Matkailu globaalina ilmiönä ja elinkeinonaLaajuus (10 op)
Tunnus: R801DL19OJ
10 op
- englanti
Multidimensional Tourism Industry
Business Models and Processes (project)
The student gets an overall picture of tourism as a global phenomenon and how the global economy affects the tourism industry. He/she knows the basics of international economics and is able to take into consideration changes in various operating environments. The student understands how world-scale events and changes may affect the local, regional, national and global tourism industry and is able to take it into account in planning different operations. The student also develops his/her ICT and mathematical skills to better meet the needs of analysing e.g. statistical information. He/she adopts a vision of tourism as an industry where national or regional borders do not form any obstacles for business opportunities. He/she knows the significance of clustering and networking in global tourism and economy and understands the role of international tourism and trade alliances, organisations, clusters and networks. The student know how to search for information e.g. by using the right databases and has a critical approach to the use of source materials.
· tourism as a global phenomenon and a vision of tourism where national or regional borders do not form any obstacles for business opportunities
· basics of international economics and national economies and how global economy affects to tourism
· different types of tourism and their versatile impacts on operating environments
· significance and impacts of world-scale events and changes on local, national and global tourism industry
· ICT applications (Excel) and mathematical calculations for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics related to global and national tourism and economy
· international tourism and trade alliances, organisations, clusters and networks and their role in global context
· sustainability and responsibility issues to a broader scale
· information retrieval, databases, source critics, plagiarism
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
These are the general assessment criteria. Please note that there might be more specific assessment criteria for learning assignments which will be given at the beginning of the study unit.
Fail (0)
The student does not complete the assignments according to instructions or does not attend the learning situations at all. He/she does not pass the assignments and/or the exam as required.
Poor (1)
The student has poor capability to reflect and apply knowledge in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has vague knowledge of the basics of economics and tourism as a phenomenon. He/she has difficulties to find any connections between the world-scale events and changes and to fully understand their effects on the local, national and global tourism industry and economy. He/she has poor understanding of the impacts of tourism in various contexts and changes in the operating environment. The student has very limited capabilities to apply his/her knowledge of sustainability and responsibility issues into tourism. He/she has poor ICT and mathematical skills for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics. The student has many challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions
Satisfactory (2)
The student has limited capability to analyse and reflect as well as apply knowledge in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has satisfactory knowledge of the basics of economics and tourism as a phenomenon. He/she is able to find only a few connections between the world-scale events and changes, and fully understands their effects on the local, national and global tourism industry and economy. He/she has some understanding of the impacts of tourism in various contexts and changes in the operating environment. The student applies vaguely his/her knowledge of sustainability and responsibility issues into tourism. He/she has satisfactory ICT and mathematical skills for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics. The student has challenges in performing the assignments according to the instructions
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Good (3)
The student shows somewhat critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has good knowledge of the basics of economics and tourism as a phenomenon. He/she is able to find some connections between the world-scale events and changes, and fully understands their effects on the local, national and global tourism industry and economy. He/she has rather good knowledge of the impacts of tourism in various contexts and changes in the operating environment. The student applies well his/her knowledge of sustainability and responsibility issues being also able to take them to a broader scale. He/she has good ICT and mathematical skills for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics. Most of the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Very good (4)
The student shows very good critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has very good knowledge of the basics of economics and tourism as a phenomenon. He/she is able to find connection between the world-scale events and changes and fully understands their effects on the local, national and global tourism industry and economy. He/she has good knowledge of the impacts of tourism in various contexts and changes in the operating environment. The student applies very well his/her knowledge of sustainability and responsibility issues being also able to take them to a broader scale. He/she has very good ICT and mathematical skills for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Excellent (5)
The student shows profound critical, analytical and reflective thinking and practical skills in his/her studies and work-related tasks. He/she has excellent knowledge of the basics of economics and tourism as a phenomenon. He/she is able to find clear connection between the world-scale events and changes and fully understands their effects on the local, national and global tourism industry and economy. He/she has excellent knowledge of the impacts of tourism in various contexts and changes in the operating environment. The student fully applies his/her knowledge of sustainability and responsibility issues being also able to take them to a broader scale. He/she has excellent ICT and mathematical skills for analysing and applying existing knowledge and statistics. All the assignments are performed according to the instructions.