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Decision Making Process in Clinical NursingLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: K702DL23OJ


10 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Hannele Kauppila


Competence goals

You can explain different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
You can describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
You can define a patient's need for nursing care by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
You will be able to utilize basic diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
You are able to encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in different care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
You know how to support a person in an acute crisis.



Care and service chains
- National and international treatment recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of different disease groups
- Nurse's work in different operating environments
- Digital solutions in health services and their special features

Defining the need for nursing, decision-making process
- Therapeutic relationship in nursing
- Evidence-based action and decision-making
- Effects of health and illness on the patient's life situation
- Means of assistance and guidance in an acute crisis

Clinical nursing
- Pathology and pathophysiology, medical knowledge base
- The most common mental disorders and addiction as a phenomenon
- Action in situations requiring immediate care and in emergencies
- Resuscitation
- Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology
- Use of care and monitoring equipment

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the basic principles of the comprehensive process for treating patients and those of treatment and service chains.
You describe illnesses related to internal medicine, types of cancer and psychological health, and the mechanisms behind them.
You define the basic principles of the key procedures and examinations required in clinical nursing.
You describe the safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
Under guidance, you can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
Under guidance, you can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You describe the significance of evidence-based information as part of decision making and different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care.
You define nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You identify patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You apply the process of comprehensive patient care and consider it as part of the activities of patients’ treatment and service chains.
You classify the changes in the organ system resulting from the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing in comprehensive patient care.
You provide safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You use evidence-based information and based on your assessments, the benefits of different technological applications as part of patient care.
You provide, with justification, nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You face patients in acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the need for patient care and plan the process of comprehensive nursing based on evidence.
You connect the significance of treatment and service chains as part of comprehensive patient care.
You connect and interpret changes caused by the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health based on the patient’s symptoms.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing and interpret information obtained from them. You use the information obtained in decision making in nursing.
You plan, provide and assess safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can broadly use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You critically assess and use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You critically assess and use evidence-based information and plan the use of different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care and decision making in nursing.
You provide and maintain nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You support patients facing an acute crisis.


18.03.2024 - 26.05.2024


27.05.2024 - 20.09.2024


10 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hanne Luosujärvi
  • Marianne Karttunen
  • Heidi Korhonen
  • Jenni Kiiskilä
  • Sinikka Johansson
  • Sirpa Orajärvi
  • Susanna Leskinen
Responsible person

Sirpa Orajärvi

Student groups
  • K72D23S
    Nursing (day time learning) Kemi autumn 2023


Competence goals

You can explain different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
You can describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
You can define a patient's need for nursing care by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
You will be able to utilize basic diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
You are able to encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in different care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
You know how to support a person in an acute crisis.



Care and service chains
- National and international treatment recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of different disease groups
- Nurse's work in different operating environments
- Digital solutions in health services and their special features

Defining the need for nursing, decision-making process
- Therapeutic relationship in nursing
- Evidence-based action and decision-making
- Effects of health and illness on the patient's life situation
- Means of assistance and guidance in an acute crisis

Clinical nursing
- Pathology and pathophysiology, medical knowledge base
- The most common mental disorders and addiction as a phenomenon
- Action in situations requiring immediate care and in emergencies
- Resuscitation
- Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology
- Use of care and monitoring equipment

Location and time

27.5.2024-20.9.2024 Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Kemi campus


Only those parts that concern Decision Making in Medical, Surgical and Mental health


  • Skhole-material

  • EBMG, Evidence Based Medical Guidelines in Terveysportti, JBI - Finnish Center for Evidence Based Health Care,

  • Linton et. al. 2014/2016 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing. E-book from Ebsco

  • Davies et at. 2009. ABC of mental health: ABC series (available as an ebook)

  • Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System Manual. in ebrary of Nelli-portal:

  • Evidence based nursing materials and articles, materials in the Moodle environment.

  • Partanen ym. 2015 Päihdehoitotyö (in Finnish, available as an ebook))

  • Kuhanen ym. 2017, Mielenterveyshoitotyö (available as an ebook), in Finnish)

  • Huovinen ym. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö (applicable parts, available as an ebook, in Finnish) or Ahonen ym. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (available as an ebook, in Finnish)

  • Tait et al. 2012. Acute and critical care in adult nursing

  • Peate et al. 2012. Acute nursing care: recognizing and responding to medical emergencies

  • Harrison, R. & Daly, L. 2011. A nurse's survival guide to acute medical emergencies

  • Garza, D. & Becan-McBride, K. 2015. Phlebotomy handbook. Blood specimen collection from basic to advanced.

