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Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (blended studies), Kemi, Autumn 2023: KA52K23S

Code: KA52K23S

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Autumn
1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027

(Choose all)

General Studies

(Choose all)

Mechanical Engineering Orientation

(Choose all)

AMKO006 Start of University Studies 5 5 5 5
K502K401OJ Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering 5 5 5 5
Languages and Communication

(Choose all)

K502K402OJ New Industry Communication 5 5 5 5
K502K403OJ Mechanical Engineering English 5 5 5 5
K502K404OJ Swedish for Mechanical Engineering 5 5 5 5
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
Mathematics and Physics

(Choose all)

K502K405OJ Basics of Mathematics 5 5 5 5
K502K406OJ Basics of Physics 5 5 5 5
K502K407OJ Mathematics Applications 5 5 5 5
K502K408OJ Physics Applications 5 5 5 5
Leadership and Projects

(Choose all)

K502K409OJ Management Skills and Leadership 5 5 5 5
K502K425OJ Project Skills 5 5 5 5
Basic Professional Studies

(Choose all)

Research and Development

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K410OJ Technical Drawing 5 5 5 5
K502K411OJ Cad as a Tool 5 5 5 5
K502K412OJ Basics of 3D printing 5 5 5 5
Technical Analysis

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K413OJ Technical Mechanics 1 5 5 5 5
K502K417OJ Technical Mechanics 2 5 5 5 5
K502K421OJ Applications of Machine Parts 5 5 5 5
Industrial Production

(Choose all)

K502K414OJ Production Technologies 5 5 5 5
K502K415OJ Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing 5 5 5 5
K502K416OJ Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance 5 5 5 5
Materials Technology

(Choose all)

K502K418OJ Industrial Steels 5 5 5 5
K502K419OJ Basics of Physical Metallurgy 5 5 5 5
K502K420OJ Behaviour of Steels in Welding 5 5 5 5
Automation and Energy

(Choose all)

K502K422OJ Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics 5 5 5 5
K502K423OJ Hydraulic Engineering 5 5 5 5
K502K424OJ Energy Technologies 5 5 5 5
Practical Training

(Choose all)

KOHA121AOJ Basic Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA121BOJ Basic Training 2 5 5 5 5
KOHA122AOJ Professional Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA122BOJ Professional Training 2 5 5 5 5
KOHA123AOJ Advanced Training 1 5 5 5 5
KOHA123BOJ Advanced Training 2 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 60)

Work Life Projects

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K426OJ Smart Manufacturing Platform Project 5 5 5 5
K502K427OJ Work Life Project 1 5 5 5 5
K502K428OJ Work Life Project 2 5 5 5 5
Maintenance of Production Facilities

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K437OJ Basics of Maintenance 5 5 5 5
K502K438OJ Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities 5 5 5 5
K502K439OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5 5 5 5
Maintenance Planning and Implementation

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K440OJ Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 5 5 5 5
K502K441OJ Dependability 5 5 5 5
K502K442OJ Industry 4.0 in Maintenance 5 5 5 5
Maintenance Economics and Management

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K443OJ Asset Management 5 5 5 5
K502K444OJ Economics of Maintenance 5 5 5 5
K502K445OJ Maintenance Management 5 5 5 5
Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 15)

R501RL478 Sustainable Mining 5 5 5 5
R501RL201 Geology and Mineralogy 5 5 5 5
R501RL202 Open Pit Mining and Crushing 5 5 5 5
R501RL477 Underground Mining 5 5 5 5
R501RL479 Mine Planning 5 5 5 5
R501RL480 Project of Mine Planning 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K446OJ Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics 5 5 5 5
K502K447OJ Robotics Project 10 10 10 10
Digital Product Management

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K434OJ Digital Product Development 5 5 5 5
K502K435OJ Digital Product Data 5 5 5 5
K502K436OJ Digital Manufacturing 5 5 5 5
Additive Manufacturing and New Materials

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K431OJ Advanced 3D printing 5 5 5 5
K502K432OJ 3D printing project 5 5 5 5
K502K433OJ Future Construction Materials 5 5 5 5
Other Elective Courses offered by HEI

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
Entrepreneurship, Basic Module

(Choose ects: 30)

0 - 30
YRIT1111 Opportunities for Entrepreneurship 5
YRIT1112 From a Business Idea to Market 5
YRIT1113 Digitalization and Entrepreneurship 5
YRIT1114 Financial Management of a Small Company 5
YRIT1115 Starting and Developing the Business 5
Free-Choice Electives

(Choose all)

VVK502K401OJ Free-choice Elective 1 5 5 5 5
VVK502K402OJ Free-choice Elective 2 5 5 5 5
VVK502K403OJ Free-choice Elective 3 5 5 5 5

(Choose all)

