30%


05.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


17.09.2024 - 19.11.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 40

  • Ari Pikkarainen
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


The aim of this course is to increase knowledge about digital transformation trends, and future game-changing technologies that enable innovative solutions for digitalization of organizations, and digital business solutions and processes. Student learns about novel technologies and is able to assess their application possibilities in innovation and digital transformation. Student recognizes the value that novel technologies can create, and can innovate value-creating solutions. Student is able to identify and analyze the ethical and sustainability issues related to the use of the technologies. Student learns to assess the technologies and their impacts, and evaluate their potential.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, sustainable development, ethics, learning to learn


- Digital transformation and digitalisation
- Novel technologies for future development
- Opportunities and assessment of technology and digitalisation in development and management
- Value creation and impacts of digitalisation and technology-based solutions
- Ethics and sustainability in the adoption and application of future technologies
- Technologies to be addressed are chosen based on students' interests and future technology trends, including e.g., robotics, IoT, automation, AI and big data analytics, block chain, cloud, mobile, AR/MR/VR, wearable technologies, crowdsourcing etc and their application in student’s field of work

Aika ja paikka

Online contacts in ZOOM (mandatory):

17.9.2024 at 17-20.15 Start
29.10.2024 at 17-20.15 Mid-point check
19.11.2024. at 17-20.15 Final presentations


Course material will be distributed in Moodle when the course starts.


Inquiry-based learning
Individual and/or group assignments

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

There is no exam from the course.
If the student does not select a topic and group within the given deadline in Moodle, the student will be rejected and removed from the course.
If student does not perform the course activities in due time, no late assignments/returning are NOT accepted after the deadlines.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

If the student does not select a topic and group within the given deadline in Moodle, the student will be rejected and removed from the course.
If student does not perform the course activities in due time, no late assignments/returning are NOT accepted after the deadlines.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands the key concepts related to digital transformation and novel technologies for future development.
- is able to search information and report and disseminate the findings.
- understands the importance of considering the value, impacts, ethical and sustainability issues related to use of novel technologies in student’s field of work and can disseminate existing knowledge on the topics.
Knowledge of technologies and their potential and application is general.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands very well subject matter.
- is able to analyze and apply relevant current information, including recent scientific publications.
- can apply the concepts and information, and can disseminate and analyze the findings, and applications of novel technologies and digitalisation.
- can analyze the role of technologies in digital transformation and assess technologies and enabled solutions.
- can analyze value creation and compare the impacts, as well as ethical and sustainability issues of technology-based solutions.
- is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities, disseminated the results, and actively contributed to communal learning.
- can evaluate the subject matter concepts and technologies.
- can synthesize and apply most recent scientific and other information in development activities.
- is able to analyse critically different factors in the planning and implementation of transformative technologies for future, including student’s own field or organization.
- is able to create development recommendations with proper argumentation in different situations.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The detailed evaluation criteria is presented in the Study Unit information (grading from 1-5).

The evaluation is based on following criteria:
- Moodle activity 20% (reading materials, and reading and commenting blog
- Blog text with analysis 50%
- Presentation 30%


08.08.2023 - 15.09.2023


11.09.2023 - 30.11.2023


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


4 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 80

  • Heli Väätäjä
  • Jyri Kivinen
  • Ari Pikkarainen

Jyri Kivinen

    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


The aim of this course is to increase knowledge about digital transformation trends, and future game-changing technologies that enable innovative solutions for digitalization of organizations, and digital business solutions and processes. Student learns about novel technologies and is able to assess their application possibilities in innovation and digital transformation. Student recognizes the value that novel technologies can create, and can innovate value-creating solutions. Student is able to identify and analyze the ethical and sustainability issues related to the use of the technologies. Student learns to assess the technologies and their impacts, and evaluate their potential.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, sustainable development, ethics, learning to learn


- Digital transformation and digitalisation
- Novel technologies for future development
- Opportunities and assessment of technology and digitalisation in development and management
- Value creation and impacts of digitalisation and technology-based solutions
- Ethics and sustainability in the adoption and application of future technologies
- Technologies to be addressed are chosen based on students' interests and future technology trends, including e.g., robotics, IoT, automation, AI and big data analytics, block chain, cloud, mobile, AR/MR/VR, wearable technologies, crowdsourcing etc and their application in student’s field of work

Aika ja paikka

Online contacts in ZOOM (mandatory):

Monday 18.9. at 17-20.30 Start
Monday 23.10 at 17-20.30 Mid-point check
Monday 13.11. at 17-20.30 Final presentations


Course material will be distributed in Moodle when the course starts.


Inquiry-based learning
Individual and/or group assignments

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

There is no exam from the course.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands the key concepts related to digital transformation and novel technologies for future development.
- is able to search information and report and disseminate the findings.
- understands the importance of considering the value, impacts, ethical and sustainability issues related to use of novel technologies in student’s field of work and can disseminate existing knowledge on the topics.
Knowledge of technologies and their potential and application is general.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities and disseminated the results.
- understands very well subject matter.
- is able to analyze and apply relevant current information, including recent scientific publications.
- can apply the concepts and information, and can disseminate and analyze the findings, and applications of novel technologies and digitalisation.
- can analyze the role of technologies in digital transformation and assess technologies and enabled solutions.
- can analyze value creation and compare the impacts, as well as ethical and sustainability issues of technology-based solutions.
- is able to give useful development recommendations utilizing his/her knowledge and skills on the subject.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- has carried out the assignments, participated to learning activities, disseminated the results, and actively contributed to communal learning.
- can evaluate the subject matter concepts and technologies.
- can synthesize and apply most recent scientific and other information in development activities.
- is able to analyse critically different factors in the planning and implementation of transformative technologies for future, including student’s own field or organization.
- is able to create development recommendations with proper argumentation in different situations.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The detailed evaluation criteria is presented in the Study Unit information (grading from 1-5).

The evaluation is based on following criteria:
- Moodle activity 10% (reading materials, and reading and commenting blog
- Group work – peer evaluation within team 20% (group gives 1-5 to
- Blog text 50%
- Presentation 20%