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Inclusion ManagementLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: YAMK155


5 op


  • englanti


  • Marika Kunnari


Students as talents are equipped to capitalise on the diversity of a team. The talents are able identify and tackle the needs for an inclusive work community. The talents recognise the international nature of today’s work community and, are therefore able to manage and lead an inclusive organisation as well as to serve diverse clientele.

Main competences on the course: internationality and multiculturalism, operating in a workplace


- Leadership that engages diverse workforce
- Tackling diversity with a focus on cross-cultural understanding
- Managing diversity for effective communication with clients

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome to in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.


04.03.2025 - 07.04.2025


01.09.2025 - 22.09.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 45

  • Teresa Chen
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


Students as talents are equipped to capitalise on the diversity of a team. The talents are able identify and tackle the needs for an inclusive work community. The talents recognise the international nature of today’s work community and, are therefore able to manage and lead an inclusive organisation as well as to serve diverse clientele.

Main competences on the course: internationality and multiculturalism, operating in a workplace


- Leadership that engages diverse workforce
- Tackling diversity with a focus on cross-cultural understanding
- Managing diversity for effective communication with clients

Aika ja paikka

Autumn 2025
Minerva, Tornio,

Online Zoom sessions:

Monday, 1 September, 2025
Monday, 8 September, 2025
Monday, 15 September, 2025
Monday, 22 September, 2025



Talent keepers : how top leaders engage and retain their best performers Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Mulligan, Christopher, 1964-, author ; Taylor, Craig R., 1951-, author Wiley [2019] 1st edition

Inclusive Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies Edited By Bernardo M. Ferdman, Jeanine Prime, Ronald E. Riggio Copyright Year 2021

Communicating Across Cultures at Work by Maureen Guirdham and Oliver Guirdham 2017, Palgrave



Relationship Between Diversity and Customer Retention Sung-Hyuk Park & Sang Pil Han Pages 51-72 | Published online: 06 Dec 2014

Strategic customer service : managing the customer experience to increase positive word of mouth, build loyalty, and maximize profits Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Goodman, John A. AMACOM c2009.


Diversity management : theoretical perspectives and practical approaches Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Chen, Sheying Nova Science Publishers c2011. Inclusive Leadership By Gloria Moss Copyright Year 2019 International Handbook on

Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment Alain Klarsfeld, Lize A. E. Booysen, Eddy Ng, Ahu Tatli, Ian Roper Edward Elgar, 2014


The module aims to sensitise talents (students) to the concepts of diversity and inclusion in professional world. To inculcate a leadership quality that recognises and hones the strategic benefits for an organisation in promoting diverse and inclusive values, a leadership that actively seeks to create work environment in facilitating opportunities and growth for all employees.

In order for professionals to accomplish tasks in hand within the competitive global economy, diversity management competence is a must for all experts due to the complexities of the varied business environment.

Talents are made aware of the ever-changing world with special attention to the business field and, to learn to adjust and adapt themselves in various business environments to positively influence the conduct of business interactions.

This course is indispensable for international business professionals who need to communicate in a persuasive and compelling way.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Participation during online contact sessions is a must.
There are four Zoom sessions scheduled for 17:30-20:30, which are mandatory for all attending this course as these consist of interactive and discussions tasks.
This 5 ECTS course requires about 135 hours of student's workload. Students are required to prepare in advance before attending the Zoom sessions in order to gain optimal outcome from the online contact classes. Intensive reading and complimentary research is required.
There is a teamwork in addition to individual self-supervised tasks which are to be accomplish as instructed.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome to in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- Mandatory and competent participation during online sessions consisting of interactive discussions tasks, a must (50% of the final grade)
- satisfactory completion of all assignments by the due dates (50% of the final grade)

1 – 2. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

3 – 4. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

5. Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.


05.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


28.08.2024 - 11.11.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 40

  • Teresa Chen
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


Students as talents are equipped to capitalise on the diversity of a team. The talents are able identify and tackle the needs for an inclusive work community. The talents recognise the international nature of today’s work community and, are therefore able to manage and lead an inclusive organisation as well as to serve diverse clientele.

Main competences on the course: internationality and multiculturalism, operating in a workplace


- Leadership that engages diverse workforce
- Tackling diversity with a focus on cross-cultural understanding
- Managing diversity for effective communication with clients

Aika ja paikka

Autumn 2024
Minerva, Tornio,

contact week sessions on 28 August in Zoom at 14:15-16:00

Online Zoom sessions:
28 October 17:30 - 20:30
4 November 17:30 - 20:30
11 November 17:30 - 20:30



Talent keepers : how top leaders engage and retain their best performers Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Mulligan, Christopher, 1964-, author ; Taylor, Craig R., 1951-, author Wiley [2019] 1st edition

Inclusive Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies Edited By Bernardo M. Ferdman, Jeanine Prime, Ronald E. Riggio Copyright Year 2021

Communicating Across Cultures at Work by Maureen Guirdham and Oliver Guirdham 2017, Palgrave



Relationship Between Diversity and Customer Retention Sung-Hyuk Park & Sang Pil Han Pages 51-72 | Published online: 06 Dec 2014

Strategic customer service : managing the customer experience to increase positive word of mouth, build loyalty, and maximize profits Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Goodman, John A. AMACOM c2009.


Diversity management : theoretical perspectives and practical approaches Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Chen, Sheying Nova Science Publishers c2011. Inclusive Leadership By Gloria Moss Copyright Year 2019 International Handbook on

Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment Alain Klarsfeld, Lize A. E. Booysen, Eddy Ng, Ahu Tatli, Ian Roper Edward Elgar, 2014


The module aims to sensitise talents (students) to the concepts of diversity and inclusion in professional world. To inculcate a leadership quality that recognises and hones the strategic benefits for an organisation in promoting diverse and inclusive values, a leadership that actively seeks to create work environment in facilitating opportunities and growth for all employees.

