Liikunta-alan liiketoiminta ja yrittäjyysLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: R300CF06
5 op
- englanti
After this study unit:
• You recognize readiness, competences and traits needed in entrepreneurship, you recognize your own strengths and take them into account in planning an entrepreneurship path, business idea and in generating an idea in sports business
• You know the business environment in sports and you recognize business opportunities within the environment by also taking into account responsibility and sustainable development
• You recognize different forms and models of entrepreneurship and business
• You know the main business operations and recognize their interconnection
• You know and can apply the basics of business and business planning
Competences: Leadership and Management Competence, Business and Financial Management Competence
Theme 1: As an entrepreneur in sports business.
The readiness, traits, own strengths, self-efficacy, entrepreneur competence, entrepreneurship tests, entrepreneurship as a career option
Theme 2: Entrepreneurship and doing business in sports
The business environment of sports, business idea and generating an idea, megatrends, weak signals, business opportunities in sports, responsibility and sus-tainable development
Theme 3: Business planning
Different forms and models of entrepreneurship and business, basic business processes and their interconnection (financial management, marketing, sales, HRM and law), principles of business planning, business planning tools