Ammatillinen osaamisperusta hoitotyössäLaajuus (10 op)
Tunnus: K702DL11OJ
10 op
- englanti
- Hannele Kauppila
Competence goals:
You understand the significance of evidence-based knowledge and nursing science in nursing work. You are familiar with the role of a nurse.
You can define the fundamental concepts in nursing, and describe the nursing care process. You are able to retrieve, analyse and assess information available in health sector publications and databases. You know how to apply the document formats and referencing guidelines of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
- Competence requirements of nurses, operational environment of nursing
- Evidence-based nursing
- Fundamental concepts and principles of nursing
- Nursing care process
- First Aid 1
- Information literacy
- Written communication: Forms and formats of Lapland UAS