MNTL100OJ Methodological Studies 5 5 5 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
Total 240 60 60 140 70 30 30 30 30 60 80 40 30 30 30 0 30 30 0 60 80 0 40 30 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Certificate structure

Professional studies
Technical Drawing
Cad as a Tool
Basics of 3D printing
Technical Mechanics 1
Technical Mechanics 2
Applications of Machine Parts
Production Technologies
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance
Industrial Steels
Basics of Physical Metallurgy
Behaviour of Steels in Welding
Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Hydraulic Engineering
Energy Technologies
Smart Manufacturing Platform Project
Work Life Project 1
Work Life Project 2
Basics of Maintenance
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Asset Management
Economics of Maintenance
Maintenance Management
Sustainable Mining
Geology and Mineralogy
Open Pit Mining and Crushing
Underground Mining
Mine Planning
Project of Mine Planning
Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics
Robotics Project
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Digital Manufacturing
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
From a Business Idea to Market
Digitalization and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management of a Small Company
Starting and Developing the Business
Professional Training
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Bachelor's Thesis
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Basic studies
Start of University Studies
Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering
New Industry Communication
Mechanical Engineering English
Swedish for Mechanical Engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Mathematics Applications
Physics Applications
Management Skills and Leadership
Project Skills
Methodological Studies
Free-choice electives
Free-choice Elective 1
Free-choice Elective 2
Free-choice Elective 3
Not grouped
Opportunities for Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Competences (2023-)

Digital Product Development
Cad as a Tool
Basics of 3D printing
Technical Mechanics 1
Technical Mechanics 2
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials

The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
• Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
• Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
• Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
• Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
• Is able to influence society based on ethical values

Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering
New Industry Communication
Management Skills and Leadership
Technical Mechanics 1
Technical Mechanics 2
Applications of Machine Parts
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Methodological Studies
Proactive Development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
• Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
• Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
• Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
• Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field

Management Skills and Leadership
Technical Mechanics 1
Applications of Machine Parts
Hydraulic Engineering
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Asset Management
Maintenance Management
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Digital Manufacturing
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Methodological Studies
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
• Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
• Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
• Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Mechanical Engineering English
Swedish for Mechanical Engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Sustainable Development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
• Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
• Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Physics Applications
Technical Drawing
Cad as a Tool
Basics of 3D printing
Technical Mechanics 2
Applications of Machine Parts
Production Technologies
Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance
Industrial Steels
Basics of Physical Metallurgy
Behaviour of Steels in Welding
Hydraulic Engineering
Energy Technologies
Work Life Project 1
Work Life Project 2
Basics of Maintenance
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Asset Management
Maintenance Management
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Machine Automation
Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Hydraulic Engineering
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Basic Skills in Mechanical Engineering
Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Mathematics Applications
Physics Applications
Project Skills
Technical Drawing
Cad as a Tool
Basics of 3D printing
Technical Mechanics 1
Technical Mechanics 2
Applications of Machine Parts
Production Technologies
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance
Industrial Steels
Basics of Physical Metallurgy
Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Hydraulic Engineering
Energy Technologies
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Work Life Project 1
Work Life Project 2
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Digital Manufacturing
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Engineering Materials
Technical Drawing
Cad as a Tool
Applications of Machine Parts
Production Technologies
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Industrial Steels
Basics of Physical Metallurgy
Behaviour of Steels in Welding
Modern Production Technologies
Basics of 3D printing
Production Technologies
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance
Energy Technologies
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Digital Manufacturing
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
• Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
• Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field.
• Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Start of University Studies
Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering
New Industry Communication
Mechanical Engineering English
Swedish for Mechanical Engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Basics of Mathematics
Basics of Physics
Mathematics Applications
Physics Applications
Basics of 3D printing
Technical Mechanics 1
Technical Mechanics 2
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Digital Manufacturing
Methodological Studies
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Industrial Maintenance
Technical Drawing
Cad as a Tool
Applications of Machine Parts
Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Hydraulic Engineering
Basics of Maintenance
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Industry 4.0 in Maintenance
Asset Management
Economics of Maintenance
Maintenance Management
Work Environment Safety
Basics of Physics
Physics Applications
Basics of 3D printing
Production Technologies
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Hydraulic Engineering
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities
Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
Asset Management
Digital Manufacturing
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
• Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
• Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
• Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
• Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.
• Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Start of University Studies
Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering
New Industry Communication
Mechanical Engineering English
Swedish for Mechanical Engineering
Swedish Oral Skills
Swedish Written Language
Management Skills and Leadership
Project Skills
Basics of 3D printing
Basic Training 1
Basic Training 2
Professional Training 1
Professional Training 2
Advanced Training 1
Advanced Training 2
Work Life Project 1
Work Life Project 2
Maintenance Management
Digital Product Development
Digital Product Data
Digital Manufacturing
Advanced 3D printing
3D printing project
Future Construction Materials
Not grouped
Smart Manufacturing Platform Project
Sustainable Mining
Geology and Mineralogy
Open Pit Mining and Crushing
Underground Mining
Mine Planning
Project of Mine Planning
Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics
Robotics Project
Opportunities for Entrepreneurship
From a Business Idea to Market
Digitalization and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management of a Small Company
Starting and Developing the Business
Free-choice Elective 1
Free-choice Elective 2
Free-choice Elective 3

