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English and CommunicationLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: T42T136OJ


5 op


  • englanti


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.


01.10.2024 - 19.02.2025


20.02.2025 - 10.04.2025


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

16 - 60

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T25K
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (verkko-opinnot), Tornio, kevät 2025


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.

Aika ja paikka

Spring 2025
Tornio, Minerva, Kauppakatu 58

Zoom contact lessons on Thursdays at 16:00 - 20:00
20.2., 27.2., 13.3., 20.3., 27.3., 3.4. & 10.4.

Due to large number of students, two groups are created for efficient learning activities.

Group 1 16:00-18:00 & Group 2 18:00-20:00

Written Proficiency Test on 10 April at 20:00-21:00



Information Technology (IT) Vocabulary for ESL

Business English Pod


Discussions in English

Presenting in English

Additional materials are provided in Moodle for class activities and related tasks.


The learning pedagogy includes 24 contact lessons during which pair and group exercises are carried out, in addition to self-supervised studies done outside of class hours.
Reading and preparatory tasks prior to contact lessons are mandatory.
Class attendance is required to facilitate continuous evaluation and and for students to practise.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Written and oral expression skills will be evaluated on a continuous basis during lessons.
Written and spoken proficiency tests must be accomplished successfully.
Students are allowed to re-do the tests twice to attain a passing grade.

Sisällön jaksotus

Reading in advance for comprehension of ICT field specific materials and preparing for contact sessions
Discussions and sharing opinions for successful meetings and negotiations outcome
Individual and group tasks/exercises
Writing effective professional documents
Delivering dynamic presentations

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Mandatory participation required during class activities and tasks to facilitate continuous evaluation and the opportunity for students to practise and learn.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be applied for evaluation of English language:


18.03.2024 - 30.09.2024


01.10.2024 - 26.11.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

1 - 65

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • T42T24S
    Tradenomi (AMK) tietojenkäsittely, XBIT-akatemia, päiväopinnot, Tornio, syksy 2024
  • TA42T24S
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (verkko-opinnot), Tornio, syksy 2024


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.

Aika ja paikka

Autumn 2024
Tornio, Minerva, Kauppakatu 58

Lessons on Tuesdays, dates 1.10., 8.10., 22.10., 29.10., 5.11., 12.11., 19.11. & 26.11.

Class activities at 14:00-16:00 and alternately additional session at 17:00-19:00 incase of large group.



Information Technology (IT) Vocabulary for ESL

Business English Pod


Discussions in English

Presenting in English

Additional materials provided in Moodle for class activities and related tasks.


The learning pedagogy includes 24 contact lessons during which pair and group exercises are carried out, in addition to self-supervised studies done outside of class hours.
Reading and preparatory tasks prior to contact lessons are mandatory.
Class attendance is required to facilitate continuous evaluation which is an opportunity for practicing the spoken and interactive language.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Written and oral expression skills will be evaluated on a continuous basis during lessons.
Written and spoken proficiency tests must be accomplished successfully.
Students are allowed to re-do the tests twice to receive a passing grade.

Sisällön jaksotus

Reading in advance for the comprehension of ICT field specific materials and preparing for contact sessions
Discussions and sharing opinions for successful meetings and negotiations outcome
Individual and group tasks/exercises
Writing effectively for professional documents
Delivering dynamic presentations

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Mandatory participation required during class activities and tasks to facilitate continuous evaluation and the opportunity for students to practice and learn.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be applied for evaluation of English language:


02.10.2023 - 14.02.2024


15.02.2024 - 18.04.2024


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

16 - 45

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T24K
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (monimuototo-opinnot), Tornio, kevät 2024


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.

Aika ja paikka

Spring 2024
Tornio, Minerva, Kauppakatu 58

Zoom contact lessons on Thursdays (except one day) at 14:00-19:00 for two groups: 15.2., 22.2., 28.2., 14.3., 21.3., 4.4., 11.4. & 18.4.

If the number of students exceed 30 there will be two groups (14:00-16:00 & 17:00-19:00) created for efficient learning activities.



Information Technology (IT) Vocabulary for ESL

Business English Pod


Discussions in English

Presenting in English

Additional materials are provided in Moodle for class activities and related tasks.


The learning pedagogy includes 24 contact lessons during which pair and group exercises are carried out, in addition to self-supervised studies done outside of class hours.
Reading and preparatory tasks prior to contact lessons are mandatory.
Class attendance is required to facilitate continuous evaluation and and for students to practise.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Written and oral expression skills will be evaluated on a continuous basis during lessons.
Written and spoken proficiency tests must be accomplished successfully.
Students are allowed to re-do the tests twice to receive a passing grade.

