Opinnäytetyön menetelmäopinnotLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: R801DL32OJ
5 op
- englanti
Developing Online and Off-line Experiences
Developing Experiences (project)
The student understands the significance of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise in tourism. He/she comprehends the objectives set for a Thesis project of the Bachelor of Hospitality Management. He/she has basic skills for performing the thesis process and documenting it in a form of the required thesis report. The student is familiar with the basic research methods needed in a thesis project and is able to apply them in his/her own thesis.
Tieto puuttuu
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has vague understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has manifold difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has poor knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are very limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is very challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows no analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has some difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has basic knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are somewhat limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows vague analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student understands most of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends quite well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can mostly apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project quite well. The student shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends very well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has very good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project very well. The student shows very good analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends completely the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has profound and excellent knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge fully in his/her own thesis project. The student shows deep analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
14.03.2023 - 25.10.2023
01.11.2023 - 29.02.2024
5 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
1 op
80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Tourism
- Adrian Braun
- Adrian Braun
- Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
R81D21STourism, Rovaniemi autumn 2021
Developing Online and Off-line Experiences
Developing Experiences (project)
The student understands the significance of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise in tourism. He/she comprehends the objectives set for a Thesis project of the Bachelor of Hospitality Management. He/she has basic skills for performing the thesis process and documenting it in a form of the required thesis report. The student is familiar with the basic research methods needed in a thesis project and is able to apply them in his/her own thesis.
Tieto puuttuu
Aika ja paikka
1.11.2023 - 28.2.2024
Moilanen, T. et al. 2022. Methods for Development Work.
The list of the reading materials is updated on yearly basis. Each student will familiarise oneself in approx. 10 Bachelor Thesis reports/book chapters/journal articles in addition to other materials, e.g. lecture and/or web-based materials during the study unit
Thesis Process and Methodologies (TPM) study unit is partly executed in parallel with the Thesis Project and Academic and Creative Writing study unit. The main aim of the TPM study unit is to provide knowledge and tools for the upcoming Thesis Project for the students.
The objectives of the TPM study unit are the following:
The student:
- understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and also comprehends the objectives set for a Bachelor of Hospitality Management Thesis Project
- knows the structures of the different types of thesis and research processes
- has basic skills for performing the Bachelor´s thesis process and documenting it in a form of the required thesis report
- is familiar with the research methods needed in a thesis project and is able to apply them in his/her own project
- is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically during the thesis process
- is able to introduce one´s own thesis project idea in an Idea Poster Seminar, which is organised together with the Thesis Project study unit.
Sisällön jaksotus
Thesis Process 1,5 ECTS
Research methodology and methods for one´s own Thesis project 3,5 ECTS
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has vague understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has manifold difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has poor knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are very limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is very challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows no analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has some difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has basic knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are somewhat limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows vague analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student understands most of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends quite well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can mostly apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project quite well. The student shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends very well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has very good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project very well. The student shows very good analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends completely the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has profound and excellent knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge fully in his/her own thesis project. The student shows deep analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Excellent (5)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends completely the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has profound and excellent knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge fully in his/her own thesis project. The student shows deep analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends very well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has very good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project very well. The student shows very good analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Good (3)
The student understands most of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends quite well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can mostly apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project quite well. The student shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has some difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has basic knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are somewhat limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows vague analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Poor (1)
The student has vague understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has manifold difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has poor knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are very limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is very challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows no analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
14.03.2022 - 25.10.2022
01.11.2022 - 28.02.2023
5 op
- Englanti
- Tourism
- Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä
R81D20STourism (day time learning) Rovaniemi autumn 2020
Developing Online and Off-line Experiences
Developing Experiences (project)
The student understands the significance of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise in tourism. He/she comprehends the objectives set for a Thesis project of the Bachelor of Hospitality Management. He/she has basic skills for performing the thesis process and documenting it in a form of the required thesis report. The student is familiar with the basic research methods needed in a thesis project and is able to apply them in his/her own thesis.
Tieto puuttuu
Aika ja paikka
1.11.2022 - 28.2.2023
Thesis Project related forms
Ritchie, B.W., Burns, P., Palmer, C. 2005. Tourism Research Methods. CAB International (eBook)
Richards, G., Munsters, W. 2010. Cultural Tourism Research Methods. CAB International (eBook)
The list of the reading materials is updated on yearly basis. Each student will familiarise oneself in approx. 10 Bachelor Thesis reports/book chapters/journal articles in addition to other materials, e.g. lecture and/or web-based materials during the study unit
Thesis Process and Methodologies (TPM) study unit is partly executed in parallel with the Thesis Project and Academic and Creative Writing study unit. The main aim of the TPM study unit is to provide knowledge and tools for the upcoming Thesis Project for the students.
The objectives of the TPM study unit are the following:
The student:
- understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and also comprehends the objectives set for a Bachelor of Hospitality Management Thesis Project
- knows the structures of the different types of thesis and research processes
- has basic skills for performing the Bachelor´s thesis process and documenting it in a form of the required thesis report
- is familiar with the research methods needed in a thesis project and is able to apply them in his/her own project
- is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically during the thesis process
- is able to introduce one´s own thesis project idea in an Idea Poster Seminar, which is organised together with the Thesis Project study unit.
Sisällön jaksotus
Thesis Process 2 ECTS
Research methodology and methods for one´s own Thesis project 3 ECTS
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has vague understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has manifold difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has poor knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are very limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is very challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows no analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has some difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has basic knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are somewhat limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows vague analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student understands most of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends quite well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can mostly apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project quite well. The student shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends very well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has very good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project very well. The student shows very good analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends completely the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has profound and excellent knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge fully in his/her own thesis project. The student shows deep analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Excellent (5)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends completely the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has profound and excellent knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge fully in his/her own thesis project. The student shows deep analytical, reflective and critical approach in all his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student understands the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends very well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has very good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project very well. The student shows very good analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Good (3)
The student understands most of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and comprehends quite well the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has good knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. He/she is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply information in the required assignments and can mostly apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project quite well. The student shows somewhat analytical, reflective and critical approach in most of his/her activities. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has some difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has basic knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are somewhat limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows vague analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Poor (1)
The student has vague understanding of the role of research and development activity as part of today’s professional expertise and has manifold difficulties to comprehend the objectives set for a thesis project of a Bachelor of Hospitality Management. The student has poor knowledge of the Bachelor-level thesis and various research methods. His/her skills are very limited in retrieving, using, assessing and applying information in the required assignments. It is very challenging for him/her to apply the gained knowledge in his/her own thesis project. The student shows no analytical, reflective and critical approach in of his/her activities. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.