Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Financial and Performance ManagementLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: YAMK156


5 op


  • englanti


  • Marika Kunnari


Student is able to interpret, analyse and communicate financial information and will understand the link between strategic planning, activity planning and the use of budgets in organisational performance management. Student will acquire knowledge about designing a value chain model for a given organisation or a business process, and identify critical success factors while with lean-philosophy methods.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, learning to learn, sustainable development


- Financial management
- Performance management
- Supply chain management

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- understands the importance and role of financial planning, value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- is able to apply the acquired knowledge of financial and performance management in decision making.
- is able to develop financial and non-financial knowledge to assist management in decision making.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- is able to critically analyze and interpret financial reports and to suggest solutions to improve the performance of the company.
- is able to apply methods of financial management in managerial decisions.
- is able to apply value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.


10.03.2025 - 07.04.2025


18.09.2025 - 30.10.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


4 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 45

  • Adrian Braun
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


Student is able to interpret, analyse and communicate financial information and will understand the link between strategic planning, activity planning and the use of budgets in organisational performance management. Student will acquire knowledge about designing a value chain model for a given organisation or a business process, and identify critical success factors while with lean-philosophy methods.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, learning to learn, sustainable development


- Financial management
- Performance management
- Supply chain management



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- understands the importance and role of financial planning, value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- is able to apply the acquired knowledge of financial and performance management in decision making.
- is able to develop financial and non-financial knowledge to assist management in decision making.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- is able to critically analyze and interpret financial reports and to suggest solutions to improve the performance of the company.
- is able to apply methods of financial management in managerial decisions.
- is able to apply value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.


08.08.2023 - 15.09.2023


07.11.2023 - 26.12.2023


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 40

  • Anssi Tarkiainen
  • Marika Tuomela-Pyykkönen
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


Student is able to interpret, analyse and communicate financial information and will understand the link between strategic planning, activity planning and the use of budgets in organisational performance management. Student will acquire knowledge about designing a value chain model for a given organisation or a business process, and identify critical success factors while with lean-philosophy methods.

Main competences on the course: proactive development, operating in a workplace, learning to learn, sustainable development


- Financial management
- Performance management
- Supply chain management



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- understands the importance and role of financial planning, value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: The student
- is able to interpret financial reports, and understands the importance and the role of financial and performance management.
- is able to apply the acquired knowledge of financial and performance management in decision making.
- is able to develop financial and non-financial knowledge to assist management in decision making.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: The student
- is able to critically analyze and interpret financial reports and to suggest solutions to improve the performance of the company.
- is able to apply methods of financial management in managerial decisions.
- is able to apply value chain approach and lean-philosophy method in an organisation.