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Bachelor of Hospitality Management (daytime studies) Rovaniemi autumn 2025: R81M25S

Code: R81M25S

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Degree title:
Bachelor of Hospitality Management

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn
1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2028 3. / 2028 1. / 2028

(Choose all)

AMKO043 Start of University Studies 5 5 5 5
R81M01 Project Management Skills 5 5 5 5
The New Luxury of Tourism in Arctic Environment

(Choose all)

R81M02 Arctic luxury experiences 5 5 5 5
MAT203V24 Sustainable Tourism Planning 5 5 5 5
MATR204 Safety in Tourism 5 5 5 5
MAT201V24 Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon 5 5 5 5
Employee Wellbeing as Success Factor in Business

(Choose all)

R81M04 Work Community Skills 5 5 5 5
R81M05 Employee Experience Management 10 10 10 10
Customer Experience Management in Tourism

(Choose all)

R81M06 Customer Experience Management in Tourism 10 10 10 10
R81M07 Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing 5 5 5 5
Resource-Wise Development of Tourism Business

(Choose all)

R81M08 Basics of Tourism Business 5 5 5 5
R81M09 Financial Management of a Tourism Company 5 5 5 5
MATR212 Business Model Project 5 5 5 5
R81M10 Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry 5 5 5 5
R81M11 Operational Management in Tourism Business 5 5 5 5
Sustainable Tourism Management

(Choose all)

R81M12 Tourism Legislation 5 5 5 5
R81M13 Responsible Tourism Management 5 5 5 5
R81M14 Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism 5 5 5 5
Language and Communication Skills

(Choose all)

MATVMVV24 Multidimensional Communication 5 5 5 5
R81M15 Swedish for Tourism Professionals 5 5 5 5
R81M16 English for Tourism Professionals 5 5 5 5
R81M17 Communication in the Tourism Industry 5 5 5 5
MATVV Communication 0
MATVRS Swedish, oral skills 0
MATVRK Swedish, written skills 0
MATVE English 0
Practical Training

(Choose all)

R81M18 Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry 10 10 10 10
R81M19 Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry 20 20 20 20

(Choose ects: 40)

Vaihtoehtoiset profiloivat ammattiopinnot

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
Expert in International High-End Customer Experiences

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801DL74OJ Sustainable High-End Tourism 5 5 5 5
R801DL43OJ Diversity Management 5 5 5 5
MAT301 Destination Management 5 5 5 5
R81M20 Developing Expertise 5
Expert in Responsible Arctic Tourism.

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
MATY213V24 Cultural Sensitivity in Global Tourism 5 5 5 5
MAT403 Participatory Tourism Economies 5 5 5 5
YYMP0028V24 Tourism in the Era of Environmental Crisis 5 5 5 5
R801MVVIESTOJ Responsibility Communication 5 5 5 5
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
Development of Safe Customer and Employee Experiences

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R81ML80 Introduction to Tourism Work 5 5 5 5
R801MAGOJ19 Arctic Guide 5 5 5 5
VVV220 Safety Skills in Practice 5 5 5 5
Language and Culture Competence

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801MKTGLOJ German Language in Services 5 5 5 5
R801MKTRAOJ S´il vous plait 5 5 5 5
801MKTESOJ Spanish: Español del turismo 5 5 5 5
Development of the Tourism Industry

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R81MVASRUOOJ Responsible Food Tourism 5 5 5 5
Management of Research and Development Projects

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801MEUINT Introduction to EU-funded Development and Research Projects 5 5 5 5
R801MEUPTOOLS EU Project Planning and Tools 5 5 5 5
R801MEUIMP Implementation and Management of EU projects 5 5 5 5

(Choose all)

AMKO046 Research, development and innovation skills 5 5 5 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5 5 5 5
Total 210 70 95 70 20 30 40 40 55 30 40 20 30 30 10 40 50 5 30 40 0 20

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Certificate structure

Professional studies
Safety in Tourism
Business Model Project
Professional Training

No attached course units

Bachelor's Thesis
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Basic studies
Swedish, oral skills
Swedish, written skills
Free-choice electives

No attached course units

Not grouped
Start of University Studies
Project Management Skills
Arctic luxury experiences
Sustainable Tourism Planning
Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon
Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Basics of Tourism Business
Financial Management of a Tourism Company
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Operational Management in Tourism Business
Tourism Legislation
Responsible Tourism Management
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Multidimensional Communication
Swedish for Tourism Professionals
English for Tourism Professionals
Communication in the Tourism Industry
Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Sustainable High-End Tourism
Diversity Management
Destination Management
Developing Expertise
Cultural Sensitivity in Global Tourism
Participatory Tourism Economies
Tourism in the Era of Environmental Crisis
Responsibility Communication
Introduction to Tourism Work
Arctic Guide
Safety Skills in Practice
German Language in Services
S´il vous plait
Spanish: Español del turismo
Responsible Food Tourism
Introduction to EU-funded Development and Research Projects
EU Project Planning and Tools
Implementation and Management of EU projects
Research, development and innovation skills

