Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Consumer Behavior and Customer InsightLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: A31L00052


5 op


  • englanti


After study unit You
- know the principles of consumer decision making, behavior, and consumption in glocal contexts,
- are able to recognize internal and external aspects influencing consumer behavior,
- know the key concepts of customer insight,
- are able to recognize customer needs as well as development needs of customer experience process,
- are able to evaluate the factors related to customer experience,
- are able to take into account customer understanding in creating a customer journey, as well as in creating customer personas,
- are able to visualize information.

Kompetenssit: Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan kehittäminen, ennakoiva kehittäminen


Consumer behavior
Customer insight
Customer experience aspects (for example ethical, sustainable development, megatrends)
Customer needs and development needs related to customer experience
Customer journey, customer profiles and personas

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Taso 1
Consumer behavior and customer insight:
You are able to name the principles of consumer decision making, behavior, and consumption as well as key concepts of customer insight.
You are able to name internal and external aspects influencing consumer behavior.
You are able to name customer needs as well as development needs of customer experience process.
You are able to evaluate at a basic level the factors related to customer experience.
You are able to take into account customer understanding in creating a customer journey in simple situations as well as to create simple customer personas.

Taso 2
Consumer behavior and customer insight:
You know the principles of consumer decision making, behavior, and consumption as well as key concepts of customer insight.
You know internal and external aspects influencing consumer behavior.
You know customer needs as well as development needs of customer experience process.
You are able to evaluate at a basic level the factors related to customer experience.
You are able to utilize customer understanding in creating a customer journey in simple situations and in creating customer personas.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Taso 3
Consumer behavior and customer insight:
You understand the principles of consumer decision making, behavior, and consumption as well as key concepts of customer insight.
You understand internal and external aspects influencing consumer behavior.
You understand customer needs as well as development needs of customer experience process.
You are able to evaluate the factors related to customer experience.
You are able to utilize customer understanding in creating a customer journey and in creating customer personas.

Taso 4
Consumer behavior and customer insight:
You have a command of the principles of consumer decision making, behavior, and consumption as well as key concepts of customer insight.
You have a command of the internal and external aspects influencing consumer behavior.
You understand customer needs as well as development needs of customer experience process.
You are able to analyze the factors related to customer experience.
You are able to utilize customer understanding in creating a customer journey and in creating customer personas and analyze the results.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Taso 5
Consumer behavior and customer insight:
You are able to create a customer journey and customer personas based on the theoretical framework and is able to critically analyze the results.
You are able foresee internal and external aspects related to consumer behavior.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Appected/not accepted: Information visualization.