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Urheilu sosiaalisena ja globaalina ilmiönäLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: R301DL101


5 op


  • englanti


Having completed this study unit,

- You can understand the importance of sport to communities and the benefits of sport participation for individuals;

- You comprehend the globalisation and nationalisation of sport, and the extent to which sport has been used in social activism;

- You gain an understanding of the complex nature of sport, race, gender, culture identity and the sports world;

- You develop an understanding of the Olympics and analyze the impacts of global sport movements

Competences: Learning to learn Competence, Ethics Competence, International and multiculturalism Competence


Theme 1. Discover the important role sport plays in communities.
Theme 2. Sport at all levels, locally, nationally and globally.
Theme 3. Sport and social benefits
Theme 4. Discover the Olympic movement

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a basic understanding of the sports and society. The student displays a basic coverage for the required level but shows an attempt to address the subject. Significant gaps and errors but include >40% of the expected factual content.

Level 2
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a satisfactory understanding of the sports and the society. There may be gaps not developed at the appropriate level, but the overall standard of understanding is satisfactory.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You know how to describe sports and the society. You can understand social benefits to sport. Good understanding of the material with coverage at the appropriate level. Some aspects may not be covered but this would be compensated by the overall quality.

Level 4
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a comprehensive understanding of the sport and the society including the social benefits at multiple levels. Excellent coverage of the topic, focusing precisely on the set question.
The students understanding is articulated such that it contributes to the reader’s understanding. Depth and breadth of content is very good.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a comprehensive understanding of the sport and the society including the social benefits at multiple levels. The student displays a deep understanding to the societal complexity of sport and the global movement.

Evidence of understanding is outstanding and completely demonstrates understanding of the topics covered. Depth and breadth of content is excellent.


01.03.2023 - 24.09.2023


25.09.2023 - 30.11.2023


5 op




Tradenomikoulutus, liiketalous R

  • Englanti

0 - 35

  • Anzelika Krastina

Anzelika Krastina

  • RA75L22S
    Liikunnanohjaajakoulutus, Rovaniemi, Syksy 2022
  • R31DS23S
    International Sport Business Management (full time day studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2023


Having completed this study unit,

- You can understand the importance of sport to communities and the benefits of sport participation for individuals;

- You comprehend the globalisation and nationalisation of sport, and the extent to which sport has been used in social activism;

- You gain an understanding of the complex nature of sport, race, gender, culture identity and the sports world;

- You develop an understanding of the Olympics and analyze the impacts of global sport movements

Competences: Learning to learn Competence, Ethics Competence, International and multiculturalism Competence


Theme 1. Discover the important role sport plays in communities.
Theme 2. Sport at all levels, locally, nationally and globally.
Theme 3. Sport and social benefits
Theme 4. Discover the Olympic movement

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Opintojakso toteutetaan englannin kielellä.

Lapin yliopiston läsnäoleva tutkinto-opiskelija voi ilmoittautua maksutta Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun tarjoamiin LUC-opintoihin, mikäli opinnot voi liittää omaan tutkintoon. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun Hakijan työpöydällä:



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Level 1
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a basic understanding of the sports and society. The student displays a basic coverage for the required level but shows an attempt to address the subject. Significant gaps and errors but include >40% of the expected factual content.

Level 2
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a satisfactory understanding of the sports and the society. There may be gaps not developed at the appropriate level, but the overall standard of understanding is satisfactory.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Level 3
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You know how to describe sports and the society. You can understand social benefits to sport. Good understanding of the material with coverage at the appropriate level. Some aspects may not be covered but this would be compensated by the overall quality.

Level 4
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a comprehensive understanding of the sport and the society including the social benefits at multiple levels. Excellent coverage of the topic, focusing precisely on the set question.
The students understanding is articulated such that it contributes to the reader’s understanding. Depth and breadth of content is very good.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Level 5
Sport as a Social and Global Phenomena:
You have a comprehensive understanding of the sport and the society including the social benefits at multiple levels. The student displays a deep understanding to the societal complexity of sport and the global movement.

Evidence of understanding is outstanding and completely demonstrates understanding of the topics covered. Depth and breadth of content is excellent.