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Liiketoiminnan media - ja suhdetoimintaosaaminenLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: R301DL118


5 op


  • englanti


Having completed this study unit,

- You can describe the practice of public relations in the field of sports

- You can name target audiences and can set the objectives for communication.

- You can implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting

- You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit

- You know enhanced communication techniques in order to deliver key points in a high-pressure environment.

Competences: Marketing Competence, Interaction and communication skills


Theme 1. External and internal public relations

Theme 2. Communication objectives and target audiences

Theme 3. Targeted communication on different platforms

Theme 4. Experience of a PR event and media kit

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
External and international public relations:
You are able to describe the practice of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can name different target audiences and are able to set simple objectives for communication.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit. You know the basics of enhanced communication techniques in order to deliver key points in a high-pressure environment.

Level 2
External and international public relations:
You know the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can identify different target audiences and set diverse objectives for communication.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting by understanding the importance of objectives.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
External and international public relations:
You understand the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can set diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by understanding the importance of different target audiences.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify your choices according to the objectives.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify the actions.

Level 4
External and international public relations:
You have a command of the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can set diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication, justify your actions, and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by analyzing the importance of different target audiences.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify and compare your choices.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify and compare the actions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
External and international public relations:
You have a command of the practise of public relations in the field of sport as a whole.
Targeted communication:
You can set and follow-up diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication. You can analyze and justify your actions and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by constructively analyzing the importance of different target audiences. You can edit and propose changes.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify the choices by comparing and separating.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan, implement and develop a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify the actions constructively.


01.10.2024 - 09.03.2025


10.03.2025 - 25.05.2025


5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, liiketalous R

  • Englanti

0 - 30

  • Arto Kuuluvainen
  • Mikael Kojo

Mikael Kojo

  • R31DS23S
    International Sport Business Management (full time day studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2023


Having completed this study unit,

- You can describe the practice of public relations in the field of sports

- You can name target audiences and can set the objectives for communication.

- You can implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting

- You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit

- You know enhanced communication techniques in order to deliver key points in a high-pressure environment.

Competences: Marketing Competence, Interaction and communication skills


Theme 1. External and internal public relations

Theme 2. Communication objectives and target audiences

Theme 3. Targeted communication on different platforms

Theme 4. Experience of a PR event and media kit



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
External and international public relations:
You are able to describe the practice of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can name different target audiences and are able to set simple objectives for communication.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit. You know the basics of enhanced communication techniques in order to deliver key points in a high-pressure environment.

Level 2
External and international public relations:
You know the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can identify different target audiences and set diverse objectives for communication.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in a sport setting by understanding the importance of objectives.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
External and international public relations:
You understand the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can set diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by understanding the importance of different target audiences.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify your choices according to the objectives.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify the actions.

Level 4
External and international public relations:
You have a command of the practise of public relations in the field of sport.
Targeted communication:
You can set diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication, justify your actions, and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by analyzing the importance of different target audiences.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify and compare your choices.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan and implement a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify and compare the actions.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
External and international public relations:
You have a command of the practise of public relations in the field of sport as a whole.
Targeted communication:
You can set and follow-up diverse qualitative and quantitative objectives for communication. You can analyze and justify your actions and evaluate the achievement of the objectives from different perspectives by constructively analyzing the importance of different target audiences. You can edit and propose changes.
You are able to implement targeted communication on different platforms in sport setting and you are able to justify the choices by comparing and separating.
Experience of a PR event and media kit:
You can plan, implement and develop a PR event and media kit by taking into account the target audiences and justify the actions constructively.