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Customer Insight and Service DesignLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: A31L000326


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


On successful completion of the course, you can recognize different sources of customer information. You can build a relevant customer persona/profile based on different data and research. You can utilize quantitative and qualitative methods. You can combine different kinds of information to gain customer insight. You understand the role and meaning of service design. You can utilize the service design and co-creation processess and methods. You can design a simple usability test.


* relevant customer persona/profile
* quantitative and qualitative methods
* service design and co-creation processess and methods.
* test

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You recognizes some different sources of customer information. You knows how to collect data and information using a relevant method. You knows how to form a simple but relevant customer persona/profile. You recognizes some key processes and methods of service design and co-creation and their role in business development. You understands the idea of usability testing and knows some practical testing methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You recognizes some key sources of customer information. You can collect data and information using a relevant method and assess the reliability of results. You can use different kinds of information to form a detailed customer persona/profile. You recognizes the key processes and methods of service design and co-creation and knows how to apply them practically. You knows the method and process of usability testing and can design a simple usability test.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You recognizes relevant sources of customer information. You can collect data and information using different methods in reliable way. You can combine information to gain customer insight to form a customer persona/profile for practical business problem solving. You can apply service design and co-creation processes and methods in practical business situation. You can design a simple usability test and knows how to use the results in improving the usability of application or website.