Pohjoinen liiketoimintaympäristöLaajuus (10 op)
Tunnus: R801DL23OJ
10 op
- englanti
Northern Region in Glocal Context
Study Tour in the North (project)
The student gets a holistic understanding of the business environment specifics in the northern areas as well as in businesses and industries operating in the Arctic region. He/she gets a thematic insight to the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism. He/she understands the principles of successful and effective project management, communication and tour leading. The student plans, implements and evaluates a small-scale study tour related to the Arctic tourism in northern parts of Finland, Sweden, Norway and/or Russia. He/she deepens his/her knowledge of how to retrieve and apply information. The student is able to use both written and spoken English in various business communication situations.
The student
- is familiar with business environment specifics as well as with businesses and industries operating in the northern areas
- knows how to use localness as a resource in business operations and is able to analyse the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism from sustainable point of view
- knows the principles of the project work and management and develops his/her practical team working and project management skills
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate a study tour in a group as a small-scale international project according to an assigned budget and thematic goals
- is able to demonstrate his/her tour leading and guiding skills
- is able to write documents required in business communication situations and use spoken English in various situations required by the working life taking also multicultural issues into account
- knows how to retrieve, use, assess and apply information critically from various sources
- business environment specifics (geopolitical, sociocultural, economic, ecological and ethical aspects) and different business and industries in the northern areas
- opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism
- principles of the project work and management
- a small-scale study tour related to Arctic tourism in Northern parts of Finland, Sweden, Norway and/or Russia
- tour leading and guiding
- communication in English in various business communication situations
- effective information retrieval from various databases and sources
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not know the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she does not know the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and the effects of the sustainable development. The student does not know the principles of the project work and management and he/she is not able apply the knowledge in his/her work. He/she does not participate in the study tour and does not demonstrate tour leading and guiding skills. The student is not able to write or speak English in various working life situations.
Poor (1)
The student has a very basic knowledge of the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she has limited understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and the effects of the sustainable development. The student has limited knowledge of the project work and management and he/she is only partly able to apply the knowledge in his/her work. The student demonstrates tour leading and guiding during the study tour but needs a lot of assistance. The student is able to retrieve and use the information but needs a lot of assistance. He/she is able to write and speak English on a satisfactory level in various communication and working life situations.
Satisfactory (2)
The student has a basic knowledge of the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she is able to describe the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and he/she recognises the effects of sustainable development. The student has some basic knowledge of the project work and management and he/she is partly able to apply the knowledge in his/her work. The student demonstrates tour leading and guiding during the study tour but needs assistance. The student is able to retrieve and use the information. He/she is able to write and speak English on a satisfactory level in various communication and working life situations.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student has a good knowledge of the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she is able to describe the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and the effects of sustainable development. The student has a good knowledge of the project work and management and he/she is able to apply the knowledge in his/her work. The student demonstrates tour leading and guiding during the study tour. The student is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply the information. He/she is able to write and speak English mostly fluently in various communication and working life situations.
Very good (4)
The student has a very good knowledge of the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she understands the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and the effects of sustainable development. The student has a very good knowledge of the project work and management and he/she knows how to apply the knowledge in his/her work. The student demonstrates tour leading and guiding during the study tour. The student is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply the information from various sources. He/she is able to write and speak English fluently in various communication and working life situations.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student has an excellent knowledge of the business environment specifics in the northern areas. He/she fully understands the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic tourism and the effects of sustainable development. The student has excellent knowledge of the project work and management and he/she knows very well how to apply the knowledge in his/her work. The student demonstrates successfully tour leading and guiding during the study tour. The student is able to retrieve, use, assess and apply the information critically from various sources. He/she is able to write and speak English in an excellent, native-like manner in various communication and working life situations.