  • Abbott, H., Brainthwaite, W. & Ranson, M.2014. Clinical Examination Skills for healthcare professionals.


  • Adams, Michael Patrick; Holland, Leland Norman; Urban, Carol Quam, 2014. Pharmacology for nurses: a pathophysiologic approach.

  • Saano S. & Taam-Ukkonen M. (2020) Lääkehoidon käsikirja. SanomaPro. (in Finnish, available also as an ebook)

Anatomy and physiology:

  • Peate, I. & Nair, M.(ed.) 2017. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology for nursing and healthcare students. John Wiley & Sons Incorporated. Second edition. (e-book available) or Watson & Rogers 2011. Anatomy and physiology for nurses (or other anatomy and physiology book for nurses)

  • Material in the Moodle

Teaching methods

Independent studies and pre-assignments, virtual online courses, lectures, workshops, simulations and training, exams.

Exam schedules

Exam of anatomy and physiology 9.9.2024
Exam of medication 17.9.2024
Exam of clinical nursing 20.9.2024
Retakes in Exam classroom

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the basic principles of the comprehensive process for treating patients and those of treatment and service chains.
You describe illnesses related to internal medicine, types of cancer and psychological health, and the mechanisms behind them.
You define the basic principles of the key procedures and examinations required in clinical nursing.
You describe the safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
Under guidance, you can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
Under guidance, you can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You describe the significance of evidence-based information as part of decision making and different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care.
You define nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You identify patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You apply the process of comprehensive patient care and consider it as part of the activities of patients’ treatment and service chains.
You classify the changes in the organ system resulting from the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing in comprehensive patient care.
You provide safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You use evidence-based information and based on your assessments, the benefits of different technological applications as part of patient care.
You provide, with justification, nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You face patients in acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the need for patient care and plan the process of comprehensive nursing based on evidence.
You connect the significance of treatment and service chains as part of comprehensive patient care.
You connect and interpret changes caused by the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health based on the patient’s symptoms.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing and interpret information obtained from them. You use the information obtained in decision making in nursing.
You plan, provide and assess safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can broadly use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You critically assess and use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You critically assess and use evidence-based information and plan the use of different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care and decision making in nursing.
You provide and maintain nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You support patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation: 5-1 - rejected
Three exams to be assessed numerically: exam grading 0-5 (grade emphasis: Decision making in clinical nursing exam 50 %, Medication therapy exam 35 %, Anatomy and physiology exam 15 %), independent assignments pass/fail or pass/to be completed.
Independent assignments to be completed by the agreed deadline/before the workshops.
Workshop attendance 100 %, lectures 80 % (ways for making up for absences to be agreed on separately with a teacher)


13.03.2023 - 28.05.2023


29.05.2023 - 22.09.2023


10 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hanne Luosujärvi
  • Marianne Karttunen
  • Hanne Luosujärvi
  • Susanna Leskinen
  • Kirsi Heikkinen
  • Sinikka Johansson
Responsible person

Hanne Luosujärvi

Student groups
  • K72D22S
    Nursing (day time learning) Kemi autumn 2022


Competence goals

You can explain different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
You can describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
You can define a patient's need for nursing care by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
You will be able to utilize basic diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
You are able to encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in different care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
You know how to support a person in an acute crisis.



Care and service chains
- National and international treatment recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of different disease groups
- Nurse's work in different operating environments
- Digital solutions in health services and their special features

Defining the need for nursing, decision-making process
- Therapeutic relationship in nursing
- Evidence-based action and decision-making
- Effects of health and illness on the patient's life situation
- Means of assistance and guidance in an acute crisis

Clinical nursing
- Pathology and pathophysiology, medical knowledge base
- The most common mental disorders and addiction as a phenomenon
- Action in situations requiring immediate care and in emergencies
- Resuscitation
- Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology
- Use of care and monitoring equipment

Location and time

29.5.2023-22.9.2023 Lapland University of Applied Science, Kemi campus


Only those parts that concern Decision Making in Medical, Surgical and Mental health