Sisällön jaksotus

Reading in advance for comprehension of ICT field specific materials and preparing for contact sessions
Discussions and sharing opinions for successful meetings and negotiations outcome
Individual and group tasks/exercises
Writing effective professional documents
Delivering dynamic presentations

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Mandatory participation required during class activities and tasks to facilitate continuous evaluation and the opportunity for students to practise and learn.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be applied for evaluation of English language:


13.03.2023 - 26.09.2023


04.10.2023 - 29.11.2023


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

1 - 60

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T23S
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (verkko-opinnot), Tornio, syksy 2023


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.


03.10.2022 - 08.02.2023


06.02.2023 - 20.04.2023


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

1 - 40

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T23K
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (monimuototo-opinnot), Tornio, kevät 2023


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.


14.03.2022 - 20.09.2022


27.09.2022 - 22.11.2022


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

16 - 45

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T22S
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (monimuototo-opinnot), Tornio, syksy 2022


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.


01.10.2021 - 15.02.2022


15.02.2022 - 10.05.2022


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

16 - 26

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T22K
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (monimuototo-opinnot), Tornio, kevät 2022


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.


01.10.2021 - 20.01.2022


27.01.2022 - 31.03.2022


5 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely

  • Englanti

16 - 26

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Teresa Chen

Teresa Chen

  • TA42T20S
    Tradenomikoulutus, tietojenkäsittely (monimuotototeutus), Tornio, syksy TA42T20S


Opiskelija oppii käyttämään tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen eri osa-alueisiin sisältyvää sanastoa englannin kielellä sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti erilaisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakso syventää opiskelijan englnnin kielen osaamista, jotta hän pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti vahvasti englannin kieleen painottuvalla IT-alalla ja nykypäivän liiketoimintaympäristöissä.


Opiskelijat lukevat tietojenkäsittelyyn ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyviä tekstejä ja tekevät erilaisia suullisia ja kirjallisia harjoituksia kielitaitonsa kehittämiseksi ja sanasto-osaamisen laajentamiseksi ja monipuolistamiseksi.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Satisfactory 1

Communication with other participants have constant problems in dealing with understanding the main content of the language output because of major problems in expressing the main ideas by using correct words. Grammatical structures are very basic and most of the time incorrect. Sentences are short and simple most of the time, which makes the speech fragmented and difficult to understand. There are major problems in pronunciation and word and sentences stress together with intonation make it very difficult for the other participants to understand the speech. Interaction between the speaker with others is almost non-existent.

Satisfactory 2

The other participants in interactions have problems understanding the main content because there are many shortcomings in the use of key terms and concepts. The use of grammatical forms and structures is limited. There are several grammatical errors but the main message can be understood. At times, incorrect pronunciation, vague word and sentence stress and intonation impede intelligibility of the main message. Due to the shortcomings referred to above, the other participants in interactions have constant problems in understanding the language output. Hardly any interaction is created between the speaker and the other participants. The speaker has problems in understanding questions asked and, therefore, she/he has problems in answering the questions asked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3

The language of communication can be understood by others in describing education fields, job responsibilities, companies’ fields and manages work issues orally and in writing with the right style. The content is appropriate for the situation and the terms and concepts used are correct to a wide extent. All expressions used in English are not exact to convey the message but the speaker can communicate the main ideas intelligibly in her/his own words. The basic grammatical forms are correct. There are errors in some grammatical forms, but not systematically, and they do not impede interaction. There are some shortcomings in pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation but they do not obstruct intelligibility of the speech. The other persons participating in discussions can understand the content of the language without difficulty but there are some challenges in communicating with the other participants in discussions.

Good 4

Uses idiomatic English at ease to a wide extent in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ field and manages work issues orally and in writing in the right style with no misunderstanding. Has a rather wide stock of vocabulary in use to produce clear and well-structured documentation related to own profession in terms of reporting. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and mostly correct for various communication. There are some shortcomings in grammatical forms and structures but they do not impede interaction. The content is correct for various situations. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct most of the time. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5

Uses English with ease, uses idiomatic English in describing own education field, job responsibilities, and companies’ fields and manages work issues efficiently with a broad stock of vocabulary in use. The terms and concepts used are appropriate and correct for the situation. Grammatical forms and structures are versatile. The language is almost flawless in grammar. Demonstrates excellent situational awareness with relevant contents for various situations and the language is appropriate in content and logical. Communicates clear and well-structured messages related to own profession in terms of written and spoken output. Pronunciation, word and sentence stress and intonation are correct and natural. Active interaction is created between the speaker and other persons participating in discussions.