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Life as a learning environment

At the university of applied sciences, we are closely linked to real life. Working life and branches of industry are present in learning and the competence objectives have been set based on their starting points.

Problem-solving skills and decision-making skills develop when examining real working life problems and phenomena. The key is the learning that takes place during the problem-solving process as students search for, share and process information together while under guidance. Even if a solution is not found for the problem at that time, competence develops and learning continues.

Learning links together theoretical, practical and experience-based information. In the own learning environments of the UAS, research, theory and practical implementation meet in an inspiring manner. Learning is communal and collaborative. Students, teachers and working life build common knowledge and understanding. Learning is guided by methods of constructive assessment.


Lapland University of Applied Sciences offers studies in degree programmes leading to a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Students can also complete vocational specialisation studies, open UAS studies and other additional or further studies.

The education contents are presented in the curriculum. At Lapland University of Applied Sciences, the curricula are competence-based. The competence-based curricula specify the competence objectives of the degree programme and its studies, i.e. what a student needs to know, understand and be able to do as a result of the learning process. The contents of the curricula are being constantly developed in cooperation with students and working life.

The curriculum includes descriptions of the studies. The one and same study unit or module may belong to the curriculum of different student groups. The curriculum has been written in such a way that the study units always describe the unchanging contents of the implementation, and the possibly changing contents are included in the implementation description.

The curricula, their studies and study unit implementations of the previous years are all available in the archives.