-EBMG, Evidence Based Medical Guidelines in Terveysportti, JBI - Finnish Center for Evidence Based Health Care,
-Linton et. al. 2014/2016 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing. E-book from Ebsco -Davies et at. 2009. ABC of mental health: ABC series (available as an ebook)
-Adams, Michael Patrick; Holland, Leland Norman; Urban, Carol Quam, 2014. Pharmacology for nurses: a pathophysiologic approach.
-Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System Manual. in ebrary of Nelli-portal: -Evidence based nursing materials and articles, materials in the Moodle environment.
-Peate, I. & Nair, M.(ed.) 2017. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology for nursing and healthcare students. John Wiley & Sons Incorporated. Second edition. (e-book available) or Watson & Rogers 2011. Anatomy and physiology for nurses (or other anatomy and physiology book for nurses)
-Tait et al. 2012. Acute and critical care in adult nursing
-Peate et al. 2012. Acute nursing care: recognizing and responding to medical emergencies
-Harrison, R. & Daly, L. 2011. A nurse's survival guide to acute medical emergencies
-Garza, D. & Becan-McBride, K. 2015. Phlebotomy handbook. Blood specimen collection from basic to advanced.
-Abbott, H., Brainthwaite, W. & Ranson, M.2014. Clinical Examination Skills for healthcare professionals.
-Partanen ym. 2015 Päihdehoitotyö (in Finnish) Kuhanen ym. 2017, Mielenterveyshoitotyö (in Finnish)
-Ahonen ym. 2016. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (in Finnish)
-Saano S. & Taam-Ukkonen M. (2020) Lääkehoidon käsikirja. SanomaPro. (in Finnish also e-book available)
-Material in the Moodle

Teaching methods

Independent studies and pre-assignments, virtual online courses, lectures, workshops, simulations and training, exams.

Exam schedules

Exam of anatomy and physiology 30.8.2023
Exam of medication 11.9.2023
Exam of clinical nursing 22.9.2023
Retakes in Exam classroom

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the basic principles of the comprehensive process for treating patients and those of treatment and service chains.
You describe illnesses related to internal medicine, types of cancer and psychological health, and the mechanisms behind them.
You define the basic principles of the key procedures and examinations required in clinical nursing.
You describe the safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
Under guidance, you can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
Under guidance, you can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You describe the significance of evidence-based information as part of decision making and different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care.
You define nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You identify patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You apply the process of comprehensive patient care and consider it as part of the activities of patients’ treatment and service chains.
You classify the changes in the organ system resulting from the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing in comprehensive patient care.
You provide safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You use evidence-based information and based on your assessments, the benefits of different technological applications as part of patient care.
You provide, with justification, nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You face patients in acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the need for patient care and plan the process of comprehensive nursing based on evidence.
You connect the significance of treatment and service chains as part of comprehensive patient care.
You connect and interpret changes caused by the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health based on the patient’s symptoms.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing and interpret information obtained from them. You use the information obtained in decision making in nursing.
You plan, provide and assess safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can broadly use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You critically assess and use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You critically assess and use evidence-based information and plan the use of different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care and decision making in nursing.
You provide and maintain nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You support patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation: 5-1 - rejected
Three exams to be assessed numerically: exam grading 0-5 (grade emphasis: Decision making in clinical nursing exam 50 %, Medication therapy exam 35 %, Anatomy and physiology exam 15 %), independent assignments pass/fail or pass/to be completed.
Independent assignments to be completed by the agreed deadline/before the workshops.
Workshop attendance 100 %, lectures 80 % (ways for making up for absences to be agreed on separately with a teacher)


14.03.2022 - 31.07.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 5

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing


Competence goals

You can explain different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
You can describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
You can define a patient's need for nursing care by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
You will be able to utilize basic diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
You are able to encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in different care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
You know how to support a person in an acute crisis.