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

General Studies

(Choose all)

Mechanical Engineering Orientation

(Choose all)

AMKO006 Start of University Studies 5
K502K401OJ Familiarizing with Mechanical Engineering 5
Languages and Communication

(Choose all)

K502K402OJ New Industry Communication 5
K502K403OJ Mechanical Engineering English 5
K502K404OJ Swedish for Mechanical Engineering 5
RUOTSIS Swedish Oral Skills 0
RUOTSIK Swedish Written Language 0
Mathematics and Physics

(Choose all)

K502K405OJ Basics of Mathematics 5
K502K406OJ Basics of Physics 5
K502K407OJ Mathematics Applications 5
K502K408OJ Physics Applications 5
Leadership and Projects

(Choose all)

K502K409OJ Management Skills and Leadership 5
K502K425OJ Project Skills 5
Basic Professional Studies

(Choose all)

Research and Development

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K410OJ Technical Drawing 5
K502K411OJ Cad as a Tool 5
K502K412OJ Basics of 3D printing 5
Technical Analysis

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K413OJ Technical Mechanics 1 5
K502K417OJ Technical Mechanics 2 5
K502K421OJ Applications of Machine Parts 5
Industrial Production

(Choose all)

K502K414OJ Production Technologies 5
K502K415OJ Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing 5
K502K416OJ Industrial Production and Operational Maintenance 5
Materials Technology

(Choose all)

K502K418OJ Industrial Steels 5
K502K419OJ Basics of Physical Metallurgy 5
K502K420OJ Behaviour of Steels in Welding 5
Automation and Energy

(Choose all)

K502K422OJ Basics of Hydraulics and Pneumatics 5
K502K423OJ Hydraulic Engineering 5
K502K424OJ Energy Technologies 5
Practical Training

(Choose all)

KOHA121AOJ Basic Training 1 5
KOHA121BOJ Basic Training 2 5
KOHA122AOJ Professional Training 1 5
KOHA122BOJ Professional Training 2 5
KOHA123AOJ Advanced Training 1 5
KOHA123BOJ Advanced Training 2 5

(Choose ects: 60)

Work Life Projects

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K426OJ Smart Manufacturing Platform Project 5
K502K427OJ Work Life Project 1 5
K502K428OJ Work Life Project 2 5
Maintenance of Production Facilities

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K437OJ Basics of Maintenance 5
K502K438OJ Mechanical Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
K502K439OJ Electrical and Automation Maintenance of Production Facilities 5
Maintenance Planning and Implementation

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K440OJ Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 5
K502K441OJ Dependability 5
K502K442OJ Industry 4.0 in Maintenance 5
Maintenance Economics and Management

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K443OJ Asset Management 5
K502K444OJ Economics of Maintenance 5
K502K445OJ Maintenance Management 5
Mining Technology

(Choose ects: 15)

R501RL478 Sustainable Mining 5
R501RL201 Geology and Mineralogy 5
R501RL202 Open Pit Mining and Crushing 5
R501RL477 Underground Mining 5
R501RL479 Mine Planning 5
R501RL480 Project of Mine Planning 5

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K446OJ Basics of Industrial and Consumer Robotics 5
K502K447OJ Robotics Project 10
Digital Product Management

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K434OJ Digital Product Development 5
K502K435OJ Digital Product Data 5
K502K436OJ Digital Manufacturing 5
Additive Manufacturing and New Materials

(Choose ects: 15)

K502K431OJ Advanced 3D printing 5
K502K432OJ 3D printing project 5
K502K433OJ Future Construction Materials 5
Other Elective Courses offered by HEI

(Choose ects: 30)

15 - 30
Entrepreneurship, Basic Module

(Choose ects: 30)

0 - 30
YRIT1111 Opportunities for Entrepreneurship 5
YRIT1112 From a Business Idea to Market 5
YRIT1113 Digitalization and Entrepreneurship 5
YRIT1114 Financial Management of a Small Company 5
YRIT1115 Starting and Developing the Business 5
Free-Choice Electives

(Choose all)

VVK502K401OJ Free-choice Elective 1 5
VVK502K402OJ Free-choice Elective 2 5
VVK502K403OJ Free-choice Elective 3 5

(Choose all)

MNTL100OJ Methodological Studies 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5