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Matkailun liiketoimintamallit ja -prosessitLaajuus (10 op)

Tunnus: R801DL20OJ


10 op


  • englanti


Multidimensional Tourism Industry
Business Models and Processes (project)
The student knows the principles of the most important business operations of a company or an organisation. He/she knows the basic business forms and processes.


Tieto puuttuu

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.

Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments, tests and/or the exam as required.

Poor (1)
The student shows only basic-level critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has only basic knowledge of various tasks, models and processes of companies and organisations. His/her marketing, financial management and innovation skills as well as knowledge of principles of project management are also at a basic level in planning and organising services and experiences for/in small-scale events and/or marketing projects. The student has very basic skills of mathematics. Only a few of the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Satisfactory (2)
The student shows some critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has rather basic knowledge of various tasks, models and processes of companies and organisations. His/her marketing, financial management and innovations skills as well as knowledge of principles of project management are at a satisfactory level in planning and organising services and experiences for/in small-scale events and/or marketing projects. The student has rather basic skills of mathematics. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good (3)
The student shows good critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has good knowledge of various tasks, models and processes of companies and organisations. His/her marketing, financial management and innovation skills as well as knowledge of principles of project management are at a good level in planning and organising services and experiences for/in small-scale events and/or marketing projects. The student has good mathematical skills. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Very good (4)
The student shows very good critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has very good knowledge of various tasks, models and processes of companies and organisations. His/her marketing, financial management and innovation skills as well as knowledge of principles of project management are at a very good level in planning and organising services and experiences for/in small-scale events and/or marketing projects. The student has very good mathematical skills. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent (5)

The student shows excellent critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has excellent knowledge of various tasks, models and processes of companies and organisations. His/her marketing, financial management and innovation skills as well as knowledge of principles of project management are at an excellent level in planning and organising services and experiences for/in small-scale events and/or marketing projects. The student has excellent mathematical skills. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions and deadlines.