Care and service chains
- National and international treatment recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of different disease groups
- Nurse's work in different operating environments
- Digital solutions in health services and their special features

Defining the need for nursing, decision-making process
- Therapeutic relationship in nursing
- Evidence-based action and decision-making
- Effects of health and illness on the patient's life situation
- Means of assistance and guidance in an acute crisis

Clinical nursing
- Pathology and pathophysiology, medical knowledge base
- The most common mental disorders and addiction as a phenomenon
- Action in situations requiring immediate care and in emergencies
- Resuscitation
- Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology
- Use of care and monitoring equipment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the basic principles of the comprehensive process for treating patients and those of treatment and service chains.
You describe illnesses related to internal medicine, types of cancer and psychological health, and the mechanisms behind them.
You define the basic principles of the key procedures and examinations required in clinical nursing.
You describe the safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
Under guidance, you can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
Under guidance, you can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You describe the significance of evidence-based information as part of decision making and different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care.
You define nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You identify patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You apply the process of comprehensive patient care and consider it as part of the activities of patients’ treatment and service chains.
You classify the changes in the organ system resulting from the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing in comprehensive patient care.
You provide safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You use evidence-based information and based on your assessments, the benefits of different technological applications as part of patient care.
You provide, with justification, nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You face patients in acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the need for patient care and plan the process of comprehensive nursing based on evidence.
You connect the significance of treatment and service chains as part of comprehensive patient care.
You connect and interpret changes caused by the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health based on the patient’s symptoms.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing and interpret information obtained from them. You use the information obtained in decision making in nursing.
You plan, provide and assess safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can broadly use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You critically assess and use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You critically assess and use evidence-based information and plan the use of different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care and decision making in nursing.
You provide and maintain nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You support patients facing an acute crisis.


14.03.2022 - 31.07.2022


30.05.2022 - 16.09.2022


10 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

2 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing K


Kosmos, Tietokatu 1, Kemi

Teaching languages
  • English

1 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Susanna Leskinen
  • Marianne Karttunen
  • Hanne Luosujärvi
  • Kirsi Heikkinen
  • Sinikka Johansson
Responsible person

Hanne Luosujärvi

Student groups
  • K72D21S


Competence goals

You can explain different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
You can describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
You can define a patient's need for nursing care by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
You will be able to utilize basic diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
You know how to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
You are able to utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
You are able to encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in different care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
You know how to support a person in an acute crisis.



Care and service chains
- National and international treatment recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of different disease groups
- Nurse's work in different operating environments
- Digital solutions in health services and their special features

Defining the need for nursing, decision-making process
- Therapeutic relationship in nursing
- Evidence-based action and decision-making
- Effects of health and illness on the patient's life situation
- Means of assistance and guidance in an acute crisis

Clinical nursing
- Pathology and pathophysiology, medical knowledge base
- The most common mental disorders and addiction as a phenomenon
- Action in situations requiring immediate care and in emergencies
- Resuscitation
- Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology
- Use of care and monitoring equipment

Location and time

1.8.2022-18.9.2022 Lapland University of Applied Science, Kemi campus


Only those parts that concern Decision Making in Medical, Surgical and Mental health

-EBMG, Evidence Based Medical Guidelines in Terveysportti, JBI - Finnish Center for Evidence Based Health Care,
-Linton et. al. 2014/2016 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing. E-book from Ebsco -Davies et at. 2009. ABC of mental health: ABC series (available as an ebook)
-Adams, Michael Patrick; Holland, Leland Norman; Urban, Carol Quam, 2014. Pharmacology for nurses: a pathophysiologic approach.
-Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System Manual. in ebrary of Nelli-portal: -Evidence based nursing materials and articles, materials in the Moodle environment.
-Peate, I. & Nair, M.(ed.) 2017. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology for nursing and healthcare students. John Wiley & Sons Incorporated. Second edition. (e-book available) or Watson & Rogers 2011. Anatomy and physiology for nurses (or other anatomy and physiology book for nurses)
-Tait et al. 2012. Acute and critical care in adult nursing
-Peate et al. 2012. Acute nursing care: recognizing and responding to medical emergencies
-Harrison, R. & Daly, L. 2011. A nurse's survival guide to acute medical emergencies
-Garza, D. & Becan-McBride, K. 2015. Phlebotomy handbook. Blood specimen collection from basic to advanced.
-Abbott, H., Brainthwaite, W. & Ranson, M.2014. Clinical Examination Skills for healthcare professionals.
-Partanen ym. 2015 Päihdehoitotyö (in Finnish) Kuhanen ym. 2017, Mielenterveyshoitotyö (in Finnish)
-Ahonen ym. 2016. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (in Finnish)
-Saano S. & Taam-Ukkonen M. (2020) Lääkehoidon käsikirja. SanomaPro. (in Finnish also e-book available)
-Material in the Moodle