Competences 2023


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
• Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field. • Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination. • Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions. • Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them. • Is able to influence society based on ethical values

Start of University Studies
Project Management Skills
Sustainable Tourism Planning
Safety in Tourism
Work Community Skills
Business Model Project
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Responsible Tourism Management
Research, development and innovation skills
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
• Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others. • Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields. • Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods. • Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field

Start of University Studies
Project Management Skills
Sustainable Tourism Planning
Employee Experience Management
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Business Model Project
Responsible Tourism Management
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Research, development and innovation skills
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
• Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
• Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work. • Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Arctic luxury experiences
Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Business Model Project
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Multidimensional Communication
Swedish for Tourism Professionals
English for Tourism Professionals
Communication in the Tourism Industry
Sustainable and regenerative tourism business

• Can identify and describe the basic concepts and principles of business
• Can identify various business models in the tourism industry
• Can develop and evaluate business models that support sustainable development, responsibility, and regeneration in the tourism industry
• Can identify and describe the basic concepts, tasks, and objectives of financial management
• Can identify and use financial monitoring metrics and indicators to track and assess the financial situation of a company
• Can identify principles of sustainable economy and apply them to financial management
• Can recognise the importance of customer insight and apply it to the tourism business
• Can plan, produce, market, and sell high-quality and personalised customer experiences and Arctic experiences to different target groups
• Can identify and apply principles and practices of customer-oriented sales and marketing
• Can use various tools and leverage the impacts and opportunities of digitalisation in planning, developing, and managing tourism business
• Can examine and develop tourism business as a conceptual whole
• Can price tourism services profitably
• Can describe regenerative tourism business in the new luxury context

Sustainable Tourism Planning
Safety in Tourism
Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon
Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Basics of Tourism Business
Financial Management of a Tourism Company
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Operational Management in Tourism Business
Tourism Legislation
Responsible Tourism Management
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Sustainable development
Arctic luxury experiences
Sustainable Tourism Planning
Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon
Employee Experience Management
Responsible Tourism Management
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
• Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments. • Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field. • Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned

Start of University Studies
Project Management Skills
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Basics of Tourism Business
Financial Management of a Tourism Company
Business Model Project
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Tourism Legislation
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Multidimensional Communication
English for Tourism Professionals
Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Research, development and innovation skills
Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis
Functioning in working life
Start of University Studies
Safety in Tourism
Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Basics of Tourism Business
Financial Management of a Tourism Company
Operational Management in Tourism Business
Responsible Tourism Management
Multidimensional Communication
Swedish for Tourism Professionals
English for Tourism Professionals
Communication in the Tourism Industry
Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Work community and leadership

• Can plan and lead one’s own activities
• Can identify aspects of operative management and act as a developing and evolving supervisor in the tourism industry
• Can act in a socially responsible manner in work communities
• Can identify factors affecting personal and workplace wellbeing
• Can describe the laws, agreements, and guidelines affecting work in the tourism industry
• Can identify the specific characteristics of tourism work and the responsibilities of employees and supervisors
• Can act in a customer-oriented and professional manner in diverse work environments and tasks
• Can lead employee experiences from a business perspective
• Can identify the principles of operative and human resource management in business management and development.
• Can identify the principles of strategic and operations management in business management and development.
• Can lead, evaluate, and develop operational processes, profitability, and productivity in tourism business
• Can analyse information related to the company’s operations and operating environment in business management and development
• Can apply principles and tools of responsible tourism management

Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Basics of Tourism Business
Financial Management of a Tourism Company
Business Model Project
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Operational Management in Tourism Business
Tourism Legislation
Responsible Tourism Management
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Multidimensional Communication
Swedish for Tourism Professionals
English for Tourism Professionals
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Responsibility and safety

• Can recognise the importance of responsibility and safety in the tourism industry and Arctic environment
• Can act responsibly and safely in the work tasks
• Can describe and utilise dimensions of ecological, economic, social, cultural, and political responsibility in tourism business
• Can describe and assess safety factors and risks affecting the tourism industry and activities, and develop tourism safety
• Can have a positive and regenerative impact on the environment, the region, and the community

Arctic luxury experiences
Sustainable Tourism Planning
Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Operational Management in Tourism Business
Responsible Tourism Management
Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism
Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry

