Terveydenhoitajakoulutus (monimuoto-opinnot), syksy 2025:
Code: RA72T25S
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Code | Name | Credits (cr) | 2025-2026 | 2026-2027 | 2027-2028 | 2028-2029 |
YDINSH-1006 |
(Choose all) |
114 | ||||
A72MOD-97 |
Professional communication and education competence in nursing
(Choose all) |
20 | ||||
A72H0001 | Evidence-based Competence in Nursing | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0002 | Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0003 | Safety in Nursing | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0004 | Patient Education and Health Promotion | 5 | 5 | |||
A72MOD-98 |
Competence in the Service Structures of Health and Social Services
(Choose all) |
13 | ||||
A72H0006 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0007 | Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments | 8 | 8 | |||
A72MOD-99 |
International competence
(Choose all) |
10 | ||||
A72H0009 | English for Nursing and Health Care | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0010 | Swedish for Nursing and Health Care | 5 | 5 | |||
A72MOD-100 |
Clinical skills and decision making in nursing
(Choose all) |
20 | ||||
A72H0011 | Anatomy and Physiology | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0012 | Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology | 5 | 5 | |||
A72H0013 | Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments | 10 | 10 | |||
A72MOD-101 |
Clinical competence in internal medicine and surgical nursing
(Choose all) |
29 | ||||
A72H0014 | Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing | 7 | 7 | |||
A72H0015 | Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing | 6 | 6 | |||
A72H0016 | Guided Practice in Medical Nursing | 8 | 8 | |||
A72H0017 | Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing | 8 | 8 | |||
A72MOD-102 |
Competence in family and outpatient services
(Choose all) |
22 | ||||
A72H0022 | Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families | 7 | 7 | |||
A72H0023 | Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services | 7 | 7 | |||
A72H0024 | Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services | 8 | 8 | |||
A72MOD-103 |
(Choose all) |
20 | ||||
A72H0060-1006 |
Free Choice Electives
(Choose ects: 5) |
5 | 5 | |||
A72OK16-1006 |
Competence in R&D&I and thesis
(Choose all) |
15 | ||||
AMKO001 | Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis | 5 | 5 | |||
AMKO002 | Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis | 5 | 5 | |||
AMKO003 | Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis | 5 | 5 | |||
Total | 240 | 60 | 27 | 42 | 0 |
Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.
Certificate structure
Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing,Competences (20243-)
Ammatillisuus ja eettisyys |
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing |
Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing |
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology |
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Asiakaslähtöisyys |
Safety in Nursing |
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families |
The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account. |
Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing |
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments |
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Proactive development
The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods. |
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Informaatioteknologia ja kirjaaminen |
Patient Education and Health Promotion |
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing |
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services |
Johtaminen ja työntekijyysosaaminen |
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care |
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Internationality and multiculturalism
The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks. |
Professional Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Nursing |
English for Nursing and Health Care |
Swedish for Nursing and Health Care |
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families |
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Sustainable development
The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society. |
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care |
Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments |
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing |
Guided Practice in Medical Nursing |
Kliininen hoitotyö |
Guided Practice in Transforming Social and in Health Care Environments |
Anatomy and Physiology |
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology |
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments |
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing |
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing |
Guided Practice in Medical Nursing |
Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing |
Kommunikointi ja moniammatillisuus |
English for Nursing and Health Care |
Swedish for Nursing and Health Care |
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services |
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Laadun varmistus |
Social and Health Care Service System |
Näyttöön perustuva toiminta, tutkimustiedon hyödyntäminen ja päätöksenteko |
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing |
Anatomy and Physiology |
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing |
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing |
Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services |
Research, development and innovation skills |
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis |
Ohjaus- ja opetusosaaminen sekä omahoidon tukeminen |
Patient Education and Health Promotion |
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing |
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families |
Guided Practice in Family Health Care and Outpatient Services |
Learning to learn
The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning. |
Start of University Studies |
Evidence-based Competence in Nursing |
Guided Practice in Social and in Health Care Environments |
Research, development and innovation skills |
Potilas- ja asiakasturvallisuus |
Safety in Nursing |
Competency in the Fundamentals of Medication, Pharmaceutical Calculation and Pharmacology |
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families |
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujärjestelmä |
Social and Health Care Service System |
Terveyden edistäminen |
Patient Education and Health Promotion |
Clinical Competence in Medical Nursing |
Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents and Families |
Operating in a workplace
The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field. |
Safety in Nursing |
Social and Health Care Service System |
Clinical Competence in Surgical Nursing |
Guided Practice in Surgical Nursing |
Nursing in Emergency and Outpatient Services |
Practical training in public health nursing for a family expecting a child |
Practical Training in Public Health Nursing for a Family with Children |
Practical Training in Public Health Nursing of Children of School Age, Adolescents and Students |
Practical Training in Occupational Health |
Practical Training in Optional, Complementary Competence in Public Health Nursing |
Yrittäjyys ja kehittäminen |
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care |
Research, development and innovation skills |
Not grouped |
Swedish Written Language |
Swedish Oral Skills |
Radiation safety |
Public health nursing for a family expecting a child |
Public Health Nursing for a Family with Children |
Children of School-Age, Adolescent and Student Public Health Nursing |
Public Health Nursing for the Occupation Health |
Proactive Multidisciplinary Public Health Care |
Competence in the Development of Public Health Nursing |
Terveydenhoitajakoulutuksen kompetenssit (2024-)