Teaching methods

Independent studies and pre-assignments, virtual online courses, lectures, workshops, simulations and training, exams

Exam schedules

Exam of anatomy and physiology 29.8.2022
Exam of medication 7.9.2022
Exam of clinical nursing 16.9.2022
Retakes in Exam classroom

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You define the basic principles of the comprehensive process for treating patients and those of treatment and service chains.
You describe illnesses related to internal medicine, types of cancer and psychological health, and the mechanisms behind them.
You define the basic principles of the key procedures and examinations required in clinical nursing.
You describe the safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
Under guidance, you can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
Under guidance, you can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You describe the significance of evidence-based information as part of decision making and different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care.
You define nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You identify patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You apply the process of comprehensive patient care and consider it as part of the activities of patients’ treatment and service chains.
You classify the changes in the organ system resulting from the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing in comprehensive patient care.
You provide safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You can use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You use evidence-based information and based on your assessments, the benefits of different technological applications as part of patient care.
You provide, with justification, nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You face patients in acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the need for patient care and plan the process of comprehensive nursing based on evidence.
You connect the significance of treatment and service chains as part of comprehensive patient care.
You connect and interpret changes caused by the most common illnesses related to internal medicine and psychological health based on the patient’s symptoms.
You use the key studies and procedures required in clinical nursing and interpret information obtained from them. You use the information obtained in decision making in nursing.
You plan, provide and assess safe medication administration via natural routes in the medicinal treatment of different illnesses and different patient groups.
You can broadly use a multidisciplinary team in your work and decision making and reflect on your work in different phases of the nursing process.
You critically assess and use different digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
You critically assess and use evidence-based information and plan the use of different technological applications as part of comprehensive patient care and decision making in nursing.
You provide and maintain nursing-based interaction to improve psychological health and prevent disruptions and based on resources in different nursing environments for the patient and people close to them.
You support patients facing an acute crisis.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation: 5-1 - rejected
Three exams to be assessed numerically: exam grading 0-5 (grade emphasis: Decision making in clinical nursing exam 70 %, Medical treatment 15 %, Anatomy and physiology 15 %), independent assignments pass/fail or pass/to be completed.
Independent assignments to be completed by the agreed deadline/before the workshops.
Workshop attendance 100 %, lectures 80 % (ways for making up for absences to be agreed on separately with a teacher)

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not achieved a satisfactory level.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to satisfactorily explain different care and service chains and to plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
• You can satisfactorily describe the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes in the human body caused by them.
• You can satisfactorily define a patient's need for nursing by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
• You are able to somewhat utilize the key diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
• You are able to somewhat plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
• You are able to satisfactorily utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and to reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
• You are able to satisfactorily utilize various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
• You are able to satisfactorily encounter and maintain therapeutic interactions with the patient and his or her relatives in different treatment settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and are resource-oriented.
• You know how to satisfactorily support a person in an acute crisis.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

• You can explain different care and service chains well and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
• Can describe well the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the human body.
• You can well define a patient's need for nursing by combining and utilizing evidence-based information.
• You are able to make good use of the key diagnostic tests and procedures required in clinical nursing as part of the patient's overall care.
• You are well competent in planning, implementing and evaluating safe, natural routes of medication.
• You can make good use of a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process.
• You can make good use of various digital applications and solutions in customer and patient care and decision making.
• You are good at encountering and maintaining therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in a variety of care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and are resource-based.
• You know how to support a person in an acute crisis well.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

• You can explain extremely well the different care and service chains and plan and implement comprehensive patient care in a multi-professional team.
• You can describe in detail the mechanisms of the most common internal diseases, surgical, cancerous and mental health-related diseases and the changes they cause in the body.
• You can define a patient's need for nursing by combining and utilizing evidence-based information very well.
• You are very competent in utilizing the key diagnostic tests and procedures needed in clinical nursing as part of a patient's overall care.
• You are very well able to plan, implement and evaluate safe, natural routes of medication.
• You can utilize a multi-professional team in your work and decision-making, and to reflect on your own work at different stages of the nursing process extremely well.
• You are fully competent at utilizing a variety of digital applications and solutions in client and patient care and decision making.
• You have great competence in encountering and maintaining therapeutic interactions with the patient and their loved ones in a variety of care settings that promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and are resource-oriented.
• You have great skills to support a person in an acute crisis.