In order for professionals to accomplish tasks in hand within the competitive global economy, diversity management competence is a must for all experts due to the complexities of the varied business environment.

Talents are made aware of the ever-changing world with special attention to the business field and, to learn to adjust and adapt themselves in various business environments to positively influence the conduct of business interactions.

This course is indispensable for international business professionals who need to communicate in a persuasive and compelling way.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Participation during online contact sessions is a must.
There will be one on campus session and three online sessions scheduled for 17:30-20:30.
This 5 ECTS course requires about 133 hours of student's workload. The four sessions with three online contact lessons are mandatory for all attending this course as these consist of interactive and discussions tasks. The rest of the hours will be dedicated to reading, researching and preparation.
Students are required to prepare in advance before attending the contact sessions in order to gain optimal outcome from the online contact sessions.
There will be a teamwork and individual self-supervised tasks which are to be accomplish as instructed.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome to in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- mandatory and competent participation during online sessions consisting of interactive discussions tasks, a must (50% of the final grade)
- satisfactory completion of all assignments by the due dates (50% of the final grade)

1 – 2. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

3 – 4. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

5. Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.


08.08.2023 - 15.09.2023


07.09.2023 - 13.11.2023


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op


3 op




Ylempi AMK-koulutus

  • Englanti

15 - 40

  • Teresa Chen
    YAMK, profiloivat opinnot


Students as talents are equipped to capitalise on the diversity of a team. The talents are able identify and tackle the needs for an inclusive work community. The talents recognise the international nature of today’s work community and, are therefore able to manage and lead an inclusive organisation as well as to serve diverse clientele.

Main competences on the course: internationality and multiculturalism, operating in a workplace


- Leadership that engages diverse workforce
- Tackling diversity with a focus on cross-cultural understanding
- Managing diversity for effective communication with clients

Aika ja paikka

Autumn 2023
Minerva, Tornio,

7 September 13:30 - 16;00 (in classroom in Tornio during contact week)

Online Zoom sessions:
30 October 17:30 - 20:30
6 November 17:30 - 20:30
13 November 17:30 - 20:30



Talent keepers : how top leaders engage and retain their best performers Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Mulligan, Christopher, 1964-, author ; Taylor, Craig R., 1951-, author Wiley [2019] 1st edition

Inclusive Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies Edited By Bernardo M. Ferdman, Jeanine Prime, Ronald E. Riggio Copyright Year 2021

Communicating Across Cultures at Work by Maureen Guirdham and Oliver Guirdham 2017, Palgrave



Relationship Between Diversity and Customer Retention Sung-Hyuk Park & Sang Pil Han Pages 51-72 | Published online: 06 Dec 2014

Strategic customer service : managing the customer experience to increase positive word of mouth, build loyalty, and maximize profits Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Goodman, John A. AMACOM c2009.


Diversity management : theoretical perspectives and practical approaches Ebook Central Academic Complete International Edition Chen, Sheying Nova Science Publishers c2011. Inclusive Leadership By Gloria Moss Copyright Year 2019 International Handbook on

Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment Alain Klarsfeld, Lize A. E. Booysen, Eddy Ng, Ahu Tatli, Ian Roper Edward Elgar, 2014


The module aims to sensitise talents (students) to the concepts of diversity and inclusion in professional world. To inculcate a leadership quality that recognises and hones the strategic benefits for an organisation in promoting diverse and inclusive values, a leadership that actively seeks to create work environment in facilitating opportunities and growth for all employees.

In order for professionals to accomplish tasks in hand within the competitive global economy, diversity management competence is a must for all experts due to the complexities of the varied business environment.

Talents are made aware of the ever-changing world with special attention to the business field and, to learn to adjust and adapt themselves in various business environments to positively influence the conduct of business interactions.

This course is indispensable for international business professionals who need to communicate in a persuasive and compelling way.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Participation during online contact sessions is a must.
There will be one on campus session and three online sessions scheduled for 17:30-20:30.
This 5 ECTS course requires about 133 hours of student's workload. The four sessions with three online contact lessons are mandatory for all attending this course as these consist of interactive and discussions tasks. The rest of the hours will be dedicated to reading, researching and preparation.
Students are required to prepare in advance before attending the contact sessions in order to gain optimal outcome from the online contact sessions.
There will be a teamwork and individual self-supervised tasks which are to be accomplish as instructed.

Sisällön jaksotus

- Leadership that engages diverse workforce

- Tackling diversity with a focus on cross-cultural understanding

- Managing diversity for effective communication with clients

The course focuses on involving the talents in exploring and tackling situations resulting from inter- and intra-organisational interactions in diverse working environments. With the aim to promote and facilitate inclusive values, efficient and effective communication strategies, and techniques are pursued for messaging, reporting, concluding negotiations and meetings, and delivering dynamic presentations.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

1-2: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

3-4: Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome to in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

5: Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- mandatory and competent participation during online sessions consisting of interactive discussions tasks, a must (50% of the final grade)
- satisfactory completion of all assignments by the due dates (50% of the final grade)

1 – 2. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to understand cultural peculiarities and function accordingly in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize and deal with diverse clientele.

3 – 4. Talents are
- able to acquire and analyze the principles of inclusion management.
- able to independently analyze cultural peculiarities for fruitful collaborations outcome in diverse work environments.
- able to recognize the needs of diverse clientele for fruitful service delivery.

5. Talents are
- able to independently and with insight, evaluate and lead with inclusive principles.
- able to independently and constructively collaborate across cultures for successful interactions.
- are able to successfully evaluate the needs of diverse clientele for satisfactory outcomes in services.