• Can recognise the importance of nature, localness, and hospitality in tourism business
• Can identify opportunities and work environments in the Arctic tourism environment
• Can describe and apply principles of new luxury in planning and developing tourism business
• Can recognise and consider multiculturalism and cultural sensitivity in one’s own activities, tourism business, and communication
• Can communicate in a purposeful and hospitable manner in demanding communication and interaction situations

Arctic luxury experiences
Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon
Work Community Skills
Employee Experience Management
Customer Experience Management in Tourism
Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing
Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry
Multidimensional Communication
Swedish for Tourism Professionals
English for Tourism Professionals
Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry
Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry
Not grouped
Swedish, oral skills
Swedish, written skills
Sustainable High-End Tourism
Diversity Management
Destination Management
Developing Expertise
Cultural Sensitivity in Global Tourism
Participatory Tourism Economies
Tourism in the Era of Environmental Crisis
Responsibility Communication
Introduction to Tourism Work
Arctic Guide
Safety Skills in Practice
German Language in Services
S´il vous plait
Spanish: Español del turismo
Responsible Food Tourism
Introduction to EU-funded Development and Research Projects
EU Project Planning and Tools
Implementation and Management of EU projects

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

AMKO043 Start of University Studies 5
R81M01 Project Management Skills 5
The New Luxury of Tourism in Arctic Environment

(Choose all)

R81M02 Arctic luxury experiences 5
MAT203V24 Sustainable Tourism Planning 5
MATR204 Safety in Tourism 5
MAT201V24 Introduction to Tourism Phenomenon 5
Employee Wellbeing as Success Factor in Business

(Choose all)

R81M04 Work Community Skills 5
R81M05 Employee Experience Management 10
Customer Experience Management in Tourism

(Choose all)

R81M06 Customer Experience Management in Tourism 10
R81M07 Collaborative Customer Experience and Digital Marketing 5
Resource-Wise Development of Tourism Business

(Choose all)

R81M08 Basics of Tourism Business 5
R81M09 Financial Management of a Tourism Company 5
MATR212 Business Model Project 5
R81M10 Sales and Marketing in the Tourism Industry 5
R81M11 Operational Management in Tourism Business 5
Sustainable Tourism Management

(Choose all)

R81M12 Tourism Legislation 5
R81M13 Responsible Tourism Management 5
R81M14 Proactive and Regenerative Business Management in Tourism 5
Language and Communication Skills

(Choose all)

MATVMVV24 Multidimensional Communication 5
R81M15 Swedish for Tourism Professionals 5
R81M16 English for Tourism Professionals 5
R81M17 Communication in the Tourism Industry 5
MATVV Communication 0
MATVRS Swedish, oral skills 0
MATVRK Swedish, written skills 0
MATVE English 0
Practical Training

(Choose all)

R81M18 Basic Practical Training: Enhancing Professional Skills in the Tourism Industry 10
R81M19 Advanced Practical Training: Sustainable Development of the Tourism Industry 20

(Choose ects: 40)

Vaihtoehtoiset profiloivat ammattiopinnot

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
Expert in International High-End Customer Experiences

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801DL74OJ Sustainable High-End Tourism 5
R801DL43OJ Diversity Management 5
MAT301 Destination Management 5
R81M20 Developing Expertise 5
Expert in Responsible Arctic Tourism.

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
MATY213V24 Cultural Sensitivity in Global Tourism 5
MAT403 Participatory Tourism Economies 5
YYMP0028V24 Tourism in the Era of Environmental Crisis 5
R801MVVIESTOJ Responsibility Communication 5
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot

(Choose ects: 20)

0 - 20
Development of Safe Customer and Employee Experiences

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R81ML80 Introduction to Tourism Work 5
R801MAGOJ19 Arctic Guide 5
VVV220 Safety Skills in Practice 5
Language and Culture Competence

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801MKTGLOJ German Language in Services 5
R801MKTRAOJ S´il vous plait 5
801MKTESOJ Spanish: Español del turismo 5
Development of the Tourism Industry

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R81MVASRUOOJ Responsible Food Tourism 5
Management of Research and Development Projects

(Choose ects: 15)

0 - 15
R801MEUINT Introduction to EU-funded Development and Research Projects 5
R801MEUPTOOLS EU Project Planning and Tools 5
R801MEUIMP Implementation and Management of EU projects 5

(Choose all)

AMKO046 Research, development and innovation skills 5
AMKO001 Planning Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO002 Implementation Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5
AMKO003 Finishing Phase of the Bachelor´s Thesis 5