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Innovatiivinen yrittäjyystoiminta matkailualallaLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: R801DL22OJ


5 op


  • englanti


Multidimensional Tourism Industry
Business Models and Processes (project)
The student gets a manifold perception of the entrepreneurship and innovations and how they are intertwined in the tourism field in different destinations around the world. He/she learns to use basic foresight tools to awaken his/her proactive and creative mind-set and develop his/her personal innovation skills. Entrepreneurial qualities and skills of the student are also analysed, reflected and promoted.


Tieto puuttuu

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.

Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.

Poor (1)
The student has vague knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovations and the linkage between them in tourism. He/she has manifold difficulties in using basic foresight tools. The student has very limited skills to analyse his/her personal skills from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship. The student shows no critical, analytical and reflective thinking in his/her studies. His/her oral presentation skills are poor. The student has many challenges in completing the assignments according to the instructions.

Satisfactory (2)
The student has satisfactory knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovations and the linkage between them in tourism. He/she has some difficulties in using basic foresight tools. The student is able to make a basic-level analysis on his/her personal skills from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship. The student shows vague critical, analytical and reflective thinking in his/her studies. His/her oral presentation skills are satisfactory. The student has challenges in completing the assignments according to the instructions.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good (3)
The student has good knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovations and the linkage between them in tourism. He/she knows well how to use basic foresight tools. The student is able to make a somewhat reflective analysis on his/her personal skills from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship. The student shows a little bit critical, analytical and reflective thinking in his/her studies. His/her oral presentation skills are good. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.

Very good (4)
The student has very good knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovations and the linkage between them in tourism. He/she knows how to use basic foresight tools very well. The student is able to make a reflective analysis on his/her personal and skills from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship. The student shows critical, analytical and reflective thinking in his/her studies. His/her oral presentation skills are very good. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent (5)

The student has profound and excellent knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovations and the linkage between them in tourism. He/she knows how to use basic foresight tools in an excellent manner. The student is able to make a deep, reflective analysis on his/her personal and skills from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship. The student shows excellently critical, analytical and reflective thinking in his/her studies. His/her oral presentation skills are brilliant. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.